The Pagoda Immortal said: "But their abilities are not that powerful, aren't they? If they are really powerful, we certainly hope they can follow us."

  Such a thing is certain.

  After all, they also need to maintain the law and order of the world. If there is a human who can dominate the world at that time.

  But if they don't care about it like this, it is estimated that the world will be in chaos by then.

  Maybe if they continue to develop like this, they will not have any stable days in the future.

  Just like Zhu Hao, his existence is actually a human being.

  But his existence is not simple like this, such a thing is not willing to admit, but he has to admit it.

  At that time, it was a guy like Zhu Hao.If it continues to develop, it is estimated that their heavenly world has no benefit now.

  Zhu Hao said: "However, your thoughts are still correct, but you must remember that you cannot allow your abilities to truly develop, or I am worried that the Jade Emperor will begin to doubt whether your existence can begin to betray."

  Immortal Pagoda coughed lightly: "Although I am more worried about such things, you can actually see my abilities, and there is nothing powerful about my existence, so it is the Jade Emperor who wants to doubt me, it is estimated that It's impossible."

  His ability is only such a development.

  If you want to advance, it is estimated that there will be no development in a thousand years.

  Qilin said: "I can finally understand now that even an ability like you can stand in such a high position.


  This is indeed something they should think about.

  The pagoda fairy coughed lightly: "This is not the main reason, mainly because my existence can still lead some people."

  His existence can actually make everything a lot easier at such a time.

0 . . . . .

  Because he is very loyal, at such a time, the Jade Emperor does not need a truly capable person by his side.

  Instead, he needs a person who is absolutely loyal to accompany him all the time.

  Only in this way can his heart be at ease.

  Zhu Hao nodded: "I can still understand your thoughts, but be careful in the future. Your existence has actually begun to increase your abilities."

  The pagoda god heard this and glanced at his body subconsciously: "This should be impossible."

  He felt that his existence was actually a very simple existence.

  This ability is almost fixed in place, so it is definitely impossible to develop anything again.superior.

Chapter 1089

  He would definitely not be willing to accept such a thing.

  Zhu Hao said, "Have you not noticed that your abilities have grown by now?"

  The ability of this pagoda fairy has actually risen to a certain level now.

  It is estimated that it is because he is relatively nervous, so he did not realize this.

  Kirin smiled: "It seems that your existence is also a relatively embarrassing existence, it is really very pitiful."

  Obviously he can endure everything, but at this time he can only endure everything.

  Let something like this threaten your life.

  The Pagoda Immortal looked at his body this time. When he felt his ability, he was very surprised.

  "My ability has really grown, and it's not even a single star."

  This kind of thing is a little too scary for me.

  He really didn't want to believe that such a thing would happen to him.

  Qilin said: "If others have an increase in ability, they will be very happy, but when they come to you, they are so nervous."

  If such a thing happened to him, it is estimated that he would be so happy that he would explode.

  Anyway, no matter what, such a thing must be a very happy existence,

  The Pagoda Immortal glared at him: "We just finished talking about the danger of this matter, and you started to provoke me, didn't you?"

  The existence of this guy really can't say much.

  Otherwise, he would be really easy to be arrogant.

  The words of the fairy of the pagoda made Qilin laugh: "I know you are also more afraid of such a thing happening, but there is no way, you have come to such a point, it is estimated that you want to regret it in the future, and it is impossible to have it. Such an opportunity."

  In fact, I am very happy about this.

  Because I can finally see a guy in the same situation as myself.

  In any case, such an existence, it is estimated that there will be no other results at that time.

  Because the Jade Emperor will definitely hate his ability very much.

  Immortal Pagoda looked at Taishang Laojun a little helplessly: "What should I do in this situation..."

  He really didn't want him to experience such a thing.

  If you continue like this, it is estimated that you will be very powerless in the future.

  Kirin smiled: "Don't worry, we can understand."

  The pagoda fairy glared at him: "Don't continue to gloat like this, you guy."

  Obviously he didn't want this to happen.

  Zhu Hao said: "The reason why your ability has grown is actually because at such a dangerous time, you subconsciously opened up the ability that you have been hiding all along."

  Hearing this, Qilin also looked at the pagoda immortal in disbelief: "This guy also hides his abilities?"

  How come they all exist like this?

  Am I the only one who is stupid?

  Anyway, he didn't want that to happen.

  The Pagoda Immortal heard this and said directly: "This is definitely impossible, you believe me.".

Chapter 1090

  He didn't even know that his abilities had such a development.

  If he knew, maybe he would have sneered out at the beginning.

  After Kirin said such words, everyone laughed.

  Qilin was a little overwhelmed: "Why are you laughing at me?"

  He didn't even think he had done anything wrong.

  Why do this to him.

  In any case, he will definitely not let such a thing go on inexplicably, and they must give themselves a reason.

  Taishang Laojun smiled and said: "So since you are from the devil world, you can't blame us for wanting to kill you at that time."

  At this time, no matter who Kirin says he is, or who he wants to defect to.

  He can't be any good.

  It was only at this time that Kirin realized how ridiculous his actions just now were.

  He said weakly: "Yes, I still jumped into the pit and can't get out."

  He has already controlled himself not to say more words.

  But he never imagined that he would still do such a thing wrong after all.

  It's just so sad, so unpredictable.

  Zhu Hao smiled: "So it's better that you don't continue talking in the future. If they already believe that you have such an idea, they probably won't let you go easily."

  In this way, Demon Venerable will not believe that his existence is loyal, and the Jade Emperor will also feel that there must be no reliable place for a person like him.

  Maybe they will attack them next time.

  So after such a thing happened, they probably won't have any chance to turn around.

  Qilin said distressedly: "So why do you guys have to do this to me, obviously I didn't do anything, but you guys are just digging holes for me."

  In fact, he would never say such words.

  But after such a thing happened, he really couldn't control his existence.

  Subconsciously, I wanted to say this.

  He was really wronged. In any case, he must pay attention to this kind of thing in the future, and he must not have any thoughts.

  Otherwise, it is really a little too scary, and I will definitely be very powerless.

  Zhu Hao said: "Actually, we didn't do anything to you. We just thought that someone like you should be more careful, but we didn't really believe what you said, so naturally we don't have to worry about anything."

  In fact, the few of them really didn't have any idea of ​​​​injuring him at the beginning, so they just teased him.

  As long as he can remember such a lesson in the future, it is estimated that he will not say such words again and again in the future.

  Qilin sighed: "I am really convinced of you. If you continue like this, I guess I am not killed by the Jade Emperor, and I will be scared to death by you guys."

  Zhu Hao said: "Actually, the Jade Emperor is such a character. He will constantly doubt any of you. If such an existence lives with us all the time, it is estimated that there will be no good results in the future."

  He is such an idea.

  After the Jade Emperor comes over, there may be chaos here. .

Chapter 1091

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