Chapter 1027

  No matter how you say it, it won't happen.

  However, it just happened so abruptly, and it still happened to you, the key is that this is a tragic thing...

  So, in the heart of this big man with a scar, it is really as depressed as it is...

  Although it was said that he was really underestimating the enemy, the strength of the kick used to deal with Zhu Hao at that moment was only less than [-]%.

  If you use [-]% of your own strength to defend against Zhu Hao's attack, then it is impossible for Zhu Hao's attack to knock himself out like this. .

  However, things have already happened if they didn't happen. At this time, he can only be depressed, and he can't take any regret medicine to change this depressed result.

  "Hehe, this young man, it seems that you are really powerful. I seem to have really underestimated you. Are you the leader of this team? I can reason with you. , it is not necessary for two people to fight like this, I think this team of yours has more powerful people, you just go back and call them to come and talk."

  Immediately afterwards, the big man with a knife scar said these words to Zhu Hao.

  In his heart, although Zhu Hao is powerful, Zhu Hao is still only in the realm of Yuanshen, not the one with the highest cultivation realm in Zhu Hao's large team.

  Therefore, he felt that Zhu Hao should be the eldest young master in this team, and he wouldn't say that he was the real leader of this big team.

  So, I just want to ask Zhu Hao to go back and call up the boss of his real team and reason with the boss of Zhu Hao's team.

  But, in fact, Zhu Hao is the real leader of this big team...

  "Cough cough... I know you're a little unbelievable, but, I'm the leader of this team, I just need to talk to you."

  Soon, Zhu Haojong and the big man with a knife scar responded (cgdg).

  "What? You boy, you are obviously just a little guy in the realm of primordial spirit, you are the leader of this team? What are you kidding? Behind you, there are four people who have reached the realm of gods. Ah, there are three of them who have reached the middle stage of the god realm."

  At this time, the big man with a scar on the opposite side was obviously suspicious of what Zhu Hao had just said.

  After all, in this world, you often use your own powerful strength to prove your status.

  It seems that Zhu Hao's cultivation realm is only the realm of Yuanshen.

  And behind Zhu Hao, in his team, there are obviously more powerful people, why is Zhu Hao as the leader in the existence of the middle stage of the gods?Shouldn't those people who are more powerful in the middle stage of the god realm be the leaders?

  In fact, his thoughts like this, in general terms, are really plausible, and are really normal thoughts. .

Chapter 1028

  It's just that you can't imagine it so easily in Zhu Hao's body.

  Zhu Hao is the biggest outlier and the biggest variable in itself.

  This cultivation realm of Zhu Hao, of course, only has the realm of Yuanshen, but Zhu Hao's comprehensive combat ability is not only in the realm of Yuanshen.

  In fact, with the addition of that black gold battle puppet, it is enough to be able to fight against powerful characters in the late stage of the god realm.You actually underestimate Zhu Hao?It's really you who don't know ~ the sky is high and the earth is thick...

  In fact, if Zhu Hao's comprehensive combat ability really broke out, the big man with a scar on the opposite side would be deeply shocked, and he would definitely not dare to have any small problems. Look - Zhu Hao's idea.

  It's just that, Zhu Hao is Zhu Hao after all, and it is impossible to show his true and most powerful strength casually.

  Zhu Hao is already a very mature man, but he wouldn't say that because he likes to fight hard in his heart, he deliberately showed his most real fighting strength to the other side to see.

  If it wasn't for the real need to burst out the most powerful fighting ability, he would not be used by the black gold fighting puppet and the dragon and tiger stick.

  Zhu Hao is such a rational man, do you think he will casually let his opponents see his true strength?If Zhu Hao liked to show his true strength so much, he would have already been cleaned up by a determined enemy, and how could he have gotten to where he is today.

  In this world, there will never be a lack of that kind of vicious guy. After people know your true strength, they will come to yin with you, and they will not come with you to be upright.

  At that time, you will be out of luck.

  Therefore, it is the mature practice of a mature man to retain his real powerful strength and break it out at the real critical moment.

  "You are the leader of this team. It seems that I really can't keep up with the development of this world. There is a young guy like you to be the leader of a team. At the same time, and still lead a more powerful partner than you."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

  The scarred man said to Zhu Hao with a suspicious look.

  "Okay, okay, don't talk to me like these sour words. In fact, I also heard a little bit of your previous exchanges. Are there powerful monsters in front of you? blocked your way, so you stopped?"

...................... 0

  Things have come to this time, and Zhu Hao doesn't seem to be wasting too much time with this big man with a scar.

  Isn't it because there are powerful monsters in front of them blocking their way, so they can only gather in this place for the time being.

  "Hehehe... It seems that you came to investigate our situation before. It seems that the boss of the team on the other side said that someone came to investigate us behind us. Wan.

Chapter 1029

  It's really not wrong to say it, it turns out that your kid can't do it? "

  Immediately afterwards, the big man with a knife scar asked Zhu Hao with a suspicious look.

  "Hehe, yes, it's my own investigation on you, other than me, who do you think will be there? Are you surprised? Are you surprised? Little guy, he was able to come to check your news, but didn't let you notice my existence?"

  Zhu Hao looked at the big man with a knife scar and said.

  "Yes, I am indeed a little surprised. Do you, this little guy, have such a powerful spiritual power? You were able to investigate us, but I haven't found it yet. From this point of view, you still have It is really possible to be the leader of this team.”

  The scarred man touched his chin and said.

  "So, I want to deal with that powerful monster with you, how do you feel? I don't have this qualification? I lead my team and temporarily form together with your team. A bigger team to deal with that monster."

  Zhu Hao further expressed his true thoughts in his heart.

  I just hope that I can unite with this big force in front of me, and the big guy will go to clean up that powerful and disrespectful monster in the Holy Spirit realm.

  However, whether things can be combined or not is still unknown, because the other party may not necessarily see your team.

  After all, people really don't look down on your strength.The two powerful figures in the late stage of the god realm were still sitting quietly on that side, and they didn't appear to come up to talk to Zhu Hao.

  It seems that people really don't take Zhu Hao and others seriously.

  After all, how could a powerful character in the late stage of the god realm be regarded by Zhu Hao's team that only had three middle stage gods?The comprehensive combat ability of their team seems to be at least three times stronger than Zhu Hao's team! !

  Do you think such a powerful gap can be erased casually?People are really qualified to look down on your team...  

  "Hehehe, well, since you're talking about this for the sake of it, I'll take you there with reluctance and have a talk with the boss of the other team. I don't have anything to say to you. yes."

  At this moment, that big man with a scar, he touched his bottom, and after thinking about it, he said these words to Zhu Hao.

  These words just happened to make Zhu Hao feel that he wanted to hear it very much and was very satisfied.

  "Hehe, very good, you can take me to the place to talk to them. I also hope that they can recognize my true strength."

  Since this big man with a scar has already said so, what else does Zhu Hao have to hesitate?Just followed this big man with a scar and walked over.

  Soon, Zhu Hao followed this big man with a scar to the middle of their big team.

  In front of the two powerful figures in the late stage of the god realm, they stopped.

  "Two big brothers, I have talked with this young man, and this young man still has a certain strength.

Chapter 1030

  He wants to form a temporary team with us to deal with that monster together, how do you guys feel? "

  After the big man with scars came up, he still looked more honest. After all, although he was also the boss of the team on the other side, in terms of personal strength, he was only in the middle stage of the god realm.

  Compared with the team opposite the other team with two late stage gods, it is really not enough to watch.

  At this time, of course, his speech became more polite, and he was no longer looking down on people like the way he spoke to Zhu Hao before.

  Then again, at this time, Zhu Hao was also facing the two really powerful 26 characters in a very serious manner.

  Zhu Hao was no longer allowed to continue joking.

  After all, at this time, I was facing two very terrifying characters, those in the late stage of the God Realm. If such a powerful opponent was really dueling, it would be impossible for Zhu Hao to fight. passed.

  It still needs the help of that black gold battle puppet to be able to beat it.

  In that case, it can't be called a real heads-up.

  "Humph, you kid, you're just a guy in the realm of primordial spirit, you actually want to join our big team to fight this special battle? You are really very naive. You What qualifications do you have? Show me your qualifications?"

  At this moment, the big man with a hoop on his nose said domineeringly to Zhu Hao.

  This big man with an iron ring on his nose is a powerful person in the late stage of the gods realm. Don't look at the iron ring on his nose, you just feel that he is not serious, and he doesn't seem to be a powerful person. .

  People really have strong and unsightly strength, but they also have this special hobby at the same time. They like to put a big iron ring on their nose. Identify the basis for true strength.

  It seems that although Zhu Hao looks very, very young in appearance, it cannot be used as a basis for judging Zhu Hao's true strength.

  If you feel that Zhu Hao can't have any great strength just because you see Zhu Hao's young appearance, then you will make a big mistake.

  "Hehehe, are you qualified? Do you think I am not qualified to talk to you like this on the road? Of course I am qualified, so next, you will be optimistic!!"

  Immediately afterwards, Zhu Hao controlled his own storage ring, and quickly released the black gold battle puppet from inside.

  After the black-gold battle puppet was released at once, under Zhu Hao's control, golden rays of light erupted from all over his body.

  That one glittering gold is the point where full strength has burst out.

  That is a complete explosion of the powerful strength in the late stage of the gods realm.

  Such a terrifying power burst out completely, which directly caused the two late stage gods on the opposite side to sit unsteadily. .

Chapter 1031

  They just stood up straight.

  Yes, the two of them thought it was something unexpected, but such a powerful aura suddenly appeared in front of them.

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