· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

  It's as if someone, by your side, has a big horn and yells at your ears, not only is it extremely noisy, but it can also make your head feel a pain. feel it...

  It can be said that it is a really very uncomfortable consequence, but if you have angered others, you just need to bear this kind of consequence, and there is nothing you can do about it.


  In fact, the master of this psychedelic array is also a very powerful character in terms of strength, and has already properly reached the powerful strength of the late stage of the god realm.

  A guy who has reached the late stage of the realm of gods, still wants to use this psychedelic array to deal with Zhu Hao and others.

  I really don't know what to say about him...

  Your strength is to come and fight Zhu Hao and others on the spot, and it will not be easily defeated. After all, your strength is so powerful.But people just don't...

  People just have to rely on this powerful psychedelic array.Ten thousand.

Chapter 964

  To bully you even more unreasonably.

  There is no way, in this world, there are people who are so unreasonable, who are stronger than you, and bully you in such a completely unreasonable way.If you can encounter this kind of bad encounter, it is also relatively bad luck.

  However, even if Zhu Hao's luck was in a relatively bad situation, Zhu Hao was not frightened by this bad environment.

  Zhu Hao shouted abruptly, and then used his own stick to subdue the dragon and subdue the tiger, and blasted out a dazzling golden light, which stimulated it directly above this psychedelic formation.

  Because at that time just now, Zhu Hao was able to use his extremely powerful spiritual power to scan and find out, and the voice of the master of the psychedelic array burst out from right above this one. .

  Therefore, that place is likely to be the position where the master of this psychedelic array is located.

  Zhu Hao's conjecture was actually not wrong.The position directly above this one is the position where the master of the psychedelic array stands.

  However, the only regret is that this time is really too hasty. Zhu Hao's subduing dragon and tiger stick, the dazzling green light attack beam that burst out, only has about [-]% of the strength. That's it.

  If you want to use such a level of strength to be able to hurt the master of the psychedelic array outside, it is really impossible.

  Boom one by one

  Almost in an instant, Zhu Hao's dazzling green light hit the edge of the psychedelic array.

  However, it just sparked a wave of ripples.

  There is no such thing as being able to attack and destroy this psychedelic array...

  "Hehehe, you kid, I said that you are a vulnerable little guy, and it seems that I really did not say anything wrong. Did you actually think that you could just hurt me so easily? You really It's such a naive mind..."

  At this moment, behind Zhu Hao, three powerful monsters suddenly erupted and attacked Zhu Hao at the same time...  

  It seems that the owner of this psychedelic array is properly wanting to take revenge for Zhu Hao's attack on him just now.

  You still want to attack yourself?The owner of the psychedelic array was still a little unhappy, so, at this time, three monsters broke out directly, going up and besieging Zhu Hao at the same time.

  These three monsters have reached the level of the late Yuanshen realm in strength. It can be said that it is still a situation that is relatively difficult to deal with.

  However, Zhu Hao is Zhu Hao after all, of course it is impossible to be frightened by this difficult situation.

  He suddenly raised his cold-glowing flying sword high up, and then slashed at one of the monsters.

  This flying sword itself is also an extremely rare high-quality sword. Although this attack did not burst out under the more thorough preparations.

  But above, it can also have a relatively good energy, so this attack is to kill that monster at once. .

Chapter 965

  The light to the blow has dimmed a lot.

  It was directly that the body was hit and retreated a distance of about three or four meters.

  And then, things are not over yet, although this one withdrew after being beaten reluctantly, but there were two other monsters who quickly attacked Zhu Hao.

  These two monsters, in fact, are also very strong. If they can actually attack each other, they can definitely make the 26 opponent feel very uncomfortable.

  Even if Zhu Hao's strength has the strong support of the gods and demons, it will not feel good.

  Therefore, Zhu Hao would not underestimate the opponent's monster attack.

  That dragon-subduing tiger stick doesn't have a lot of energy on it yet, but if you continue to beat back one of the monsters, there is still no problem at all.


  All of a sudden, under his control, a dazzling green light suddenly shot out from the stick of subduing the dragon and subduing the tiger, and the monster that attacked was slammed out again.

  Because the level of energy is not strong enough, this time, it is not comparable to the previous effect of smooth on-the-spot killing.

  However, even if these monsters could not be killed on the spot, it would be a good situation to be able to shake them back.

  At least not being able to let those monsters approach him and put his body at risk of injury...

  It can be said that at this time, Zhu Hao's calm thinking allowed Zhu Hao to face it so easily. If Zhu Hao could not face it so calmly, it would be really difficult to show such a beautiful appearance.It would be unbearable to be besieged by those monsters.

  However, after all, there is still a feeling that two fists are invincible to four hands, and the remaining third monster is still close to Zhu Hao.

  At that time just now, Zhu Hao's flying sword also attacked, and then his own dragon-subduing tiger stick also consumed the energy on it, and there was no energy on it for the time being.

  So, facing this last monster attack, how will Zhu Hao face it?

  In fact, Zhu Hao is not a person who can only rely on magic weapons to carry out combat attacks, and his fist skills are still very good.

  Zhu Hao's huge fist slammed into the approaching monster.

  Although this fist is a physical attack, it also contains some energy attack components on it.After all, when it comes to attacking monsters in this form of energy, Zhu Hao already has the same instinct for every attack.

  After all, if you don't have an energy attack component on it, you won't be able to fight these special monsters well.

  It's just that sometimes, things don't always work out well for you.The current monster didn't feel any fear even when he saw Zhu Hao's huge fist attacking, and he still had a head-to-head with Zhu Hao's fist!

  Boom one by one

  Almost in an instant, the two sides collided violently. .

Chapter 966

  It can be said that this monster really didn't perform very badly, and it was only thrown away by Zhu Hao's huge fist for a distance of about one meter.

  Then it suddenly attacked again.

  This time, he used that foot to kick Zhu Hao's waist fiercely.

  Such an attack is really not too powerful, and the speed is still so fast.

  However, your strength is not bad, isn't Zhu Hao's strength not good enough?What super international joke?

  Zhu Hao saw that the monster's kick was about to hit his waist hard, and his foot jumped a little, already controlling his body, and jumping up suddenly.

  His body jumped up to a height of almost two meters, and he just easily avoided the attack of the monster in the past.

  Before the game was over, when Zhu Hao's body was still in the air, he suddenly instilled the powerful power of the gods and demons in his body into his right foot.

  Then the right foot with powerful energy slammed into the monster below and stomped on it.

  I have to say that at this time, the time was really too fast and short, so that the monster below was not able to cope with Zhu Hao's quick attack.

  Boom one by one

  This time, after Zhu Hao's power contained the huge energy of the gods and demons, the power of this kick was really very good.

  On the spot, the monster that was hit by it was wiped out! !

  "Hahahaha...how about it? You guy, do you think I'm so weak? Will I be defeated by some of your nonsense monsters? You really are It's naive, you still think I'm naive? You are really naive 々ˇ."

  Zhu Hao laughed coldly at the master of the psychedelic array.

  "Damn, you kid, you really have two slaps when you look at the waves. I sent three monsters to attack you at the same time, but they still couldn't hurt you. Your strength doesn't seem to be in the realm of primordial spirits, you With this strength, I feel that it is already in the realm of gods and gods..."

  At this moment, the owner of that psychedelic array couldn't help but said faintly.

  In fact, the owner of this psychedelic array is more accurate.Where is Zhu Hao's strength only in the realm of Yuanshen?The energy that radiates out has long been beyond the scope of the primordial spirit realm...

  "¨ˇ I said, as a guy, you still have some strength, why are you such a coward, why don't you dare to come out and fight me in an open and honest fight? Are you such a coward? Has it reached today's strength? It's too contemptible."

  Immediately afterwards, Zhu Hao quickly thought about it again, and said mockingly to the owner of the invisible psychedelic array.

  In fact, every word Zhu Hao said at this time was to deliberately stimulate the owner of the psychedelic array, because he tried his best to stimulate the owner of the psychedelic array, and hoped that the owner of the psychedelic array could be stimulated as much as possible. Show up. .

Chapter 967

  That way, you can directly attack the owner of this psychedelic array, which is the fastest way to crack this psychedelic array.

  If the owner of this psychedelic array can really be revealed, Zhu Hao really feels that he can deal with this guy quickly.

  After all, his own black gold battle puppet is also a powerful strength equivalent to the late stage of the realm of gods.Once this powerful killer is released, and with the help of so many partners, it will definitely be able to defeat the master of this psychedelic array.

  For this, Zhu Hao is still very convinced. After all, his own strength is not bad, plus three partners in the middle stage of the gods, and a black gold battle puppet is equivalent to the helpers in the later stages of the gods.

  If you say that such a lineup is still unable to defeat the master of this psychedelic array, then it can really be said that Zhu Hao's luck has come to an end.

  Zhu Hao's luck has always been good, is it coming to an end today?Of course it is impossible, unless the sun comes out from the west, otherwise, this one thing cannot happen.

  If Zhu Hao is allowed to deal with the master of the psychedelic array with such a powerful lineup, he will definitely be able to win the final victory! !

  "Damn brat, you feel very arrogant, do you think that your strength is only equivalent to the strength of the early days of the gods, and you want to compete with me? In your mind, what is it? What are you wearing?"

  The owner of the psychedelic array turned out to be deaf to Zhu Hao's words, and ignored Zhu Hao.

  After all, he is a powerful figure in the late stage of the God Realm, and he is looked down upon by a guy whose strength is only in the early stage of the God Realm. Will he really need to take it seriously?Of course he felt that killing Zhu Hao was as simple as pinching an ant to death...

  However, he now feels that it is a good way to use the power of this psychedelic array to deal with Zhu Hao and others more easily (cgdg), which can be said to be the least energy-consuming way.

  If you put yourself in the psychedelic array and fight Zhu Hao and others on the spot, then it doesn't mean that you are bound to lose, but it will consume more energy.

  So that's why the owner of the psychedelic array didn't show up directly to fight Zhu Hao and the others.

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