Chapter 840

  Now it seems that the fact is that this blood-eyed corpse-devouring dog boss really has an extremely powerful strength.

  Otherwise, it is really impossible to do it so easily that Murong Xiaoxiao's vines will be destroyed.

  However, fortunately among the misfortunes, the blood-eyed corpse-devouring dog boss just rushed over with brute force and destroyed the vines in front of him, not the one from Murong Xiaoxiao. To the point where all the vines were cut off.

  If Murong Xiaoxiao's vine plant was completely destroyed, then their dozens of blood-eyed corpse dogs could be attacked all at once.

  At that time, if you are 26, then it is really very troublesome...

  "It seems that this guy is not a very smart beast..."

  Zhu Hao thought secretly in his heart.

  However, even if the other party is not such a smart guy, it can't be underestimated, because the speed of the opponent's impact is so fast that people have a kind of effort that seems to be a blink of an eye, it is already watching It felt like the palm of his hand appeared in front of him.

  However, the good thing is that Zhu Hao is not in the front array.

  Of course, including Murong Xiaoxiao, is not in the first array.

  If you are in the first array, then there is no doubt that you will be the first to face the impact of the blood-eyed corpse dog boss...

  This time, the first target that the blood-eyed corpse-devouring dog came to attack was the bald man himself.

  To tell the truth, this bald man, with his own cultivation realm, also has the powerful strength in the middle stage of the god realm. In response to the attack of this blood-eyed corpse dog, it is reasonable to say that he should be able to draw a tie. , at least half a day is still possible.

  However, things are not so simple.That guy, who can burst out so fast as soon as he comes up, must have an extremely powerful real fighting strength.

  Sure enough, just when the bald man slammed his huge axe to meet him.

  He actually saw that blood-eyed corpse dog slap his paws violently, and slap the huge axe of the bald man aside.

  It's not just like this, but it is still possible to rely on this huge power and use the remaining huge power to attack the part of the chest of the bald man fiercely.

  At this time, at such a dangerous time, he was faced with such a terrifying attack, and that sturdy claws actually hit him in the chest.Such an attack, if you want to completely dodge out, it is really difficult.

  It is very possible that he is going to be injured...

  However, at this moment, Zhu Hao, who was behind him, also noticed this situation, and he violently shot the dragon-subduing tiger stick that controlled him and the blood-eyed corpse-devouring dog. .

  A moment of urgency like this is not meant for you. .

Chapter 841

  How much time to react.

  If you still have to slowly take out a suitable weapon from your storage ring, and then go up to attack, then it is impossible for you to have the opportunity to attack the opponent in time.

  So, at this time, Zhu Hao didn't hold any really powerful weapons even in his own hands, but as long as he used that dragon-subduing stick, he could temporarily target the blood-eyed corpse-devouring dog. attacked.

  That dragon subduing tiger stick, even if it is not an extremely sharp weapon, but the weight on it is also good, at least the weight of two hundred pounds.

  Don't look at this dragon subduing tiger stick, it doesn't seem to be a huge volume, but it is so heavy and so weighty.

  Such a weighty thing, if it is able to attack the opponent in a real way, it will definitely cause the opponent to receive a lot of damage.

  Boom one by one

  Almost in an instant, Zhu Hao's subduing dragon and subduing tiger stick hit the sturdy claws of the blood-eyed corpse-devouring dog very smoothly.

  It can be said that Zhu Hao's vision is really very accurate, a very timely attack.

  It directly saved the life of a bald man, and was able to hurt the blood-eyed corpse dog boss.

  Although it is not a very strong damage effect, at least it can reduce the comprehensive combat ability of that blood-eyed corpse dog.

  roar one by one

  After being hit by Zhu Hao's subduing dragon and subduing tiger stick, the blood-eyed corpse-devouring dog suddenly burst out with a painful bark.

  After all, the weight of [-] kilograms slammed onto your paws, do you think it would be easy to feel it casually?That was very painful.

  The bald man on the other side couldn't help but turn around, looked in Zhu Hao's direction, and nodded gratefully to Zhu Hao.

  Between men, there is no need for too many words, just a nod like this has fully reflected the strong feeling of gratitude towards Zhu Hao in the heart of the bald man. .

  At this time, Zhu Hao also responded with a cool smile to the bald man...

  Sometimes it's a lot easier if you only have to face one enemy.But now it's not just facing an enemy, so Zhu Hao couldn't smile for long, so he had to come back with a serious and calm expression on his face.

  Because, at this time, with the relatively large opening that the blood-eyed corpse-devouring dog boss broke, it was already from that opening that more than ten blood-eyed devourers were violently impacted by (the money's) younger brother. Corpse dog.

  Those little blood-eyed corpse-devouring dogs will not completely attack the bald man at the front.

  Instead, they spread out and attacked Zhu Hao's friends.

  In particular, there are two others, who turned out to be quickly facing Murong Xiaoxiao's body position and attacked them.

  Good guy, he actually planned to attack Murong Xiaoxiao in the past. .

Chapter 842

  Damn you, if you are an old man attacking Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu would still accept it in a calm mood, and face you in a calm mood.

  However, if you actually attacked the little girl Murong Xiaoxiao that Lao Tzu loves, then you will not be allowed to be arrogant! !

  At this moment, Zhu Hao suddenly took out the flying sword from his storage ring.

  Then, with a quick step, he suddenly attacked the one on the left who was about to attack Murong Xiaoxiao.

  Zhu Hao's flying sword, bursts of golden rays of light burst out in an instant.

  That is a phenomenon that exudes an extremely powerful power. Now, in order to prevent Murong Xiaoxiao from getting hurt, Zhu Hao really spared no expense to use [-]% of his own body's power. All exploded.

  That god and demon physique martial arts has already reached the golden body realm, and the power that can burst out is undoubtedly more powerful.

  Almost in an instant, the impact was already in front of Murong Xiaoxiao.

  Then it was the golden glittering (cgdg) empty sword that controlled him, and stabbed the blood-eyed corpse dog that attacked him.

  This time, Zhu Hao really had no intention of showing mercy.

  The angle at which the sky sword was stabbed was directly aimed at the mouth of the blood-eyed corpse-devouring dog.

  puff one by one

  All of a sudden, it was stabbed in the mouth of the blood-eyed corpse dog.

  A smear of bright red blood suddenly spurted out...

  Wang Wang Wang Yi Yi


  The poor little guy was suddenly stabbed in the mouth by Zhu Hao's terrifying flying sword. It can be said that how painful it is, how painful it is.

  In itself, the inside of the mouth is the part that is easy to feel pain. Now, it is not just a small injury, but the fierce stab of Zhu Hao's terrifying flying sword.

  So, that kind of pain, what a degree of pain, really can be imagined just by thinking about it with the toes...

  After the blood-eyed corpse-devouring dog screamed violently, its body fell to the ground.

  Then there was a twitch on the ground.

  After all, being stabbed in the mouth, that kind of injury, that kind of pain, is really impossible without convulsions.

  The blood-eyed corpse-devouring dog on the other side was stabbed by the cold sword that was controlled by Murong Xiaoxiao, so that one leg of the blood-eyed corpse-devouring dog was penetrated to the point where .

  Although it was not possible to easily kill this beast all at once, it also properly injured this beast.

  Immediately afterwards, Murong Xiaoxiao quickly attacked with a knife, and stabbed the blood-eyed corpse dog, which was already unable to maintain its balance, to the neck...

  Another smear of bright red blood spurted out, and it seemed that he would not be able to live for long.

  "Hehehe, Big Brother Zhu Hao, your arrival is really, really timely, if you hadn't come to help me, I would have faced the attack of two blood-eyed corpse dogs at the same time.

Chapter 843

  It is really very likely that you will be injured, thank you so much..."

  At this moment, Murong Xiaoxiao couldn't help but said to Zhu Hao with a grateful expression.

  "Hey hey, of course, my heart is always filled with friends, as long as I become a partner with my Zhu Hao, then I will definitely get my Zhu Hao's care and love, no It will hurt you casually..."

  Zhu Hao also smiled and replied to Murong Xiaoxiao.

  In fact, Zhu Hao tried to avoid it like this. After Murong Xiaoxiao heard it, not only did he not feel uncomfortable, but he felt a little cute in Zhu Hao.

  Obviously it's about caring about others, and I have to say that I care about my friends...

  With words like this, it is impossible to fool others, and to fool Murong Xiaoxiao.

  However, even if Murong Xiaoxiao saw through Zhu Hao's little thought, he did not break through that thought. Anyway, it was enough to understand Zhu Hao's caring and caring for himself. .

  As for whether or not to say it clearly~, that doesn't matter...

  However, things didn't go completely smoothly.

  At this moment, the blood-eyed corpse-devouring dog boss on the other side was extremely unhappy when he saw that his two younger brothers were quickly injured and maimed by Zhu Hao and Murong Xiaoxiao. of.

  Moreover, these two little brothers are still relatively close to him.

  If it is a relatively long distance, then do not deal with it for the time being.

  However, it is obviously so close, so do you think that people, as the boss, will ignore it?Unless the sun comes out from the west, this kind of thing cannot happen.

  roar one by one

  At this moment, the blood-eyed corpse-devouring dog boss slammed into Zhu Hao.

  That one was so fast, like lightning, it slammed into Zhu Hao's back.

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