Alright now, your feet are already tied and bound by that vine plant of Murong Xiaoxiao.

  If you still want to evade your body, it is basically impossible to do so.

  "Damn it, it's really terrible, but you will also completely irritate me, and you will pay a heavy price!!"

  Seeing that Zhu Hao's gleaming sky sword attacked his abdomen like that.

  However, his own body, for a time, was actually unable to dodge away at will.

  This white clothed old man was really very angry in his heart, and became very unhappy.

  Try to instill the strength in your own body into the abdomen and the feet.

  I hope that the damage effect of Zhu Hao's flying sword can be reduced as much as possible.

  At the same time, I also hope that the vine plant of Murong Xiaoxiao can be freed as soon as possible.

  puff one by one

  Almost in an instant, Zhu Hao's flying sword slammed into the abdomen of the white clothed old man.

  The effect is still the same as before.

  It's just that it can be stabbed to a depth of less than two centimeters.

  There is no way, after all, the strength of other people, (cgdg) is so powerful, it is not something you can do if you want to hit hard.

  It can be said that if the other party can condense all the strength in his body to his own abdomen at this time, then it can make his own abdomen hurt, Even lower.

  However, you can't do that either. You can't condense your own strength to your abdomen just because you want to reduce your damage.

  In that case, wouldn't he just let his feet still be in a state of being entangled and bound by that vine plant of Murong Xiaoxiao?

  That is a very unfavorable negative state.

  If it is just to minimize the damage to one of his abdomen, let his body still be bound by vines.

  Then you will be attacked more powerfully by Zhu Hao's other friends.

  At that time, you are really very weak and miserable.

  In fact, this old man in white, don't look at him as a very old and very old age, but he is not at the level of Alzheimer's, he is still relatively smart.

  Being able to clearly discern the current situation, try to break free as quickly as possible. .

Chapter 888

  The entanglement of Murong Xiaoxiao is serious business.

  bang bang bang

  Immediately afterwards, after the enormous power of the white clothed old man was instilled on his feet, the bondage of such a vine plant was directly broken by the enormous power.

  After all, the strength of the white clothed old man is so powerful, how could those vines of Murong Xiaoxiao fix the opponent's body.

  Unless the sun comes out from the west, otherwise, it is really impossible to completely-fix the old man in white.

  If this effect of yours can make people fixed, then people really don't need to mix.Is it possible to get to the point where it is today?

  In fact, at this time, behind the white clothed old man, the Poison King has already launched a new round of powerful poisonous profound meaning attacks.

  A dark purple misty ball of light quickly erupted, and then it hit the head of the white clothed old man severely.

  He just faced the attack of Murong Xiaoxiao's vines and Zhu Hao's flying sword.

  It hasn't recovered yet, that is, he has to continue to face the poisonous attack of the Poison King.

  Do you think it's really easy to deal with?Maybe, this time it is going to be further unlucky.


  The dark purple foggy light ball of the Poison King was still extremely fast. In less than a breath, it had already impacted behind the white clothed old man.

  However, this white clothed old man is really powerful and powerful, and even without turning his back, he can already feel the terrifying attack coming from behind him.

  So, even if he didn't see what was coming from behind him.

  However, based on an instinctive fighting action, the white-robed old man just quickly twisted his neck, tilted his neck to one side, and then tried to avoid the poison king. The huge crisis of the dark purple fog light ball's attack on the head.

  But, do you think it's over like this?Of course that's impossible! !

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

  You are strong, and you are dealing with the attacks of so many people, so it will take some time, okay?How can you operate seamlessly?How could you resolve all the attacks of everyone in a very short period of time?That's really impossible.

  Therefore, the dark purple foggy light ball of the Poison King was still on the shoulder of the old man in white, and it passed by gently.

........ 0

  This one is not easy to pass by, because the dark purple fog light ball of the Poison King has the same effect as flame.

  Not only the effect of corrosion damage, but also the accompanying burning effect.

  After passing by the shoulders of the old man in white clothes now.

  Directly 囧 slammed it on the shoulder of the white clothed old man, and a deep purple flame ignited.

  At the beginning, the deep purple flame was not that big.It's just a tiny flame like a finger.

  However, such a flame the size of a finger.Ten thousand.

Chapter 889

  Still being underestimated by that old man in white.

  In fact, the body of this white-clothed old man resisted the burning of some flames and persisted for a short period of time without any problem.

  Therefore, when he saw the finger-sized flame burning on his shoulder, he really felt that there was no big deal in his heart.

  Totally just didn't take it to heart.

  However, a mentality of despising your opponent like this is really very detrimental to your battle.

  That flame, although it looks small at first, you have to take a look. Who created that dark purple flame?

  Actually, at this time, if you really increase your attention and pay attention to the dark purple flame, you will find that there is a special kind of flame on the dark purple flame. breathable.

  It contains a trace of poison on it.

  More than just flames.

  The poisonous profound meaning is so powerful that it can harm you like this.

  That part, with the passage of time, that part has been quickly burned and torn through the clothes.

  It is already starting to really burn the skin inside.

  However, as I said before, this old man in white can still resist the burning of the flame with his own body.

  Although it is not unlimited to resist the burning of flames, it can still be done after resisting for a while.

  Therefore, after the old man in white saw that he had evaded the dark purple fog light ball of the Poison King, he completely stopped paying attention to the Poison King's attack.

  Immediately after that, he swung his right arm violently, and then swung it violently with that one.

  It was on his own arm that bursts of khaki light burst out.

  That khaki light directly turned into a beam of light, which was extremely fast at the opposite Zhu Hao's body, striking the past.

  After all, at that time before, Zhu Hao attacked the old man in white with the flying sword, hurting the old man in white, but they were hating you in their hearts...  

  How could he let you go like this?Of course, it is only true that they come up as soon as possible to take revenge on you.

  This khaki light beam that attacked Zhu Hao was, in fact, a relatively powerful attack.

  If it hit the poison king's body, it would be a point where the poison king could not eat and walk on the spot.

  However, now that we are attacking Zhu Hao in the past, what will be the result?

  Zhu Hao is also a man with very good eyesight. He has already seen that the attack of the khaki-colored beam of the opponent is an attack with extremely huge energy.

  If it's not helpless, it's better to try to avoid it.

  Instead of going up and facing such a powerful attack from others, it was a head-to-head confrontation.

  Fortunately, at this time, Zhu Hao still had time to act.

  It's just thanks to that old man in white who needed to dodge the poison king before. .

Chapter 890

  The attack of the deep purple fog light ball gave Zhu Hao a little time to react to prepare.

  Seeing that the khaki-colored beam attack was about to hit Zhu Hao's chest savagely, Zhu Hao's feet also slammed hard, and the bullet jumped up suddenly.

  The body directly jumped up to a height of about seven or eight meters on the spot, and it was easy to dodge the attack of such a khaki beam to 26.

  Such an attack is really very powerful. If it can really attack Zhu Hao's body, it can really make Zhu Hao unable to eat.

  Even if Zhu Hao's god and devil practice martial arts, he has already cultivated to the point where he has reached the realm of golden body.

  However, that god and devil practice martial arts, more or less, let Zhu Hao have extremely powerful power.

  That's one of the more practical aspects of attacking when it is used to fight.That's not to say you can use everything.

  For this time, there is not much effect.

  Sometimes, the role of teammates is so real and so practical.

  If only Zhu Hao came to face this old man in white, there was no doubt that Zhu Hao would be unlucky.

  It's just that Zhu Hao's luck is good, that is, he can be taken care of by God, so that Zhu Hao can have the support of so many partners at this time, and the strong help of so many partners.

  Even if the old man in white was really upset with Zhu Hao and wanted to kill Zhu Hao very much, he couldn't do it easily.

  Two fists are no match for four hands, as the saying goes is really good.Your strength is powerful, really powerful.But when you face so many people attacking you from all directions, you also feel that you can't handle it well.

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