"Why don't you have to worry about it?" Zhu Hao didn't understand: "Aren't you afraid that such a capable person will start attacking us at that time?"

  If Zhu Hao was really reincarnated,

Chapter 1122

  Then they just want to avoid such a danger, but they will not succeed.

  Anyway, this is his idea, and it is impossible for anyone to refuse.

  Immortal Pagoda patted him on the shoulder: "You should think about your own words in the future, don't doubt anything."

  Zhu Hao helped them so much before, how could it be reincarnation.

  "Then have you forgotten, if there is no Zhu Hao, how could the demon lotus suddenly burst out and devour the world?"

  There was something wrong with this matter, so they couldn't easily believe that Zhu Hao had died.

  Qilin also gave Zhu Hao a helpless look: "Your imagination is really very good."

  Because Zhu Hao didn't know that Zhu Hao was actually by their side, he probably didn't think about the consequences when he said such a word.

  But it is estimated that he will not have a better life in the future.

  After all, such a guy will not be convincing even if he does something at that time (cgdh).

  "You still doubt Zhu Hao? I think you are the most suspicious guy." Qilin rolled his eyes and said directly.

  He felt that this guy's words were completely unreasonable. Obviously, now he is almost the same as the pagoda fairy.

  Such an existence is estimated to have no good results.

  Pagoda Immortal looked at Zhu Hao and said slowly: "No matter what you say, we will not listen, so let's give up and continue such words, it is meaningless."

  He felt that at such a time, they really didn't have to do anything, and they didn't have to doubt anything.

  Because it is unnecessary, they have gone through so many things anyway, if Zhu Hao is really reincarnated, then it is impossible for them to continue to live here now.

  Zhu Hao asked: "Don't you think this is very good?"

  "Suspicious? As far as Zhu Hao's ability is concerned, if he wants to destroy the world, he doesn't need to spend so much effort." Pagoda Immortal said directly.

  Of course he understood what Zhu Hao's ability was like.

  If he wants the world to be destroyed, he only needs to explode his own abilities.

  Qilin nodded in agreement: "Yes, with Zhu Hao's powerful ability, if he wants to destroy the world, it's just a momentary thing, anyway, I don't think what you said makes any sense. It's better not to keep talking like that."

  What he did was very stupid. Anyway, he felt that if he continued to say this, he might not be able to help but want to kill him.

  This is certain.

  Zhu Hao sneered: "You guys are really very simple, if he wants to destroy this world, he can't succeed with just a little ability, yes, his ability is stronger than ours, but such a situation is The Jade Emperor takes things that the entire heaven and Buddha world can't achieve, how could he, Zhu Hao, succeed?"

  So this time also need to use their own ability.

  or to create an illusion,

Chapter 1123

  When this world becomes his, then he appears suddenly, and in fact everything is resolved.

  When Kirin heard such a remark, he thought it was quite reasonable.

  He looked at Zhu Hao subconsciously.

  Zhu Hao glared at him without saying a word: "I'm sick."

  This guy actually began to doubt himself because of such a flower language. You said that he was not sick or something.

  At such a time, he was busy trying to save the world, but he doubted himself like that.

  He didn't find it funny.

  Qilin coughed lightly: "Anyway, we won't believe that Zhu Hao will be reincarnated."

  Taishang Laojun nodded: "Indeed, no matter what, Zhu Hao has been around for so long, if he is really reincarnated, then at this time he can really attack the world. "

  "This also proves that his ability has not yet fully evolved, so he still needs to continue to cultivate his ability." Zhu Hao continued with these words.

  Anyway, you have to figure it out yourself.

  Otherwise, if something really happened in the future, I would not be able to bear it.

  He was such an idea, anyway.

  Zhu Hao said: "So I hope you can think about it carefully, this Zhu Hao's existence originally appeared out of thin air, none of us know what his origin is, and as soon as he appeared, he had a very powerful Ability, how can such an existence be simple?"

  Being able to have such a powerful ability is definitely not easy.

  So the few of them need to be careful, otherwise if something really happens, it will be too late for them to start returning.

  When Taishang Laojun heard this, he hesitated for a while.

  I have to say that what Zhu Hao said is actually a little related.

  So at this time he suddenly didn't know what to say.

  If it continues like this, I guess I don't even know what my position is.

  Zhu Hao said: "Look, you also think this matter is not normal, right? So we should be careful about a lot of things. In case that Zhu Hao is really reincarnated, we can't succeed even if we want to regret it. of."


  Mao Qiu said, "You are so funny. If Zhu Hao was reincarnated, how could he possibly suspect that I was reincarnated."

  A guy like that can perceive his own abilities and say it out. From this point of view, he really wants to help the world return to safety.


  It must be impossible to do so.

  Zhu Hao looked at Mao Qiu: "So this reincarnation is you?"


  "Otherwise, why is your reaction so big? If you are not a reincarnation, why are you so sure that Zhu Hao is not a reincarnation, and it has something to do with you."

  This thing must not be so simple.

  So he needs to understand what his existence is.

  Hairball is a little weak: "What do I need to do with such a mouth?"

  Obviously this kind of thing has nothing to do with me, go.

Chapter 1124

  Maybe after this happened, he would not be suspected again.

  But he had to say such words himself, making himself very embarrassed.

  In such a situation, it is estimated that there is no way to say anything more.

  Really very helpless.

  Zhu Hao patted his body: "So it's better not to talk in the future."

   This Zhu Hao is now seriously ill and biting people, so they can't say anything else.

  Just take a good look at what he will do in the future.

  Anyway, he felt that what such a guy said was actually unnecessary.

  Zhu Hao said: "If you are not a reincarnation of Mao Qiu, then there is a high chance that Zhu Hao is a reincarnation. He actually wants to turn our goal on you."

  When Mao Qiu heard Zhu Hao's words, he was actually a little hesitant.

  This kind of thing is actually possible, so what is the situation at that time, it is estimated that they just want to know and it is impossible to understand so quickly.

  So he is actually a little confused now, what exactly is his existence.

  The Pagoda Immortal said: "Whether Zhu Hao is reincarnated or not, it has nothing to do with us. Erlang God just said that the ability of reincarnation is not that powerful at all, but it is very powerful. At this time, he also needs to cultivate, and he has no time to pay attention to it. us."

  So as long as they keep doing what they do, that's fine.

  Don't worry so much at all.

  Zhu Hao said: "Indeed, as long as we wait until the time to deal with the matter in front of us, it will be too late to doubt this matter in the future."

  He felt that if such a topic continued, he would not think about it.

  Anyway, he has already made so many contributions.The big deal is to show your identity directly.

  In this way, there is no way for them to doubt themselves.

  The pagoda fairy nodded: "So Erlang God, let's go out now."

  When the words fell, he glanced at Zhu Hao: "Before that, I think it is necessary for him to never speak."

  If he keeps talking, they'll probably start to mess up, something he doesn't want to go through...  

  It's not just that he doesn't want to experience it, it is estimated that no one wants to hear what he said again.

  The words of the pagoda fairy made Zhu Hao feel ridiculous: "Don't you think your reaction at this time is a little disgusting?"

  "Why do we despise it?" Qilin said incomprehensibly.

  He didn't know why this guy had to target Zhu Hao like this.

  It is clear that Zhu Hao's body has now been taken away by the reincarnations, and there is no need for them to continue to slander Zhu Hao.

  Of course, although Zhu Hao's soul is now in Erlang's body, this situation doesn't mean anything else.

  He felt that all future situations had to be dealt with properly.

  Otherwise, if Zhu Hao wants to restore his true body at that time, it is estimated that it will be a troublesome thing.

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