Not revealing his abilities is also to protect his own life from any harm.

  The two are actually not connected at all.

  So they don't want to say that there is anything wrong with their existence, this is a normal thing.

  The pagoda fairy nodded: "Yes, yes, your existence is very powerful, this is our mistake, it is our misunderstanding, but I still hope you can tell us, Da.

Chapter 1102

  What is your ability? If possible, I hope you can help us when the time comes. "

  In fact, at the beginning, he didn't want to let this Zhu Hao shoot.

  But looking at Zhu Hao's performance, it seems that this matter really has something to do with him.

  If that's the case, then I can't say anything more.

  If he can really help, he has to be polite.

  Zhu Hao looked at the pagoda fairy: "I found that your attitude towards me has suddenly improved a lot."

  This guy is nothing short of a big change.

  When I first revealed my abilities, I never saw him show such a performance.

  In any case, such a thing must not be so simple.

  Immortal Pagoda coughed lightly: "I don't want you to understand, we all think your ability is very powerful, can you help us?"

  It also gives him a focus.

  Thus.At that time, he just hoped that he could leave here, and he would be reluctant to leave because they were too polite.

  Qilin sighed: "I don't know what evil we have done to have such a performance."

  It really makes him feel very ashamed to please such a guy.

  Obviously (cgdh) is just a simple matter.

  And he actually felt that as long as Zhu Hao recovered his body at this time, it would only be a very easy thing to solve it.

  So at such a time, he still hopes that there will be a simple truth in the future.

  But there is no other way, after all, this Zhu Hao's ability is indeed very powerful.

  Zhu Hao said: "Kirin, I know what you mean, but I don't want you to treat me like this, there's really no need for that."

  In fact, his existence has been made clear to them from the very beginning, and it is absolutely impossible for him to let his abilities burst out.

  They don't have to think so much anymore.

  Because he wants to save his life, he hopes he can live longer.

  Therefore, if it is not a last resort, it is absolutely impossible for him to completely expose his existence.

  Zhu Hao said: "Since he doesn't want to say it, we shouldn't force him."

  In fact, there is no need to say more about such a thing. Since he has already stated his position, then they will not get the results they want even if they are forced.

  That being the case, then they don't need to be in the ink.

  Zhu Hao said: "Indeed, if I want to help you, then I won't hide it from the beginning."

  If he doesn't want to help them, then he has exposed his abilities.

  Still won't help them.

  Qilin scolded secretly: "You are really a bastard."

  This is the first time he has discovered that such an existence can exist in this place.

  Selfishness reaches a certain level, and it is simply unbearable.

  He didn't know how such a person could survive in this environment.

  Qilin's words made Zhu Hao sneer: "Then where do you think you are so noble? I think your existence is actually just like that. We can't have too many concerns about your existence at all, because when the time comes At that time you will definitely be caught in the trap and let yourself die.”.

Chapter 1103

  When I was sealed just now, I actually heard all the words here.

  He knew that this unicorn had been talking about himself.

  As a result, the Jade Emperor wanted to kill him.

  With such an existence, do you think he might have any future prospects?

  It is estimated that at the critical moment, he will die.

  Anyway, he has such an idea. He just hopes that he can have a change at that time, and it is impossible to succeed.

  Qilin couldn't help it when he heard this: "What the hell are you talking about, you still have the face to talk about me? Do you think your own existence will become more ridiculous soon!"

  Anyway, he felt that as long as he continued to survive here, there would definitely be a huge change.

  But this Zhu Hao will definitely not change.

  That's what his bones are, he's such a selfish person.

  If there is really any danger at that time, it is estimated that he will not do anything.

  In that case, why did they have to be so polite to him.

  Anyway, he was very dissatisfied.

  Qilin looked at Zhu Hao: "Zhu Hao, did you see, this guy's existence is simply the kind of person who doesn't repent, and he will expose his abilities at that time, and it is estimated that he will not help us. So let him go, we don't need him here all the time."

  His presence will only make their future more dangerous.

  That being the case, I still hope he can stay away from this place.

  Only in this way can they be much quieter.

  There is no need to care about anything for such an existence.

  Anyway, that's what he thought.

  They all don't understand.

  Zhu Hao said: "They won't let me leave, don't forget, my ability is actually much stronger than you think, and my ability alone at that time may be able to help you accomplish something. In this case, This Erlang God will definitely not let me leave."

  He knows exactly what his abilities can help them achieve when the time comes.

  So Erlang Shen must not give up this opportunity, this one can make everything easier.


  Qilin looked at Zhu Hao: "So you already know this guy's abilities?"

  This Zhu Hao was about to piss himself off.

  He really didn't know how such a person could live for such a long time.

  If possible, he wished he could die directly.

  Anyway, as long as he continues like this, he will definitely burst out and beat him to death.

0  …  

  Zhu Hao seemed to know Qilin's heart, he said slowly: "You don't have the ability to kill me at all."

  Qilin was stunned when he heard this.

  He looked at the guy: "Can you hear my heart?"

  Could the existence of this guy really be so powerful?

  As soon as Qilin's words fell, everyone looked at this Zhu Hao.

  Can this guy even read minds?

  If such a thing is true, then it is more ridiculous.

  Zhu Hao said: "Yes, I have the ability to read minds, so your existence here has nothing to do with it."

  He doesn't understand, go on.

Chapter 1104

  This unicorn has exploded his abilities, and now his abilities are running out.

  I really don't know what kind of courage he has to continue to say that his existence is very powerful at such a time.

  Anyway, if he were him, there would be no such act.

  Simply stupid.

  Qilin said directly: "That's what I want, it has nothing to do with you."

  Qilin is actually about to die of anger now, he is really the first to experience such a thing.

  The opponent's ability at the beginning was obviously not as powerful as his own.But I don't know why he could have such a development.

  He said that such a thing is actually a relatively speechless existence.

  In any case, at this time, I feel that I should be more careful in the future.

  I can't let this Zhu Hao continue to look down on himself.

  Because it's really a bit of a bummer.

  Zhu Hao said: "I know Qilin, your heart is good, but no matter how good you are, you can't stop the selfishness of others. Yes, I am selfish. I hope that I can live well, which is not true. What's wrong?"

  Anyway, he always felt that his actions like this were actually very correct, and they should all have a good understanding.

  Zhu Hao said: "Indeed, your existence is an existence that we can understand. After all, you can protect yourself no matter what, and in order to protect your ability not to show it, you have done so much concealment, I admire you for that."

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