Such a high-quality magic weapon is really good.Moreover, the number is not too small.

  In less than ten breaths, he had already taken out a dozen high-quality instruments.

  Good guy, really good guy.It turned out that in a short period of time, a treasure worth more than several million was already taken out.

  At a moment like this, whether it is Zhu Hao, a mustache, a strong man, and others, everyone feels very happy in their hearts.

  After all, it was possible that a large group of people would be robbed by the old man in white.

  Well now, it turned out to be the other way around. This old man in white is going to be robbed by the strength of his own side.

  Of course, strictly speaking, such a practice cannot be called a robbery.Because of this practice, it is obviously to let the other party pay for his wrong practice.

  You really shouldn't have come up and robbed everyone's storage rings so arrogantly before.

  Now after the joint battle with the big guy, he was properly defeated by the big guy.

  Then when you fail, you have to pay the price of your failure.

  Dare to bully the big guy, now of course it's the big guy's turn to bully you back.You actually wanted to take all the storage rings of the big guy before.

  So now, you have to hand over all the valuable treasures on your body, which is a very normal and reasonable (Qian Zhao Zhao) thing.

  In fact, these treasures are not the value of the treasures that are completely taken out.

  This old man in white still has several storage rings on his body.

  It's not that I put all my storage rings on my fingers.

  Although the storage ring is worn on the finger, it is relatively easy and convenient to take out or store it in.However, once you encounter some. .

Chapter 912

  In special circumstances, such as the current one, when you need to take out your entire net worth and hand it over to others.

  Then you are going to be tragic...

  So, hiding it is really very necessary.

  However, if you hide, it doesn't mean that you can really get away with it, because the opposite of you is a shrewd man like Zhu Hao, how could he just let you deceive the past. what.

  "My God, this old guy really has a lot of treasures on his body. In such a short period of time, we have already brought out such a series of high-quality treasures. We I really made a lot of money today!!”

  At this moment, that Murong Hanxing also came up and said to Zhu Hao.

  In fact, don't look at Murong Hanxing's usual appearance, as if he is not very interested in everything.

  Now, when I saw such an old man in white take out the high-quality instruments one by one, I was also moved.

  This kind of feeling of heartbeat (cgdg) is rare, but now that I have seen so many high-quality instruments, of course I will be properly moved.

  Not to mention that Murong Hanxing felt his heart move, even Zhu Hao himself was in a good mood, and it could even be said that he was forcibly suppressing his excitement.

  Don't let your overly excited mood show, otherwise, it won't be enough...

  For this old man in white, if you are merciful to him, then you are merciless to yourself.Just let him hand over all the treasures.Even if he looks a little pitiful, don't pity him.

  Whoever asks him to come up will rob everyone. This kind of bad guy is not worthy of sympathy for him when he is old.

  Time passed unknowingly like this, and about half a column of incense had passed. The old man in white finally completely covered a place of about five or six square meters in front of him. Filled with his various treasures, those treasures are all very valuable.

  Now, it's just stacked on the ground.

  It can be said that those treasures stacked on the ground, every one of them, can be taken out so that some ordinary practitioners are willing to pay the price of their lives to fight for it.

  Now, it is just piled up on the ground casually.

  "Hehehe... I have already taken out some of the most valuable treasures in my storage ring and put them here. Are you satisfied?"

  The old man in white had already started to stop.He said to Zhu Hao slowly.

  "Hey hey, satisfaction is satisfaction, but not very satisfied... Because, I know, you must have a hidden storage ring that you haven't taken out. If I'm not mistaken, your bracelet is also a Storage space baby, right?"

  At this moment, Zhu Hao touched his chin and said.

  It can be said that everyone present is not as powerful as Zhu Hao's spiritual power.

  Even the brawny man with a mustache who has reached the middle stage of the god realm. .

Chapter 913

  It is also not as strong as Zhu Hao's spiritual power.

  Because Zhu Hao is a special case, it is very difficult for other ordinary practitioners to have such a powerful spiritual power of Zhu Hao.

  If you must have such a powerful spiritual power of Zhu Hao, then you should at least have the level of strength in the late stage of the god realm, and only have the same powerful spiritual power as Zhu Hao.

  There is no way, in this world, there is no comparison between people, and that will only make people angry... Zhu Hao's good explosion luck is not owned by everyone.

  At that time just now, Zhu Hao used his extremely powerful spiritual power to sense that the bracelet of the old man in white was probably a space treasure, because there was a looming energy on it. .

  Zhu Hao is a person with a very keen mental sense.

  Once the energy fluctuation is sensed, there is basically no possibility of error.Before, I had been looking at the bracelet of the white-clothed old man, and found that he had been intentionally or unintentionally using some angles and postures to cover up the bracelet.

  This is a method that makes it clear that there is no silver [-] taels here, which makes the problem of this bracelet even more obvious.

  As a keen person, how could Zhu Hao miss such an opportunity to check?

  Unless the sun came out of the west, otherwise, there was no way - he would just go away.

  The old man in white on the opposite side had a stunned feeling after hearing Zhu Hao's words.

  To be honest, this old man in white is really unbelievable.His ears heard the words of the young boy.

  He even said that his bracelet was a space baby...

  This time, I saw the point directly.What level of spiritual power is this?This kid is obviously just a little guy in the primordial spirit realm.

  Why, why is it that you can have such a powerful spiritual power and can sense the special features of your own bracelet?

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

  This kid is really powerful, and I really underestimate him.

  You know, there are other people who seem to be more powerful.

  That brawny man with a mustache, that bald man, and that Wang Ruoxuan are all powerful characters whose strength has reached the middle stage of the god realm.

........ 0

  It turned out that no one could tell that his bracelet was a space treasure.

  Only this one Zhu Hao was able to find out that he was tricky in such a short period of time.

  As a hidden space treasure of such an advanced level, the energy fluctuations emanating from it are actually very, very rare.

  Such an energy fluctuation, if you have not reached the spiritual power in the late stage of the god realm, basically, it is very difficult to find.

  Even if you have reached the powerful strength in the late stage of the god realm, you have a very strong spiritual power.Ten thousand.

Chapter 914

  It's not to say that it is [-]% to be able to discover the speciality of this bracelet.

  Because this space bracelet of oneself, it cost three million Profound Truth Stones, and it is a special space treasure that can be obtained.

  Three million Mystical Stones, what number is this?This is a proper astronomical figure.

  You must know that the value of this kind of storage ring, that is, a mere [-] or so Profound Truth Stones, can buy the most common kind of storage ring.

  However, this storage bracelet has reached the level of [-] million Profound Truth Stones. It is conceivable that the special price means a special magical effect! !

  However, all of this was in front of Zhu Hao, and there was nothing to hide.It turned out that Zhu Hao, who was only in the realm of Yuanshen, discovered this high-level treasure of his magic weapon.

  To tell the truth, if you honestly hand over this storage bracelet at the bottom of your press box, you can almost say that it is as terrible as breaking one of your own arms.

  However, if given a choice, he certainly wouldn't deal with it honestly.Now the situation is stronger than people, so even if he is really very reluctant in his heart, he can only slowly take off his bracelet.

  "Young man, I really missed the mark. I can't see that your spiritual power is so powerful that it can sense that this bracelet of mine is a space bracelet... I really miscalculated. now..."

  The old man in white on the opposite side slowly took off the space bracelet and threw it to Zhu Hao.

  Yes, at this time, the old man in white did not throw the space bracelet on the ground, nor to anyone else, but directly to Zhu Hao.

  Because, at this time, the old man in white already knew that the most powerful player in this field was Zhu Hao.

  Because he felt that Zhu Hao's spiritual power was simply too powerful, stronger than anyone other than himself.

  Such a powerful spiritual force should also have an extremely powerful comprehensive combat ability...  

  That is to say, the old man in white already properly believed that Zhu Hao was the leader of the team.

  Although to be honest, Zhu Hao's strength is not much stronger than that of a mustache and a strong man.Can not really be the boss of these three small forces.

  However, since the old man in white thought so, he wouldn't say anything more.

  "Hey hey, you old guy, you just gave it to me? Am I going to be so stupid to open it? Don't you make some preparations? For example, remove some of the defense mechanisms above?"

  When Zhu Hao got the storage bracelet, he did not rush to open the storage bracelet, but smiled and said to the old man in white.

  In fact, Zhu Hao is an extremely cautious person, so he didn't think of the high-level treasure in that special storage bracelet, so he was anxious.

  If Zhu Hao was in such a hurry, it would be impossible for Zhu Hao to slowly go up the road of cultivation and get to where he is today.

  Zhu Hao's concentration is still very good. .

Chapter 915

  Even if there is still a slight possibility of danger, it is good to confirm it.

  "Hehehe, don't worry, this storage bracelet of mine has no defensive formations or something missing, because the biggest advantage of this storage bracelet is that it is extremely concealed, I said. It means the concealment of that breath."

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