Chapter 979

  It can be said that the middle-aged man's body at this time is really uncomfortable.Because, being able to seriously knock his body out of the way, that power is such a powerful power.

  It can make his body suffer such a shock, but his brain has not been able to fully recover.Still in a trance state.

  After all, the attack effect of Zhu Hao's subduing dragon and subduing tiger stick is really powerful, and it is not so easy to recover.

  It's just, a little pity, that this negative state effect is not an effect that can be maintained all the time.

  The duration of maintenance is relatively short, even if Zhu Hao gave the energy of life safety to a complete explosion, that is, it can only be maintained for a time of about two breaths.

  Although it is said that these two breaths are very short when you hear them, as long as you are a master, then you will know how many things you can do in such a time. .

  The effect of this attack, although it does not mean that it can make you die to the point where you go to see the Lord of Hell, but it has caused your body to suffer a lot of shock damage, and you can't escape.

  Also, don't forget, that vine plant of Murong Xiaoxiao has been growing rapidly all the time.

  That growth rate, compared to the beginning, will only be faster, not slower.

  After all, being able to get the supplement of Zhu Hao's top-grade medicinal pill is no joke! !

  Zhu Hao's top-grade medicinal pill is so precious that under normal circumstances, Zhu Hao would not easily use it.That is to say, when it really comes to a critical moment, it will be used.

  It can be said that if this middle-aged man hadn't been a really strong opponent, Zhu Hao wouldn't really be willing to take out that top-grade medicine pill.

  However, this time is really a very critical time. If you are reluctant to use this top-quality medicine pill, then you will face even greater losses...  

  Moreover, not just like this, but also Zhu Hao's battle puppet, which once again recovered its energy.

  That huge fist was raised high again.

  Then he slammed his fist into the middle-aged man's body and smashed it hard.

  This time, the middle-aged man was in a trance-like state, unable to control his body to deal with the attack of the battle puppet, so what would be the ending?It really made Zhu Hao feel very looking forward to it.

  Boom one by one

  Almost in an instant, the huge fist of the black gold fighting puppet had already smashed into the chest of the middle-aged man.

  There was also a fist-shaped white mark on the chest.But it can't really penetrate that golden armor to the point where it can be directly penetrated.

  To tell the truth, this type of extremely powerful character can really possess extremely powerful magic weapons. .

Chapter 980

  For example, Zhu Hao's strength is very strong, so Zhu Hao can also have this black gold battle puppet. This black gold battle puppet is not an ordinary magic weapon, it is equivalent to an extra bodyguard in the late stage of the god realm. the same.

  Then, the middle-aged man across from him, of course, will not be easy.The golden armor of this body is an extremely powerful magic weapon.It is also very powerful for self-defense.The attack of the black-gold battle puppet is not weak, but it cannot make the middle-aged man's golden armor be penetrated.

  In fact, if it was a magic weapon with a slightly inferior quality, it would have already been pierced by the fist of the fighting puppet.

  In fact, although these 26 middle-aged men are very powerful in their own right, coupled with the ability of their golden armor, they are also very powerful.But it doesn't allow him to really maintain his dominant position all the time.

  Because, his current passive state of being beaten has already caused part of his body to be injured.

  Although it's not that the damage made him unable to continue the next battle, but it's really uncomfortable... Maybe the comprehensive combat ability has been affected a lot, maybe it has been weakened by % Somewhere in the mid-thirties.

  To a degree like this, it has almost made his situation more passive.

  Because, as his strength decreased, the energy monsters around him that he controlled became even worse.

  In this way, a new result will come, that is, the mustache strong man and the bald man, the situation that the two of them originally faced was not easy.

  But now it's getting easier.

  Of course, it's not just like this, but also the poison king. You must know that the attack of the two monsters that the poison king faced before was only able to fight as a self-protection.

  I can't allocate more time and energy to help my partners.

  However, it is different now. Now that the middle-aged man is in a bad state, the pressure on him is also much less.

  After kicking one of the monsters away with a violent kick, the remaining monster was smashed with a fist, and his head was smashed! !

  This time, if it was the previous time, then the Poison King really couldn't achieve this level.

  Thanks to that Zhu Hao's ability to subdue the dragon and subdue the tiger is really very good.

  Now, the bald-headed man on the other side is also very powerful. He quickly got rid of the monster that attacked him, turned around, and was ready to come up and attack the middle-aged man together.

  It's just, it's a bit of a pity, just when the bald man was about to come up to attack the middle-aged man.

  That middle-aged man had already started to recover.

  He suddenly widened his eyes and looked at the bald man who had just attacked, and then an extremely angry fist slammed into the bald man.

  To tell the truth, at this time, the bald man is really a bit unlucky. .

Chapter 981

  After all, the middle-aged man was really in an extremely angry state. After being attacked by Zhu Hao's subduing dragon and subduing tiger stick, he put him in that negative state and let him be beaten passively. Now his The body already felt extremely uncomfortable.

  In addition, as soon as he opened his eyes, he saw the bald man attacking him so arrogantly.

  Of course, there is as much anger as you want.

  It's really not optimistic now. For the bald man, he has to face the punch of this powerful person in the late stage of the god realm. To be honest, I don't know if he will be hit and seriously injured on the spot.

  Boom one by one

  The middle-aged man's fist smashed up hard.It was directly the fist with the bald man, and it gave a ruthless head-to-head encounter! !

  The power contained in this middle-aged man's fist is undoubtedly much stronger than the power of that bald man.

  Therefore, after that powerful head-to-head confrontation, the bald-headed man was given to the whole body on the spot, and it flew out violently! !

  Zhenfei flew out at a distance of about seven or eight meters.It can be said to be really tragic.However, there has not been the tragic ending that the bald-headed man directly died to meet the Lord of Hell.

  He was still able to stand up, but it didn't mean that he couldn't stand up and couldn't continue fighting.However, there was already a smear of bright red blood flowing from the corner of his mouth.

  After all, after suffering such a huge injury, the injury will definitely hurt, and now the blood is flowing out of the mouth, which is also a very normal thing.

  If you want to continue to attack this middle-aged man in a short period of time, it is really not easy to do.Because his body is really very uncomfortable, and the injury is really not small.At this time, he has not recovered, of course, it is impossible to come up to help Zhu Hao and others participate in the battle.

  "Be careful, big guy. Although this abominable guy was injured by a blow to his body, his comprehensive combat ability is still very strong. Everyone, please don't be negligent."

  At this time, Zhu Hao saw that it was indeed like this. After the tragedy happened, he couldn't help but remind the other friends around him loudly.

  The bald-headed man was not lucky enough, but on the side of the Poison King, after a lot of his own efforts, he was finally able to get rid of that monster completely.

  Then, he stepped down a little, he was already controlling his body, and he suddenly jumped behind the middle-aged man's body.

  Why did the Poison King run behind the middle-aged man's body instead of running in front of him?In fact, the reason is very simple, it is to be able to sneak attack on this hateful enemy! !

  This guy actually set up a psychedelic formation like this to ambush them. They are really uncomfortable now, so the poison king really wants to use sneak attack to take revenge on this middle-aged man men's.

  Moreover, at this time, the middle-aged man was still bound by Murong Xiaoxiao's vine, and he was not able to move too much. .

Chapter 982

  Still very suitable for sneak attack.

  After the Poison King ran behind the middle-aged man's body, he raised his hands suddenly, and then quickly condensed a dark purple misty ball of light on top of his own hands.

  That dark purple fog light ball is not only an attack type with huge poison, but also has a fire-like attack effect that can burn.

  Now that it is ready to attack, the Poison King waved his hand violently, and the dark purple misty light ball was already extremely fast at the back of the middle-aged man, giving a severe blow to the past! !

  The speed is still extremely fast. In less than a breath, it has already hit the middle-aged man's back for a distance of less than one meter.

  However, do you think that he is a powerful figure in the late stage of the god realm.

  Will you be able to spot the attack behind you?Of course it can be found.So, now, I can quickly shift the position of my shoulder, that is, I can move so fast, so that the middle part of my body will not be affected by the dark purple fog light ball of the poison king. to attack.

  However, do you think you can completely avoid the past?In fact, it was impossible. (cgdg) At this time, the dark purple fog light ball directly hit the middle-aged man's right shoulder.

  At this time, your back can really dodge, but your shoulder can't dodge easily.

  You must know that the dark purple fog light ball of the Poison King has the characteristic of sticking to the attacking object.

  So, at this time, after attacking the middle-aged man's shoulder, he was directly stuck on it.It was directly on the top that began to corrode the middle-aged man's body.

  Moreover, not only did it start to corrode the body, but also that fire-like attack effect began to exert its effect.He directly gave that middle-aged man's golden battle armor, which started to burn and bursts of blue smoke came out.

  Of course, there was a burst of blue smoke, which did not mean that the golden armor was about to be unable to support it.

  It's just that the power of that one damage is not small.

  However, that poisonous attack was really powerful, and it actually made the middle-aged man deeply frown.

  It's not good, it's really bad, that body of my own has encountered a series of attacks from Zhu Hao and others.

  Right now, I feel as if my body has been hollowed out, which is extremely uncomfortable.On the shoulders, not only is the skin extremely uncomfortable, but the burning feeling is like being grilled at a given point with a flame.

  And his previous Murong Hanxing's spear attack made his entire internal organs feel uncomfortable for a while.

  Haven't fully recovered yet.

  Now, if you can move freely, then there is no doubt that you must dodge quickly and leave this besieged position on the spot. .

Chapter 983

  However, your body cannot move freely.

  Therefore, if you want to run out, but you can't run out, you can only face a new attack from the big guy.

  "Damn it, you guys are really nasty, you kid, didn't you say it before, you're just going to fight with me alone? You don't count? Are you still a man? Are you still a man??"

  At this time, the middle-aged man felt extremely angry in his heart.

  To be honest, if it was a heads-up, this middle-aged man really wouldn't be afraid of anyone present.

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