In less than a breath, it was already in front of the body of the silver-tailed demon tiger beast.

  Then he violently swung the cold-lighted flying sword and stabbed into the body of the silver-tailed demon tiger beast.

  puff one by one

  Just listening to the sound of the silver-tailed demon tiger beast stabbing into it can make Zhu Hao's mood greatly improved...  

  Good guy, really good guy, this time, he was able to directly use the flying sword to stab in and come out to a depth of about half a meter.

  Because this silver-tailed demon tiger beast was not injured much before, it was still in a very good state.

  So the defensive ability that can be mastered on the body is really powerful.It can be said that it is different now.

  It is already on the body, after suffering such a series of negative injuries, coupled with the combined damage effect of a very trance.

  It has already caused the defensive ability on the body of this silver-tailed demon tiger beast to drop a lot.

  Therefore, it was the one that allowed Zhu Hao's flying sword to stab in at a depth of about half a meter.

  If it hadn't been for the mental energy attack of the previous dragon-subduing tiger stick, it wouldn't have been able to make this silver-tailed tiger beast so mentally stupefied.

  If not for such a trance. .

Chapter 815

  It's not that they can't organize a strong defensive ability to face the attack of Zhu Hao's flying sword.

  However, this is how things develop, and it's just that you can't do anything about it.

  Do you think you can do everything from now on?Of course it's impossible.

  If there is something in this world that can be repeated, isn't this world in chaos?

  At this time, Zhu Hao's attack achieved such a good effect. There is no doubt that Zhu Hao's mood was 26, very, very happy.

  However, being happy inside is not to the point where Zhu Hao is too happy.

  After all, who is Zhu Hao?Zhu Hao is a manly man who has seen many winds and waves, how could he be so careless.

  That silver-tailed demon tiger beast really suffered a lot of damage, that's not wrong.

  However, it didn't reach the point where he couldn't stand it and was about to die.

  It is still possible for people to break out an extremely powerful attack at any time and to take terrifying revenge on you.

  So, Zhu Hao has long since obtained this good attack damage effect, so he stepped down a little, controlled his body, and quickly retreated.

  If you don't act like this, then it will be just like the Murong Hanxing before.

  Originally attacking this silver-tailed demon tiger beast was a good thing, but you didn't dodge it in time.

  As a result, you encountered a powerful revenge against you.

  Now, I have learned the lessons of the previous people, and of course it is very refreshing to act.

  That silver-tailed demon tiger beast is really very depressed now, and the fighting spirit in his heart has dropped a lot.

  It was already a little bit like running away, the body was bound by the vines of Murong Xiaoxiao, and for a while, he couldn't break free.

  Otherwise, he really wanted to return to his huge cave that was peaceful and happy.

  Inside that cave is his old lair, where he can play with prestige, no matter how he plays.

  However, after going outside, these guys actually launched a joint attack on it from all directions and from all angles.

  A form like this is really very detrimental to its battle.

  However, do you think you can still go back to that huge cave of yours?What super international joke?Since you dare to come out today, then you can only wait for the time of your death to come.

  If you are injured like this, you can go back to your cave to hide, which is simply a huge insult to Zhu Hao and others.

  On the other side, the Poison King had already slowed down, and began to condense a new dark purple misty ball of light.

  The dark purple misty light ball burst out once again, and attacked the head of the silver-tailed demon tiger beast fiercely.

  This time, he has not been able to get rid of the negative state of Zhu Hao's mental energy attack.

  So ah, this time, the silver-tailed demon tiger beast is really difficult to do. .

Chapter 816

  I have dealt with this attack from the Poison King.

  Sure enough, in less than a breath, the dark purple misty light ball that the Poison King erupted had already smashed into the head of the silver-tailed demon tiger beast.

  It can be said that the silver-tailed demon tiger beast will have a lot of bad luck next.

  After all, the powerful poisonous light ball of the Poison King is not something that can be dealt with casually.Toxicity is such a thing, it is not because your cultivation realm is strong that you can forcibly resist it.

  To be honest, this time the Poison King burst out with a dark purple misty light ball that was stronger than the previous light ball.

  At least there is an increase of more than [-]%.

  Therefore, in an instant, the head of that silver-tailed demon tiger beast burst out with a burst of blue smoke.

  That's a corrosive effect on the skin.

  It can be said that this silver-tailed demon tiger beast is really painful.

  The head also shook violently.

  I want to get rid of the poisonous damage of the dark purple fog of the poison king.

  However, do you think that you can really get rid of this dark purple mist attack of the Poison King so casually?That's a sticky poison.

  Once it attacks your body, it will stick to your body and continue to hurt your body.

  If that silver-tailed demon tiger beast couldn't get rid of the poisonous attack of the deep purple fog in a relatively short period of time, then it would really die today to see the Lord of Hell.

  Especially the part of the eye.

  It can be said that any creature, as long as he has eyes, his eyes will be afraid of poisonous attacks.

  Even your silver-tailed demon tiger beast is a powerful being whose cultivation realm has reached the late stage of the god realm.

  However, the eyes are still the same as ordinary creatures, a very fragile part.

  Now it has been corroded by the poisonous dark purple fog of the poison king.

  Puffs of blue smoke came out.There were a lot of tears in my eyes...

  In less than five breaths, the silver-tailed demon tiger beast already had two eyes that turned white.

  Yes, that's right, that eye has already been blinded by that terrifying poison of the Poison King.

  Two eyes, both eyes were blinded by the poisonous attack of the Poison King at the same time...

  Next, this silver-tailed demon tiger beast can really only face the rest of his unfortunate life.Although it is called Yu Sheng, it seems that there is still a long time.

  However, in fact, there is not much time left for this silver-tailed demon tiger beast, which can be said to be very short-lived (Zhao Zhaozhao).

  First of all, it was the bald man. After all, he was the one who hated and resented this silver-tailed demon tiger the most.This silver-tailed demon tiger beast, when it took action before, rushed out at once, and directly ate a partner of the bald man. Do you think it is irritating?

  Of course, the bald-headed man would be extremely angry at this silver-tailed demon tiger beast from the bottom of his heart.

  Now, I saw that silver-tailed demon tiger beast. .

Chapter 817

  The two eyes were already white, and it was obvious that they could no longer see the reality.That is to say, if you attacked that silver-tailed demon tiger beast in the past, that silver-tailed demon tiger beast would no longer be able to see him.

  The huge axe swung violently, and then it quickly charged towards the silver-tailed demon tiger beast.

  That huge axe slashed down at the head of the silver-tailed demon tiger beast...

  Boom one by one

  Almost in an instant, it was already hit hard on the head of that silver-tailed demon tiger beast.

  Good guy, this head is actually so hard, it can endure the terrifying attack damage effect of the bald man.

  However, do you think an attack like this is the most powerful attack you need to face?What are you kidding?Of course not, and Zhu Hao was also accumulating strength, and soon, Zhu Hao's gleaming sword in the sky, it was already a rapid impact.

  This time, Zhu Hao didn't hesitate a little bit, and directly stabbed the silver-tailed demon tiger beast at that part of the neck.

  puff one by one

  Almost in an instant, it was already stabbed into the neck of the silver-tailed demon tiger beast.

  All of a sudden, it turned out to be so smooth, and it was able to make a swirl of bright red blood spurt out from the neck.

  That amount of bleeding was really huge.

  After all, the special part of the wound really has a huge amount of blood flowing there.

  Now, this important part was opened up by Zhu Hao at once.

  How could that amount of bleeding be so small?

  That silver-tailed demon tiger beast was already in unbearable pain, and its body also rolled (cgdg) on ​​the ground.

  It feels like death is imminent, the last struggle before dying.

  In fact, the strength of this silver-tailed demon tiger beast is really very powerful.However, if you suffer, you suffer because you don't have many sophisticated means of attack. You just rely on your brute force the most. Your strength is very powerful, but you don't have subtle moves to cooperate with.

  Plus, your opponent is not just one person.

  Your opponent is so many people, of course it is impossible for you to fully take care of it.

  As the saying goes, two fists are hard to beat with four hands. Such a saying is not just casual, but it is very reasonable.When you face Zhu Hao, it is impossible to face the attacks of mustaches and bald men very well.

  If this kind of situation is in that huge cave, then there is no such trouble.

  After all, even if that cave is really big, it will shrink a bit when it gets deeper.

  When you get there, you just open your mouth and roar, and a terrifying gust of wind can burst out.

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