Now, even if his body is not in the best state at this time, Zhu Hao tries his best to keep as if nothing ever happened.

  It seems that I am nothing, and it seems that my hands are still so natural and have no negative state.

  It can be said that Zhu Hao's act like this was successful. It was the blood-eyed corpse dog on the opposite side. Seeing Zhu Hao's calm and composed appearance, he felt a little bit inside. hesitated.

  Originally, the energy in this blood-eyed corpse-devouring dog must be much stronger than the energy in Zhu Hao's body.

  The reserve energy is really incomparable. You must know that although it is supported by a powerful god and demon, but Zhu Hao is also the realm of his own cultivation, it is only the realm of Yuanshen. only to that point.

  Under the current state, if it is really pure energy, it can't compare to the blood-eyed corpse dog on the opposite side.

  So, if at this moment, the blood-eyed corpse dog is really desperate to attack Zhu Hao again, then Zhu Hao is really best to run away first, and wait for his own negative after a while. The state has been completely restored.

  At some point, he will continue to fight back against this abominable beast.

  However, don't forget that at this time, Zhu Hao was not the only one on the field.

  Those (cgdg) other little friends, they all have a good fighting ability.

  Take the Poison King for example. Now he has raised his hands, and quickly condensed two dark purple misty light balls on his hands.

  There is a highly toxic gas in it. Once it touches your body, it can seriously poison your body.

  Now, the Poison King has been condensed and ready to attack.

  Immediately afterwards, the Poison King controlled the two dark purple misty light balls, and slammed it towards the body position of the blood-eyed corpse dog boss.

  This speed is still relatively fast.

  After all, it is a very light attack method, not something like a bald man, wielding a huge axe to attack.

  That kind of axe attack with a huge weight is relatively speaking, the speed is slightly slower.Poison King's method is closer to energy attack, of course, it will be very fast.

  At this moment, in the face of the two poisonous attacks from the Poison King, the blood-eyed corpse-devouring dog seemed to faintly sense a sense of danger.

  I can no longer continue to stare at Zhu Hao here and want to clean up Zhu Hao.

  If you still regard Zhu Hao as your main opponent. .

Chapter 848

  If you come to fight, then you are very likely to be attacked by the terrifying poison of the Poison King.

  So, at this time, the blood-eyed corpse dog can only dodge quickly.

  In fact, you don't want to see that blood-eyed corpse dog is a beast, but this beast is also a bit smart, and understands that the dark purple foggy light ball that the Poison King erupted is a highly poisonous thing.

  So ah, there is no hard-to-touch action operation with the dark purple fog light ball of the Poison King.

  Just ignore the thirty-seven-two-one, just to dodge.

  To tell the truth, this kind of monster is born with the ability to discriminate highly poisonous things. When I saw your kind of poisonous attack, it just broke out all at once. It was the breath that could keenly sense a trace of poison.

  Therefore, this powerful blood-eyed corpse-devouring dog is of course no exception, and it can quickly perceive the terrifying degree of this attack by the Poison King.

  It is also a loss that it is a beast with a keen perception ability, otherwise, it will definitely be under the poisonous attack of the dark purple fog light ball of the poison king, and it will not be able to eat and walk.

  , Even if you can't be on the spot and let you die to the point where you go to see the Lord of Hell, it will allow you to at least fight, and only less than half of you will be hit.

  After all, the Poison King is a powerful expert who cultivates the profound meaning of venomous poison. Do you think that the one who wanted to charge up the attack was an ordinary attack?

  However, this blood-eyed corpse-devouring dog is also a monster that is good at speed. Therefore, even if the dark purple fog light ball attacked by the poison king is relatively fast, there is still no smooth attack. to this beast.

  "Damn it, it's really terrible, you beast, you can have such a fast speed, if you don't run so fast, then you will definitely be attacked by my poisonous attack on the spot. Beaten to a half-dead!!"

  At this moment, the Poison King saw the blood-eyed corpse-devouring dog, and he actually watched helplessly as his attack was about to hit him, and he evaded it.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

  I really felt very uncomfortable inside.

  This dark purple fog light ball is not an ordinary attack, but an attack method that needs to be charged and burst.

  Sacrificing the time for a short burst of energy is to obtain the effect of this high-level burst of energy.

  In the process, there is no doubt that it is also an attack method that consumes a lot of its own energy.

  Well now, it turned out that the two dark purple foggy light balls condensed were not able to attack the blood-eyed corpse dog boss, which is a small regret.

  However, it was not to the extent that it directly made the Poison King feel discouraged.

  After all, as the saying goes, victory and defeat are commonplace in military affairs.

  When you can't face powerful monsters, you can succeed with just one attack.

  If that's the case, doesn't it mean that you are the protagonist in the whole world?Ten thousand.

Chapter 849

  A casual attack can defeat powerful monsters, so what is the protagonist?

  It's a pity that you are not the protagonist, Zhu Hao is the real man who is favored by God, who is destined to become the most powerful protagonist in this world!

  In fact, at this time, the Poison King did not consume a lot of energy, but only consumed about ten percent of that energy.

  On the other side, that Murong Hanxing had already started to take out his precious spear artifact, that long spear artifact, from his storage ring.

  It is also a very weighty instrument, and it weighs more than [-] kilograms.

  Although Murong Hanxing's strength was not comparable to that of the Poison King.

  But in terms of power, it is still a power level that is even more powerful than the Poison King.

  Therefore, it is quite normal for Murong Hanxing to be able to use this kind of [-]-pound long spear.

  This terrifying long spear, very quickly, is full of powerful power from all over.That was because Murong Hanxing saw that the time was ripe, so he quickly instilled the energy in his body into such a long spear.

  This golden spear, soon, under the control of Murong Hanxing, slammed into the body of the blood-eyed corpse-devouring dog.

  This extremely heavy spear, coupled with Murong Hanxing's deliberately increased power, the explosive power that erupted was really a very powerful one.

  If it can really attack the opponent, then it can definitely make the opponent at least suffer the more serious damage.

  Now, just dodging a terrifying poisonous attack from the Poison King, and facing this terrifying spear attack from Murong Hanxing, it can be said that this blood-eyed corpse-devouring dog is a rather tragic existence. .

  Now facing the siege of so many people.

  It can be said that if his younger brothers, the blood-eyed corpse-devouring dogs, continued to attack the mustachioed strong man, the bald-headed man, Wang Ruoxuan and others, it would now have to face many more attacking opponents. …  

  Thanks to the auxiliary effects of some of his younger brothers, otherwise, it might not be able to support the feeling for such a long time.

  To tell the truth, his strength is really a relatively strong existence, but you also have to look at your opponent, what kind of opponent he is.

  Is it an opponent, or several opponents, plus the strength of the opponent...

  Now, although Zhu Hao has not fully recovered, the joint attack of his own partners can still prevent the blood-eyed corpse dog boss from being able to react in time, and it is even more impossible to continue attacking Zhu Hao in the past. .

  In other words, it can allow Zhu Hao to recover from such a negative state of himself as soon as possible.

  After concentrating on recovering from his negative state, Zhu Hao's recovery speed was still relatively fast. Time passed unknowingly, about twenty breaths passed. look. .

Chapter 850

  Zhu Hao has fully recovered.

  On his arm, there is no longer the uncomfortable feeling that he had before, and it is already in a negative state where he will no longer tremble.

  There is also the internal organs, and there is no more uncomfortable feeling of being slightly shaken before.

  Now, it's time to launch a powerful attack of your own against that abominable beast.

  He quickly summoned his own dragon-subduing and tiger-subduing stick.

 26 To tell the truth, this Dragon Subduing Tiger Cudgel is still a very good weapon.extremely useful.That mental attack effect is effective for all creatures.

  Even if this blood-eyed corpse-devouring dog is a powerful being that has reached the middle stage of the god realm, it is impossible to avoid the spiritual attack effect of this dragon-subduing tiger stick.

  The previous more powerful monster would be affected by the mental attack effect of Zhu Hao's subduing dragon and subduing tiger stick.

  Could it be that this slightly weaker monster is still able to resist it?Unless the sun came out from the west, otherwise, it was impossible for that kind of thing to happen.

  After summoning his own stick of subduing the dragon and subduing the tiger, Zhu Hao suddenly instilled the extremely powerful energy of the profound meaning of life in his body into the subduing dragon and subduing the tiger stick without any hesitation.

  After receiving such a powerful energy support from Zhu Hao's profound meaning of life.

  That dragon subduing tiger cudgel suddenly burst out with bursts of green light.

  It makes people look at the point where it feels more dazzling, one can imagine how powerful that energy is.

  After seeing such an effect, Zhu Hao really felt very satisfied in his heart.

  Then, after gathering such a powerful energy, of course, it burst out and attacked.

  The dragon-subduing tiger stick slammed into the blood-eyed corpse-devouring dog on the opposite side, shooting a green light out.

  That green light is extremely fast. After all, it is a pure energy attack method, so that speed is really, very, very fast.

  It is impossible to let the blood-eyed corpse-devouring dog on the opposite side really want to avoid the past.

  Almost in an instant, it was already a severe blow to the body of the blood-eyed corpse-devouring dog.

  After suffering such an attack, the blood-eyed corpse dog suddenly trembled uncontrollably.

   After all, that green ray energy attack directly affects or even powerfully damages the brain in your head.

  It's already a very good effect to make you tremble all over, and it doesn't make you faint on the spot.

  Now, after the body trembles for a while, then you are really in danger.

  All around you are all Zhu Hao's friends.

  Those little friends are staring at you, this beast, one by one. After seeing your abnormal state, of course, they will not give you a chance to recover. .

Chapter 851

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