Otherwise, in the face of such a powerful opponent, if you are still in a unstable mood, then you really don't need to fight...

  Boom one by one

  At this moment, Zhu Hao's foot was already in control of his body, and the impact was extremely fast, like a bolt of lightning, suddenly impacted in front of that Li Dakun.

  This speed....

Chapter 1035

  It's really, really fast, and it's beyond the imagination of that Li Dakun.

  According to his past experience, it should be impossible for Zhu Hao, who is in the Primordial Spirit Realm, to break out such a fast action operation.

  However, the fact is, you have really seen a guy who is only in the realm of Yuanshen, and he can also burst out with such a terrifying attack speed.

  Now, it is already a very tense moment. It can be said that Zhu Hao's attack is so fast that it is a problem for him to dodge easily.

  If he can't dodge the past well, it will really make him feel very uncomfortable.

  Boom one by one

  Almost in an instant, Zhu Hao's powerful fist, the powerful force contained on it, collided fiercely with this Li Dakun's fist.

  The explosion of this huge power suddenly made both sides feel the strength of the other side.

  That one Zhu Hao's arm felt an extremely uncomfortable feeling popping up.

  That state of numbness is really uncomfortable.

  However, Zhu Hao is a result of this, so do you think that Li Dakun on the opposite side has such a good result?

  In fact, when Zhu Hao broke out that god and demon physique, he was already able to bring his own power level closer to that of Li Dakun.

  Therefore, it can be said that a person who is almost in the same realm of strength as his own has a super head-to-head collision.

  So, that Li Dakun's body was also suddenly hit by that huge impact, which made his arm extremely numb.

  If he hadn't just released more than [-]% of his power, he would have been knocked out of his body uncontrollably.

  Fortunately, I still struggled to persevere...

  However, the shocking feeling in my heart became stronger and stronger.

  This hateful young man is obviously in such a young state, why does Jon have such a powerful strength?It just doesn't make sense at all! !

  He has accumulated most of his life before he can obtain such a strength.

  But, look at Zhu Hao, such a young guy can have such incredible strength.I really have to say that it makes me too depressed.

  However, there is no other way but to be strong to face Zhu Hao's powerful attack.

  Then, at this time, I saw that it was time to launch a counterattack opportunity in front of me.

  Li Dakun slammed his kick, which was aimed at Zhu Hao's abdomen, and kicked it fiercely.

  Such a kick, if it can really hit Zhu Hao's abdomen, then it can make Zhu Hao very uncomfortable.

  At least to the point where he lost at least [-]% of his combat ability.

  After all, his foot contains more than [-]% of his own power.How could it be simple?

  But, you think it's really that simple. .

Chapter 1036

  Is it possible to attack Zhu Hao's body?What are you kidding?If Zhu Hao was attacked so easily by you, Zhu Hao wouldn't show such a terrifying aura.

  Boom one by one

  Immediately afterwards, Zhu Hao's arm suddenly blocked it.

  That arm has already been replaced with another arm, not the same arm that was hit hard before.

  Therefore, this arm state is still a relatively good state.

  But, to tell the truth, this arm, to block the attack of the other's foot, is still a bit disadvantaged.

  After letting Zhu Hao's arm come into contact with Li Dakun's feet, he felt the attack of that huge force all of a sudden.

  It made Zhu Hao really feel a hint of danger.

  However, at this time, Zhu Hao would not continue to let a black gold battle puppet like him watch the battle.

  That black gold battle puppet was not something that was summoned to decorate it.

  That's right for fighting!

  So, after Zhu Hao blocked the attack from Li Dakun's foot, his body was undoubtedly knocked back by the blow.

  However, just as Zhu Hao's body was knocked back by the blow, the black-gold battle puppet, also under Zhu Hao's control, quickly greeted him and added to the position where Zhu Hao had just stood. Facing that one Li Dakun, he swept the past one by one fiercely.

  Damn, don't you think that your kick has a very terrifying power?Then next, let you have a good taste of how powerful the kick of this black-gold battle puppet in the late stage of the gods realm is.

  It can be said that the fighting ability of this black gold fighting puppet is still very terrifying.

  Almost in an instant, he had already attacked that Li Dakun's body ruthlessly.It was just that Li Dakun's body couldn't take it anymore, and he was directly shaken and flew out, and it flew out with a distance of about seven or eight meters.

  You must know that when he suffered a powerful attack from Zhu Hao before, he was only knocked back by a distance of two or three meters.

  However, at this time, after receiving this attack from the black gold battle puppet, he was directly knocked out by a distance of seven or eight meters.

  There is no doubt that the attack power of this black gold battle puppet is much stronger than that of Zhu Hao.

  After all, it is quite normal for a powerful being that is equivalent to the late stage of the god realm to make a full-strength attack with such an attacking effect.

  (Nuo Zhaozhao) "¨ˇhahahahaha...how about it? Did you feel that you were able to get out of the shock just now, it's already a very good battle gain? But have you forgotten that this black gold of mine Fighting puppets, but I've always been preparing. Do you know what it's like first? It's uncomfortable, right 々ˇ?"

  After seeing the tragic encounter of Li Dakun, Fa said in a good mood.

  My goodness…….

Chapter 1037

  It's really hard to believe...

  For a while, all kinds of comments from some of Li Dakun's partners were posted.

  In fact, they really feel incredible.

  Most of them don't know this black gold fighting puppet.

  Because, to be able to know this black gold battle puppet, it also requires you to have extremely strong strength, and you can have such an extraordinary insight.

  If your strength is not strong enough, then your knowledge will naturally not be much.

  Therefore, it is normal that many of Li Dakun's brothers do not know Zhu Hao's black gold fighting puppet.

  Seeing Zhu Hao's black-gold fighting puppet, he was able to attack at once, that is, his boss, the one who was usually a powerful and domineering boss, was shocked by the blow! !

  Moreover, it was not an ordinary shock exit, but a distance of about seven or eight meters away by the shock.

  In such a situation, how could you let these brothers not feel surprised.

  It's just astonishing don't want it...

  If it was said that they were still very confident in their bosses in the past, then at this time, after seeing their bosses, they were kicked out so simply and rudely. The confidence of his boss has dropped a lot all of a sudden.

  Therefore, it is said that people can't look at their appearance. This sentence is really not a casual joke.

  Do you think that Zhu Hao looks so young that he can be easily bullied by you?What are you kidding?Do you now know what it's like to judge people by their appearance?Is it very uncomfortable?

  But there is no way, in this world, there is no regret medicine you can take, you can only face this extremely depressing experience with no (cgdg) noness.

  Moreover, things are not over yet, that black gold battle puppet, after being further controlled by Zhu Hao, has already launched an attack again.

  All over his body, golden light burst out, and he suddenly stepped down, and he attacked that Li Dakun once again.

  This time, the speed of the explosion is still such a terrifying speed.

  It can be said that the speed of the black gold battle puppet erupting is much faster than that of Zhu Hao.

  With such a speed, can Li Dakun be able to dodge the past?In fact, it is difficult to avoid the past.

  It can only be another head-to-head fight with the black gold fighting puppet.

  To be honest, Li Dakun really didn't want to carry out any head-to-head attack with the black gold fighting puppet.

  Because, it is clear that the power of the black gold battle puppet is more powerful. You have to face this opponent who is obviously stronger than you. Isn't this what you have nothing to do when you are full?

  How can you possibly get something cheap?

  It can be said that, if I hadn't had better luck just now, I might have been seriously injured.

  Such a powerful attack from the black gold battle puppet is really hard to bear. .

Chapter 1038

  Well now, I haven't been in an optimal state, and I haven't been fully prepared to deal with it, so I have to deal with this new and more powerful attack from the black gold battle puppet.

  Li Dakun really felt the bitterness and bitterness in his heart, and he couldn't tell anyone about this bitterness, he could only bear it silently...

  Things still have to be faced, the attack of the black gold fighting puppet has already smashed up.

  Boom one by one

  It was another head-to-head collision that had to be carried out, so that Li Dakun was directly unable to control his body again, and was smashed and flew out...

  This time, it was even more tragic, and it was directly knocked out on the spot by a distance of more than ten meters...

  Yes, compared to the previous distance, it is almost doubled...

  Sometimes, the distance you have been knocked out, if it is very far, it is not simply from the distance. It is very likely that the damage you have suffered in that body is already very terrifying. It's a level.

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