Immortal Pagoda coughed lightly: "At this time, don't say anything about my past, it's unnecessary."

  He thinks that his existence is actually a very normal existence, and if something bad really happens at that time.

  At least it can be changed.

  Zhu Hao looked at Zhu Hao: "You continue to say, don't worry about the pagoda fairy."

  In fact, he really wanted to hear what Zhu Hao had to say.

  Because he felt that there were enough things that the Pagoda Immortals suspected in the past. If Zhu Hao had any other innovations, it would be really interesting.

  Qilin hurriedly nodded: "Yes, yes, you can also talk about what your worries are, and see if it is the same as what the Pagoda Immortal suspected."

  By comparison, he can know whether the original pagoda fairy is annoying.

  The Pagoda Immortal sighed: "It seems that there is really no way to change my image."

  Such a thing has to have something to do with him, and he is actually a little pitiful.

  He really didn't want things like this to continue like this. .

Chapter 1128

  Zhu Hao said: "It doesn't matter, your past has passed, as long as you don't continue like this in the future."

  The enchantress nodded: "If you behave like this again in the future, it is estimated that we will definitely want to kill you directly."

  After all, it is wrong again and again.

  If he inks something again, it is estimated that they will not have any other patience.

  The pagoda fairy smiled: "Don't worry, if I were like that, I wouldn't be a fairy."

  He can actually understand what he did in the past, but at such a time, he can actually understand what his existence is going to do.

  Zhu Hao nodded: "It's the best thing not to do things like that again. I believe you can do it."

  He has always felt that the existence of this pagoda fairy should not be such a character.

  Therefore, Zhu Hao himself was a little surprised when he found out that he had such ink marks.

  I really just didn't expect that such an existence could have such ink marks.

  Qilin laughed: "Really, this pagoda immortal seems to be a relatively quiet existence, and I never thought that he could have such an amazing performance when he doubted things."

  In fact, it wasn't just that he didn't think of it, it was estimated that everyone didn't realize that he actually had such a side.

  Very unexpected, but even if it is an accident, it is actually like that.

  After all, people always have many different sides.

  Zhu Hao said: "So you guys still want to listen to me."

  Mingming had already said that he wanted to listen to him explain such a thing, but in the blink of an eye, they behaved like this.

  As if if they were to speak, they would not dare to just perfunctory.

  In such a situation, he actually felt a little bit unnecessary, and also felt very angry.

  Since you want to listen to him, be careful and don't continue to behave like this is the best.

  Zhu Hao nodded: "Yes, I forgot about this. Say it."

  Qilin snickered: "Why didn't I find out, Erlang God, when did you become so patient?"

  If such a thing had happened before, it is estimated that he would have come over with a cold eye.


  But at such a time, he was so tolerant.

  As if time is not in a hurry.

  Zhu Hao's mouth curled slightly: "I'm just curious about what worries this guy will say."

  In such a situation, he is actually looking forward to it. After all, if he can really have an idea, then he will definitely be able to gain a little in the future.

0 ......  

  For example, what should be done directly should be done with hesitation.

  After all, being a human still requires a little hypocrisy on the surface.

  Qilin nodded: "It also makes sense, then Zhu Hao, just say it directly, you see, we will give you more face."

  Qilin looked at the pagoda fairy: "As far as the pagoda fairy exists, we don't want him to speak. If he does, we can't wait to seal his mouth."

  The pagoda fairy nodded: "Indeed, I really didn't expect that a word that wants to doubt can still get such respect."

  It really took him by surprise.

  Zhu Hao moved his body: Go.

Chapter 1129

  "After all, when you doubt the pagoda fairy, we can all know what you suspect."

  "Haha, that's because the things I suspect are actually suspected by others, but I just said it directly." Pagoda Immortal said.

  In fact, such a thing really is like this.

  Although I used to be more suspicious, the doubts I expressed were often the same thing that the few of them were suspicious and curious about at the same time.

  It's just that the few of them have been patiently, not saying it, but when he got to himself, he couldn't help it.

  So there is such a phenomenon.

  In fact, it sounds a little helpless.

  How could he be so stupid before.

  The demon girl said: "With this incident, you can pay more attention in the future. If you can't doubt, don't doubt it. If you really think this thing is very wrong, you can endure it and wait for Zhu Hao to say. come out."

  Such a remark from the enchanting girl simply surprised everyone, and they were about to laugh madly.

  Qilin laughed: "Pagoda Immortal, do you see it, you have found an existence that can help you beat the thunder."

  This sentence is simply not to be too incisive.

  Because this Zhu Hao and the Pagoda Immortal are actually similar in character, many times Zhu Hao has more doubts than the Pagoda Immortal.

  Thus.If the Pagoda Immortal begins to doubt something, there is no need to continue to worry about it.

  As long as he waits for this Zhu Hao to say the words, he can sit back and enjoy the success and see if he can get an answer at that time.

  This kind of thing is actually very good.

  Zhu Hao stood aside, a little powerless: "I don't think that I think the same as the pagoda fairy."

  And his own doubts are actually not that much.

  Anyway, at a critical time, it is impossible for me to drop the chain like that.

  Because he actually wants to survive.

  As long as he can survive, he will definitely focus on the overall situation.

  But if what they do is really not right, then their own doubts are actually very necessary.

  Qilin said: "Yes, yes, you are right, you are not the same as the pagoda fairy..."

  The tone of voice of the two of them must be different.

  The Pagoda Immortal also smiled and shook his head: "Okay, let's not continue to say such words to ridicule Zhu Hao. In fact, he didn't do anything."

  After all, he used to be like this.

  When they are talking about Zhu Hao now, he will be a little embarrassed himself.

  However, he could also understand that the few of them didn't actually mean to mock him.

  It's just a matter of saying such a thing.

  Zhu Hao looked at Zhu Hao: "Okay, we won't interrupt, you can talk."

  This Zhu Hao has actually wanted to speak for a long time, but he just didn't have the opportunity to say it directly.

   This is actually a pity.

  After all, it was once again delayed for so long.

  Zhu Hao took a deep breath: "Okay, then I'll start talking."

  When the words fell, he looked out of the space: "The Jade Emperor and the Buddha's abilities have been damaged now, and even if the two of them came here, they wouldn't actually be able to help us.

Chapter 1130

  It might even become a burden.Moreover, their abilities are normal, but they are also Jade Emperors and Buddhas after all. If something goes wrong at that time, we will not be able to eat and go. "

  The Jade Emperor and the Buddha are also masters after all.

  If the two of them died, it is estimated that the world would be in complete chaos.

  Not to mention others, the Pagoda Immortals and Taishang Laojun, it is estimated that they will completely lose their military hearts because of such a thing.

  So if the Jade Emperor and the Buddha came here, it would definitely not be a good thing.

  Zhu Hao nodded: "You said 26 is very reasonable."

  Qilin looked at Zhu Hao blankly: "So we really shouldn't let the Jade Emperor and the others come over?"

  In fact, I don't understand a little about such a thing, because what Zhu Hao said seems to be very reasonable.

  Mao Qiu didn't even know what heinous thing he had done to make them target him like this.

  There's actually nothing more to say about this kind of thing.

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