I have to say that this operation of Zhu Hao is so timely.

  It turned out that all of a sudden, the lion monster was a little dazed.

  That body was shaken all of a sudden.

  When that one shook for a while, another long-haired old man beside the Taoist Master Chen Daofei also stabbed with a quick sword.

  That sword, the momentum that erupted from it was so powerful and so terrifying.

  It can be said that compared with the flying sword controlled by Zhu Hao, the momentum that can burst out is much more powerful.

  After all, that long-haired old man is a proper and powerful person in the late stage of the god realm.

  To be able to burst out such an aura, use a very normal thing.

  However, a little bit beyond Zhu Hao's expectations, the lion monster that was just attacked by Zhu Hao's cultivation realm with mental energy was in a state of trance and lasted less than a breath. Time has quickly recovered.

  The long-haired old man's gleaming cold sword just touched the head of the lion monster, and he hasn't been able to pierce that lion monster's head.

  He had already found the lion monster, his eyes widened suddenly, and he glanced at the long-haired old man.

  To tell the truth, the long-haired old man was shocked on the spot.

  That look was so sharp, so terrifying.

  Do you think it's just like this?Of course not, that lion monster fiercely waved its huge paw and slapped the coldly shining sword that was facing the long-haired old man.

  bang one by one

  Almost in an instant, there was a sound of metal collision.

  That lion monster's claws slammed hard on that treasured sword, causing that treasured sword to fly straight out of that long-haired old man's hand...

  bang when one shop one

  The sword that was blown away directly hit the stone wall next to it, and fell to the ground ruthlessly.

  Moreover, that lion monster has not stopped.

  He suddenly opened his mouth again, and suddenly spit out a black ball of energy light from his (Nuo Nuohao) huge mouth.

  The black energy light ball was so fast that it smashed into the long-haired old man's body in an instant.

  ah one by one

  After the long-haired old man was attacked by this black energy light ball, his body seemed to be thrown out by a huge force. .

Chapter 1062

  It was directly sent to a distance of more than ten meters by that force.

  "My God, this power, this power is too much, isn't it? To be able to beat such a powerful long-haired old man into the air? It's really hard to believe. ah..."

  At this moment, Murong Hanxing sighed in shock.

  In fact, Murong Hanxing was about to attack that lion monster just now, but unexpectedly discovered this series of attacks from this lion monster.

  It's okay to break out this series of attacks, but each attack is so powerful that it really hits people too much.

  Yes, 3 Murong Hanxing was deeply shocked by the strength of this lion monster.

  I felt that I was really vulnerable in front of this lion monster.

  Actually, at this time, if Murong Hanxing wanted to attack so forcefully, it was not impossible for him to attack.

  It's just that the strength displayed by the lion monster at this time really shocked Murong Hanxing too much, and it felt like he couldn't react (cgdg).

  It can only be in a state of temporary daze.

  On the other hand, Murong Xiaoxiao, at this time, had already started to use the powerful energy of the profound meaning of life in his own body to destroy the growth of that vine plant.

  The growth of that vine plant is really fast because of Murong Xiaoxiao's rapid release of the energy of the profound meaning of life.

  Soon, it began to grow and spread to the left foot of the lion monster.

  In the past, when dealing with human beings, Murong Xiaoxiao's vine plant could wrap around and bind a person's feet all at once.

  However, this time is different from the past. The lion monster that we are dealing with now is too huge.

  That vine plant is only one of the legs that can bind and bind the lion monster.

  If your vine plant can actually wrap and bind the legs of the lion monster, then it can still have a good hindering effect on the body movement of the lion monster.

  However, now it is only able to wrap and bind one of the legs.

  From the perspective of such a development result, it is not very ideal.

  But, to be honest, there is no way to do that.

  Because, Murong Xiaoxiao had already tried her best to control that vine plant.

  To be able to achieve such a result is already quite good.

  Although it is not a very beautiful result, but Murong Xiaoxiao's strength is just there, and the power that can be generated is limited to this limit...

  It can be said that talking is better than nothing.

  A little bit of hindrance is better than nothing at all.

  However, at this time, the lion demon beast suddenly burst out with a loud roar.After that one yelled, another terrifying gust of wind suddenly attacked Zhu Hao and the others.

  Good guy, really good guy, the speed is so fast, it is directly the body of Murong Xiaoxiao. .

Chapter 1063

  All blow up.

  In fact, at that time just now, Zhu Hao still planned to control his own dragon subduing and subduing tiger stick again, to get a new mental attack effect.

  However, because the body that saw Murong Xiaoxiao was blown up by that terrifying gust of wind.

  At this time, of course, it is impossible to look at Murong Xiaoxiao and ignore it.

  After all, before, he had already made a promise to Murong Xiaoxiao.

  No matter what I say, I will protect Murong Xiaoxiao.

  Now that Murong Xiaoxiao's body was blown up by the violent wind.

  If you don't act quickly to help Murong Xiaoxiao, it will really hurt Murong Xiaoxiao.

  The matter has come to this time, Zhu Hao inevitably has to give up the action of attacking that lion monster, and hurry to help Murong Xiaoxiao first.

  Now, after moving quickly, Zhu Hao's arm was already able to grab Murong Xiaoxiao's body in time - the body that was about to fly away.

  It can be said that this help from Zhu Hao is a proper help to Murong Xiaoxiao, so that the safety of Murong Xiaoxiao's life can be guaranteed.

  However, it was precisely because Zhu Hao just didn't have the memory to control his own cultivation realm to attack with spiritual energy, so that lion monster could continue to launch a more powerful attack.

  With a sudden footstep, the sturdy body that was already controlling him was attacking the large team of Zhu Hao and the others.

  With such a huge body, it can be said that if you just hit it, you can blow up a piece of it.

  Not to mention that pair of huge claws, once they attacked fiercely, it would be like a harvester of life, very terrifying.

  Fortunately, on the other side, the bald man, who was not a vegetarian, had already begun to instill a very powerful force into the huge axe facing him.

  When I saw the body of the lion monster, it rushed over quickly.

  That is, he violently manipulated his huge axe and smashed it towards the head of that lion monster...

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????


  When he was in the air, there was already a whistling sound.

  That huge axe still contains a very good formidable power.

  It's just that this power is undoubtedly stronger when dealing with humans.But when it comes to dealing with such a terrifying lion monster, isn't it strong enough?Then it's an unknown.


  pop one by one

  bang one by one

  Almost in an instant, that lion demon beast actually used his strong paw to slam the ax of the bald man into the air! !

  It slammed into the stone wall fiercely! 1

  It is directly to let the huge axe fall into the stone wall.

  Directly sinking into the depth of about a meter or so!This power really made the bald man feel deeply shocked.

  You know, you have just instilled at least in that huge axe.Ten thousand.

Chapter 1064

  More than [-]% of the power went in.

  It was this power, such a powerful power, when it was about to hit the head of that lion monster.

  It was so abruptly knocked out! !

  It was so neat and tidy that the huge axe of my own could not be taken down with a little bit of damage...

  It can be said that at this time, the bald man's heart is really very depressed.

  How could such a powerful attack end like this?It's really a pity.

  Of course, there was another poison king who also launched his powerful attack with poison in time.

  He suddenly opened his mouth and released the black energy light ball.

  This black energy light ball of the Poison King is a highly poisonous attack move.

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