After all, they are not children anymore, how could they be still stunned at this time?He had already quickly taken out various weapons from his storage ring.

  Then he charged up, violently waving his cold-lighted weapons, and launched a violent attack on those beasts.

  If it is said, there is still a mighty side before. .

Chapter 873

  These beasts have become extremely timid now.

  There is no longer the terrifying feeling of opening a bloody mouth and biting at you.Instead, when they saw Zhu Hao's friends attacking, they all wanted to escape quickly.

  However, you have already run to the end of this trail, where is there any back way for you to escape?

  In fact, they were just squeezing each other's partners there.Can't really run away.

  puff one by one

  puff one by one

  For a time, Zhu Hao's friends all waved their weapons to quickly harvest the lives of those blood-eyed corpse-devouring dogs.

  In less than ten breaths, the more than twenty blood-eyed corpse-devouring dogs were completely beheaded.

  "Hahahaha... Not bad, big brother Zhu Hao, this energy barrier of yours is quite powerful. It was able to trap those abominable beasts in it, let's go up and kill them. ."

  At this moment, the Poison King couldn't help but turn his head and looked at Zhu Hao, said with a happy expression on his face.

  In fact, the Poison King is also a man with a lot of vision. It has long been seen that Zhu Hao's subduing dragon and tiger stick is a magic weapon that is truly infinitely useful.

  To be honest, in the heart of the Poison King, there is already a feeling of envy or even jealousy.

  Such a good magic weapon, such a wonderful magic weapon, if it can make oneself live, what a wonderful thing it will be?

  However, there is one fact that the Poison King doesn't know, that is, this subduing dragon and subduing tiger stick is a character that needs to rely on the profound meaning of life, so that it can stimulate a more powerful effect.

  Otherwise, you yourself are a person who cultivates the profound meaning of poison, how can you destroy that dragon-subduing tiger stick to stimulate the more powerful energy of the profound meaning of life?

  That is impossible.You must be the same as Zhu Hao, able to cultivate the very powerful meaning of life. In that way, you are the one who can stimulate the greatest formidable effect of this subduing dragon and subduing tiger stick.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

  "Hehehe, my dear eldest brother Zhu Hao, of course he is powerful, of course he is powerful. You didn't see how majestic and handsome he was after the battle before? My eldest brother Zhu Hao is heaven. The best man down there!!"

  Immediately afterwards, after hearing the praise from the poison king, Murong Xiaoxiao couldn't help but go up and grab Zhu Hao's arm, and said very happily.

........ 0

  Even if Murong Xiaoxiao heard that the person who was praised by the Poison King was Zhu Hao instead of herself, she was equally happy as if she was complimenting herself.

  Because, Murong Xiaoxiao already valued Zhu Hao more seriously in her heart than she valued herself.

  If Zhu Hao is injured, then Murong Xiaoxiao really would rather be injured than see Zhu Hao injured.

  Because, in Murong Xiaoxiao's heart, he cares about Zhu Hao so much, and loves Zhu Hao so much...

  Sometimes, people will say that the IQ of a woman who is in love will become zero... At this time, put this sentence.Ten thousand.

Chapter 874

  If it is used on Murong Xiaoxiao, it is basically very suitable and correct.

  However, Murong Xiaoxiao didn't care about that, even if someone said something like this to Murong Xiaoxiao in front of her, Murong Xiaoxiao wouldn't mind too much.

  In Murong Xiaoxiao's heart, it seems that she is lucky to have a man she likes so much.

  I don't know how many little girls in the world are not lucky enough to meet such a good man.

  Such a handsome man, such a powerful man, where did you go to find him?can you find it?Even if you hit the shit luck and found it, can you make that man look at you in the eye?

  You don't know how happy it will be to be in contact with such a beautiful man who seems to be pinched by God himself.

  "Hehehe, alright, Murong Xiaoxiao, don't shake my arm so vigorously, you don't know, that one of my arms has been shaken by you I don't know how many times, I I feel like my arm will be hurt by you in the future..."

  Zhu Hao couldn't help but also joked with Murong Xiaoxiao.

  Of course Zhu Hao could feel it, Murong Xiaoxiao's deep love and concern for her.

  Immediately afterwards, after hearing Zhu Hao's words, Murong Xiaoxiao let go of the arm that was holding Zhu Hao.

  After all, at this time, it's not just the two of them, there are also many people present. In such a large audience, it's better not to be like you and me.

  When it should be enough, it should be enough, otherwise, it will make people laugh.

  "By the way, Brother Zhu Hao, how do we distribute these blood-eyed corpse-devouring dogs? I feel that the various treasures of these blood-eyed corpse-devouring dogs are at least worth several thousand Profound Truth Stones."

  Immediately afterwards, Wang Ruoxuan couldn't help but come up and said to Zhu Hao.

  In fact, Wang Ruoxuan felt a little jealous after seeing Murong Xiaoxiao's very intimate actions towards Big Brother Zhu Hao, but it's not good to be so obvious... ..

  So, taking advantage of this moment, I came up and said a few words to Big Brother Zhu Hao.

  After all, Wang Ruoxuan also likes Zhu Hao very much in her heart. If she can get closer to Zhu Hao as much as possible, she should try her best to get closer.

  It is a way to be able to come up and say a few more words, and to try to bring the relationship closer.

  "Such a distribution is not a distribution of huge benefits. I won't get the benefits here. You can just divide it equally. I really don't need such a benefit."

  After thinking about it for a while, Zhu Hao touched his chin and said.

  Originally, Zhu Hao thought that he could refuse this distribution of benefits without thinking.

  However, Zhu Hao also felt that if he just gave it to him without thinking about it, he would simply reject it, and he seemed a little too arrogant and arrogant to ignore it.

  Zhu Hao didn't want to give people that feeling, so he deliberately made it as if he had thought about it. .

Chapter 875

  Then he said something like that.

  At this moment, Wang Ruoxuan didn't have much to say. She just went up and dragged out the blood-eyed corpse-devouring dogs. She started to join the team of the mustachioed strong man and the bald-headed man. some babes.

  Although it is not a huge treasure, the soul crystals of the blood-eyed corpse-devouring dogs and the materials of various parts of the body are also worth thousands of stones of the 26 Profound Truth.

  You say that the benefits of this are in front of you, so why don't you just refuse it?If you get it yourself, it will take a lot of your time and energy to get it, right?

  Therefore, such a benefit placed directly in front of you is basically what any normal person would want.

  It seems that a little half a column of incense has passed for a while, and the big guy has finally finished allocating these treasures here.

  Next, there is no doubt that the big guy will continue to prepare to explore this place, a more in-depth place.

  At that time before, in order to wipe out these blood-eyed corpse dogs.So instead of taking the big road, they followed them and took this small road.

  This small road, the same road, is not a road that can be continued, it has come to an end.So you have to go over your head and leave facing the outside.

  However, just when they were about to leave, they found that their road leading to the outside, at some point, was already the figure of an old man in white.

  The old man in white, who was extremely energetic and powerful, stood upright in the center of the road.

  At first glance, it is not something that a good person would do.

  After all, if you are a kind and good person, why do you approach so close, you don't even say a word, and you don't even say hello, you approach without saying a word, are you? Is there any conspiracy to fail?

  It can be said that at this time, no one on the field was able to detect the arrival of this old man in white in advance.

  This white clothed old man was able to approach so quietly, and he was still approaching to such an extent.

  To tell the truth, everyone is a cautious mood in their hearts, and they are full of them all at once.

  After all, the big guys are not children anymore. Of course, they understand that in this world, there is a saying that the intention to harm others is indispensable, and the intention to guard against others is indispensable.

  If you are unguarded in the face of such a person who is quietly approaching you, then you are very likely to go not far on the road of life.

  Especially in this world of cultivators who eat the weak.

  Generally speaking, no one will silently approach you for no reason. Basically, if they do, there are only two possibilities.

  What is one possibility?One possibility is that people are joking with you.

  However, does the old man in white in front of him seem to be joking with you?Obviously not kidding you guys at all. .

Chapter 876

  The serious expression on that face, no matter how you look at it, is more like finding fault...

  The second possibility is that people really are; they have come to trouble you...

  "Hey, you old man, what do you mean? Standing behind us so silently, are you a human or a ghost? Or are you saying you can't speak? Is it just impolite? Right? You won't even say hello?"

  Immediately afterwards, Murong Xiaoxiao couldn't help but hold the treasured sword tightly in her hand, then took two steps forward and asked the old man in white.

  To tell the truth, Murong Xiaoxiao felt that the old man in white didn't look like a good person.

  However, things have already happened if they didn't happen. At this time, you can't pretend that nothing happened, right?

  So, Murong Xiaoxiao went up ahead of time and asked about her own curiosity about the big guy.

  Although Murong Xiaoxiao appeared to be very bold, but Murong Xiaoxiao did not go very far, just took two steps.

  It is better not to get too close to the other party until you can tell whether the other party is an enemy or a friend.

  "Hand over all the storage rings on your body, and I can spare your life."

  However, at this moment, the old man in white actually took Murong Xiaoxiao's words as a deaf ear.

  Then he said these words that made everyone nervous.

  It turned out to be asking them to hand over all the storage rings on their bodies...

  What is this discourse?What is this operation?

  It's obvious that it's a robbery! !

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