If it is to let the opponent's attack, change the angle of the attack, and attack himself, Zhu Hao really feels that he may not be able to withstand this powerful attack.

  Fortunately, this long-haired old man is not related to Zhu Hao as an enemy, but a partnership. The target of the attack, of course, cannot be Zhu Hao's, it will only be the lion monster... .....

  At this moment, that golden light ball of energy has become even bigger, and in such a short period of time, it has become almost one meter in diameter.

  This huge energy light ball, once it hits the enemy's body, will definitely be able to obtain a very good effect.

  Now that he is ready, of course the long-haired old man will not hesitate. He just waved his hand violently, controlling the golden light ball of energy, and suddenly facing the body of the lion monster, giving smashed over.

  You must know that at that time just now, the head of the lion monster was smashed down by the bearded strong man with the huge hammer.

  It has already made his body unable to move stably.

  Therefore, facing the attack of this energy light ball from the long-haired old man, the lion monster really wants to dodge the past, but it is impossible to do so. .

Chapter 1080

  It's not that his strength is not strong, it's just that his head is too groggy.

  Can't soberly notice the current situation on the battlefield, can't take truly sober and rational actions...

  Even if you still have a lot of power, but after your brain is not good, those powerful powers will lose their true power.

  Boom one by one

  Almost in an instant, a golden light ball of energy like the long-haired old man had already hit the body of the lion monster.

  This ball of energy light is really powerful and unbelievable, and it directly smashed the body of that lion monster and flew out!

  Suddenly, it flew out at a distance of more than [-] meters.

  You must know that in the past, the big guy's so many powerful attacks were not able to obtain such a powerful attack effect.

  It turned out to be able to directly hit the body of that lion monster to such a far place.

  Even if Zhu Hao came to act, it would be impossible to achieve this level.

  Because the body of the lion monster still contains a very powerful force, you think you can just smash people out.

  That is, this long-haired old man, who is really a powerful figure in the late stage of the god realm, can achieve this level.

  roar one by one

  At this moment, that lion monster, who suffered such a huge amount of damage to his body, was really in great pain, so he couldn't help but let out a painful roar, and, not just like this, that one Inside the mouth, it is already out of control.

  Just spit out a big mouthful of red blood...

  A large area of ​​grass has been dyed red. It can be said that this damage effect is really huge. It is the first time that this lion monster can vomit blood! !

  In the previous so many attacks, even if the huge hammer of the mustache and strong man smashed the head of the lion monster, it was not enough to make the lion monster vomit blood.

  However, the long-haired old man, after this really powerful character came up to attack, was able to obtain such an extraordinary effect.

  Really strong is strong.To tell the truth, at this time, after seeing the lion monster spitting blood, everyone was very happy.

  After all, such a move by the lion monster shows that it has really suffered a lot of damage.

  How could it make the big guy unhappy.

  "Hahahaha... That's great, great, this lion monster can't take it anymore, it's already vomiting blood, I guess he's going to die and go to see Lord Yama!!"

  At this moment, that Murong Xiaoxiao said with a very happy expression after seeing the blood vomit of the lion monster.

  Being happy and being happy doesn't mean that it really develops in the way you imagined. That lion monster is not going to die and go to the point of seeing Lord Yama.

  roar one by one

  roar one by one

  Suddenly, a violent explosion erupted from the outside of that lion monster's body. .

Chapter 1081

  A layer of black mist came out.

  That black mist diffused out and enveloped the body of the lion monster.

  Extremely fast, in less than two breaths, the body of the lion monster was completely wrapped in it.

  I don't know what's going on, the big guy hasn't been able to be happy for a long time, and he saw a strange scene like this.

  "What's going on here? Why is it like this? Does anyone know what's going on?"

  At this moment, Zhu Hao couldn't help but see the strange side of the lion monster and asked curiously to the friends around him.

  After all, such a battle is indeed relatively rare, so it is normal for Zhu Hao not to be able to figure it out for a while.

  "Be careful, big guy!! This beast, the breath emanating from his body has changed, and it seems to be constantly improving his strength! 々 "!"

  At this moment, the Taoist priest Chen Daofei could not help but briefly observe the black fog, and then reminded the big guys around him.

  In fact, the black mist on the body of this lion monster is really not used to look good, it is just a side effect produced by a special action.

  What kind of special action is this special action?In fact, it is a natural inheritance skill of this lion! !

  This kind of special inheritance skill can only be activated after you have reached the realm of the Holy Spirit.

  In the current situation, that lion monster started to use his inheritance skills.

  This special inheritance skill, I don't know what kind of powerful skill it is.

  However, the aura emanating from the body of that lion monster is getting stronger and stronger. Maybe this inheritance skill is a special skill that can enhance one's strength in a short period of time. Bar.

  To be honest, at this time, everyone has become extremely cautious.

  Because, even if the lion monster was attacked in various ways before, its body was indeed injured.

  However, the current situation is not what the big guy could have expected.

  Why did you get hurt so much, but it feels like you can become stronger and stronger?

  It's really confusing for the two monks, but since the matter has already happened, the big guy can't escape at this time, he can only face it firmly.

  People are becoming stronger and stronger, so you can't let people become stronger slowly there, right?Zhu Hao couldn't help it for a long time. He quickly took out the flying sword from his storage ring, and then it was facing the body of the lion monster. It was shot fiercely in the past.

  Although the time is a bit rushed, it cannot completely instill [-]% of the power.

  It also has about [-]% of its power on it. This attack can't hurt that lion monster, but it's not a problem to hinder some of your changes.

  Sure enough, Zhu Hao's flying sword. .

Chapter 1082

  Zhu Hao laughed: "Actually, we should have done this a long time ago, but we just didn't think of it."

  When the words fell, he patted the hairball's head: "Yes, this time the idea is still yours."

  If they had done this long ago, perhaps such a thing would have been dealt with long ago.

  One thing I have to admit is that they can actually handle everything at such a time.

  Mao Qiu smiled: "Actually, I only thought of such a thing occasionally."

  He did not expect that such a situation could bring such a surprise to himself.

  It was quite surprising indeed.

  The Pagoda Immortal said: "But a word like yours will easily make me very nervous in the future."

  If I have experienced such a thing in the future, I guess there will be no good days to live.

  This kind of thing is actually quite good.

  Mao Qiu smiled: "Actually, I didn't expect such a thing to have such a performance, but it's actually quite good, don't continue to doubt anything, or it will really make people feel a little embarrassed in the future. ."

  In fact, his own existence (cgdh) is like this, he obviously did nothing, but under their suspicion.

  He has become an unforgivable existence.

  In fact, there is something that I cannot accept in such a situation.

  Zhu Hao said: "Don't worry, after experiencing such a thing, they probably won't have the courage to continue talking like this."

  When something like this happens, there is something that I can't bear.

  But what I have to say is that this guy's words are really a little toxic.

  There is absolutely no way to refute it.

  Zhu Hao stood aside and clenched his fists: "This guy is a sophistry, obviously this is not the case at all."

  His existence can obviously be very simple, but it is only a matter of suspicion.

  But when he got to the hairball's side, he seemed to have become a heinous person.

  This kind of thing is actually quite a helpless thing for me.

  He didn't want this to continue to happen.

  Mao Qiu said: "Actually, I think it's better for you not to have such a performance in the future. I don't mean anything else, I just hope that things can be simpler in the future."

  Otherwise, if he continues to doubt himself, it is estimated that his existence will really not last long.

  Qilin smiled: "Don't worry, with such an experience, it is estimated that he will not have any other ideas."

  He just started to doubt something, and it is estimated that he would not have the courage to continue to say it.

  Immortal Pagoda nodded: "This thing is true, because after experiencing such a thing, even I myself don't dare to do such a situation."

  He felt that if he doubted something again, he would not have any good results in the future.

  Anyway, I will definitely not do such a thing again.

  Mao Qiu smiled: "It seems that such a move of mine has yielded a lot of results.".

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