Boom one by one

  Almost in an instant, the huge power of that huge claw was to send the body of that black-gold battle puppet violently flying out, and it flew out a distance of more than ten meters! !

  You know, that black-gold battle puppet has a weight of thousands of pounds.

  Just this one was actually slapped by that lion monster, and sent your body flying out a distance of more than ten meters.

  It is conceivable that the lion monster has just attacked casually. Once it is able to attack in a real way, the power it can generate is so powerful...

  (cgdh) A body as heavy as a black gold battle puppet can be knocked out so far. If it is this attack, it is not an attack on the black gold battle puppet, but if it hits Zhu Hao, then it is really a comparison of the consequences. The tragedy is a little bit more, and Zhu Hao's body will suffer some serious damage.

  However, this kind of thing is basically very difficult to happen.

  Because Zhu Hao had already expected such a result.

  So, Zhu Hao will not attack the head of the lion monster by himself, but will control his own black gold battle puppet to attack the head of the lion monster.The purpose is to consider this.

  You can counterattack, but you can't counterattack Lao Tzu. You can only counterattack the black-gold battle puppet, but the black-gold battle puppet is made of special materials, and its tolerance for attacks is beyond imagination.

  Don't look at this moment, the black gold fighting puppet was smashed so far away.

  In fact, the special material of this battle puppet makes his body very tenaciously resistant to attack damage from various huge forces.

  Although the current black gold fighting puppet was severely smashed on the stone wall next to it, it did not say that it fell to the point where it could not stand up.

  It is still able to quickly fight back steadily.

  At this moment, the lion monster saw that black gold fighting puppet, and after standing up steadily in such a short period of time, he couldn't help but open his mouth in surprise.

  After all, the lion monster is a beast, not a human being. Of course, it cannot be quickly distinguished. That black gold battle puppet is not a human being, but a battle puppet with a special body structure...

  This battle puppet is able to withstand attack damage extremely powerfully. .

Chapter 1073

  Even if the attack of the lion monster just now was actually very powerful, it did not prevent this black-gold fighting puppet from taking your attack abruptly.

  In fact, to be honest, the attack of this lion monster just now, even if the Daoist Daoist Chen Daofei was to face it, would also make Daoist Daofei Chen feel that it was not easy to deal with.

  After all, although the strength of the Taoist priest Chen Daofei is strong, it is not strong enough to be compared with this lion monster that has entered the realm of the Holy Spirit...

  In terms of the body's ability to fight, Daoist Master Chen Daofei still cannot compare with the black gold fighting puppet.Therefore, the combat advantages that the Black Gold Battle Puppet can exert at this time are quite obvious.

  It can further control the attack target of the lion monster. Although it can't directly attack the lion monster to the point of serious injury, it is already very good to interfere with the normal attack of the lion monster. .

  "My God, this little brother Zhu Hao has the help of such a powerful black-gold battle puppet. I thought before that this was just a battle puppet in the middle stage of the god realm, not so powerful, but I guessed wrong. now..."

  Daoist Master Chen Daofei murmured.

  In fact, although Daoist Master Chen Daofei also likes that black gold battle puppet, after all, the fighting strength of the black gold battle puppet is only equivalent to the middle stage of the realm of the gods, and it cannot really make Daoist Chen Daofei admire that level.

  However, at this time, I was deeply surprised when I saw that the fighting puppet's attack on the lion monster, such a strong endurance.

  This kind of anti-attack ability is still very good, at least it can contain the enemy's attack.

  When the door is closed, take a photo of the battle puppet, and bear the opponent's attack abruptly in exchange for other more important actions of your own. This is a very important battle partner! !

  The matter has come to this time, and the little friends on the other side have also caught up quickly. In that hand, it has already been controlling that cold shining sword, facing the body of the lion monster, it is ruthless. Stabbed hard.


  Although the strength of the mustache and the strong man is not enough to fight that powerful lion monster at close range.

  However, that sword was also shot out with a long-range attack. The bearded strong man is not an idiot, so he would not foolishly use his body to take risks.

0 0 ...

  That treasure sword is a type of top-quality magic weapon. Its power is really terrifying. Once it can pierce your body, it can hurt deeply!

  It's just that it is not an easy thing to be able to actually attack the body of other people's lion monsters.Because the strength of others is properly much stronger than you, you think you can attack them so easily.

  roar one by one

  At this moment, the lion monster, after an angry roar, turned around abruptly and looked at the gleaming sword that was attacked by the bearded strong man, and then it was manipulated again.superior.

Chapter 1074

  His sturdy claws attacked the sword fiercely.

  Although the speed of the sword of the moustache strong man is really very fast, it can't compare with the speed of the attack of the lion monster.

  Seeing that the sword was about to hit the body of the lion monster, it was slapped fiercely by the lion monster's claws.

  bang one by one

  Almost in an instant, the sword that shone with cold light could no longer support it, and he was smashed into that stone wall.

  It can be said that the body of this lion monster is really like a mountain-like source of energy.

  It can make the lion monsters burst out with infinitely powerful and huge power actions.

  At this time, it is still possible to have such a powerful performance, which really makes people have to deeply admire the power of the lion monster.

  On the other side, that Poison King didn't eat dry rice either. He had already started raising his hands and quickly placed them on his own hands, condensing two dark purple misty light spheres out.

  The dark purple fog light ball is not the same as the black energy light ball before.

  These two dark purple fog light balls are more powerful because of their pure poison attribute, not their strength attribute.

  Therefore, this time, the lion demon beast will definitely not be able to absorb the two dark purple fog light balls of the poison king.

  The Poison King was ready, and quickly smashed the two dark purple fog light balls at the head of such a lion monster.

  The speed of the attack is also relatively fast. Just when the lion monster just smashed the sword of the mustache and the strong man into the air, the dark purple fog light of the poison king The ball was already attacked.

  It smashed hard on the shoulder of that lion monster.

  It's not that the Poison King doesn't want to attack the head of that lion monster, but that the speed of that lion monster is really, really fast.

  It's not that you really want to attack someone's head, you can attack someone's head...  

  That deep purple misty light ball could only hit the shoulder of the lion monster.

  Although it was not able to successfully attack the head or the shoulder, it was a very good effect.

  The dark purple misty ball of light was suddenly on the shoulder of the lion monster, and bursts of thick smoke came out.

  That's right, that billowing smoke is a huge corrosive damage effect, and the hair of that lion monster is burnt and corroded, which is a phenomenon produced.

  roar one by one

  roar one by one

  His body was actually corroded and damaged by the dark purple fog light ball of the Poison King, so the heart of that lion monster was as depressed as it was really.A roar came out...

  Seeing that the other dark purple foggy light ball of the Poison King was about to attack, this lion monster was of course extremely unhappy, extremely intolerable, and extremely angry. .

Chapter 1075

  The sturdy claws that violently manipulated him slapped onto a large rock on the ground.

  Then the big rock, after being slapped fiercely by the lion monster, just flew up quickly.

  The dark purple fog light ball facing the Poison King attacked head-on.

  At this time, the attack of the lion monster was still so accurate. It turned out to be able to let the stone hit the dark purple fog light ball directly on the poison king, making the attack of 26 unable to continue the damage. myself.

  "Damn beast, you damn beast, you actually let you knock out another attack of the uncle, and it's really good luck for you!!"

  On the other side, the Poison King said a little unhappily after seeing that the lion monster actually knocked off his second dark purple fog light ball.

  But, do you think you can sit back and relax after knocking out the second dark purple fog light ball of the Poison King?What super international joke?Of course not possible.

  To tell the truth, this dark purple fog light ball has a powerful corrosion damage in it.

  The shoulder part of the lion monster was already damaged by rapid corrosion, and the hair in that part was burned off by half.

  Of course, when this kind of corrosive damage is done outside of one's body, it will also make that lion demon beast very, very angry.

  That corrosion damage made him feel very painful.

  It's not just because of one of his shoulders, the bare one looks unsightly as simple as that.

  It can be said that at this time, when the lion monster is not able to concentrate completely, when it is suffering from the uninterrupted corrosion damage.

  When your body is constantly suffering from huge pain, how can you concentrate quickly...

  Therefore, the first task now is to quickly dispose of that dark purple foggy light ball, so that they can no longer let them hurt their own bodies.

  The lion monster quickly opened its mouth wide, and from that mouth, bursts of strange evil wind came out.

  Those strange evil winds are still very good, and they were able to slowly reduce the size of the dark purple fog light ball of the poison king.

  Originally, that dark purple foggy light ball had a look that was beginning to spread.

  However, after the evil wind blew up from the mouth of the lion monster, it began to lower the dark purple fog light ball.

  On the other hand, Zhu Hao also properly saw this happening.

  In fact, Zhu Hao also knew very well the attack method of that poison king.

  This dark purple fog light ball is a very important attack. If it is dealt with by that lion monster, it will definitely allow the lion monster to concentrate more on dealing with the big guy.

  So, will Zhu Hao watch that thing happen?Of course it's impossible...

  "Hey, big guy, don't let that lion monster be able to get rid of the purple flame on his body smoothly.".

Chapter 1076

  Otherwise, we will face his terrible attack! !Let's hurry up and stop him! ! "

  Zhu Hao quickly said loudly to his friends.

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