But this hairball is still more worried about whether his future life will be disturbed.

  But obviously such a thing must be impossible, in this case, then don't worry about anything.

  Mao Qiu said: "But the Jade Emperor has the same idea as him. When the two of them meet, I will definitely be in danger."

  He can already be very sure that his existence will definitely appear a little - dangerous,

  In order to prevent such a thing from happening, he felt that it was very necessary for him to beware of what happened in the future.

  The Pagoda Immortal said: "Actually, you don't have to worry about such a thing at all. If we knew that you would be in danger, we would actually protect you."

  Qilin said: "I found that you are a little bit similar to me now."

  The existence of this guy is really more and more like himself.

  Furball asked, "I don't think I have anything in common with you."

  So I don't know why he suddenly said such a word.

  After all, he was not at all different from him.

  This kind of thing is actually not a good thing for him, why does he have to say this.

  Qilin said: "Because I was actually more worried about whether the Jade Emperor would start attacking me because of my ability, but I forgot that my ability is already quite large, why should I worry so much. "

  "But my ability is not that strong." Mao Qiu said: "If I had the same ability as you, I wouldn't have to worry about so many things at this time."


  He really thinks like this. He feels that if his ability is really strong, then at such a time he can definitely solve all the situations.

  And there won't be any worries.

0 ......

  Because he felt that his existence at least had a guarantee.

  Time Strange said: "You don't have to worry, you see that my ability is actually the same as yours, but I have nothing at all right now."

  He can also understand what kind of things the hairball is worried about now.

  But such doubts are actually nothing to worry about.

  They can all know what the identity of this hairball is.

  Even if they don't know, Zhu Hao can actually understand.

  In this case, they don't have to worry about anything else.

  Because as long as Zhu Hao's ability can protect them, then what happens will have absolutely nothing to do with them.superior.

Chapter 1134

  Anyway, that's what I think.

  Kirin sighed: "Yeah, you really don't need to think about Mao Qiu so much, we can completely protect you."

  He felt that Zhu Hao's ability was to allow all of them to restore their abilities and personalities.

  For example, myself, I was actually a little confused at that time just now.

  But because of the existence of Zhu Hao, I don't have to worry about so many situations.

  This kind of thing is actually quite a good thing for me.

  He is more hopeful that this hairball can be the same as himself, and can understand what the existence of this matter is like.

  There's no need to worry so much at all.

  Mao Qiu looked at Qilin: "I know what you mean, but you are a completely different creature from me."

  In fact, Mao Qiu has always felt that his existence is a very weak one.

  After all, no matter what, his ability is indeed similar to that of Yaolian.

  In such a matter, they can indeed begin to doubt themselves even more.

  Because he and Kirin are not the same thing at all.

  The Jade Emperor began to doubt Qilin, and was only worried that his ability would be too powerful to attack their heavenly realm at that time.

  But their own existence is different, because their own existence is a relatively dangerous existence, so at such a time they will definitely want to kill themselves.

  In this way, the world will not be in any danger.

  He is fundamentally different from Qilin.

  The pagoda fairy looked at Mao Qiu: "Even so, you and Qilin are both protected by Erlang God."

  In this case, there is no need to worry about anything else, because as long as Zhu Hao is there, then their identities are in danger, and they will be able to escape at that time.

  There's really no need to worry about things like this.

  Mao Qiu said: "But do you think this Erlang God can let me have nothing at all?"

  At a time like this, he has already started not to speak for himself.

  Then when something really happened, wouldn't he just watch them helplessly kill himself...  

  This kind of thing is actually possible.

  Qilin looked at Zhu Hao: "Erlang God, please say something, or this guy really doesn't dare to follow us."

  He can understand that the existence of this guy will definitely help them solve something.

  That being the case, then they must not be able to let him go.

  Zhu Hao didn't understand a little: "He obviously wants to leave here, why do you continue to keep him?"

  He didn't understand something like that.

  The existence of this guy is actually more dangerous. If he can leave here directly, then their troubles will actually be reduced a lot.

  That being the case, why let him continue to stay here.

  He can obviously leave directly, can't he?

  Anyway, this is what he thinks. He hopes that the hairball can leave directly, no matter whether he can help them solve something. .

Chapter 1135

  Qilin said: "His ability is useful to us."

  This guy simply didn't know how everything was going, and started talking nonsense there all the time.

  This kind of thing is actually quite meaningless to me.

  Zhu Hao said: "His ability is not that strong at all, and we just need his ability, in fact, it can be replaced by others."

  The existence of this guy doesn't have any particularly powerful abilities, so when something happens at 26, he probably won't be able to help them.

  So when the time comes, they can just find someone to replace him as long as they handle the matter well.

  As long as this hairball can die directly, then they don't have to worry too much in the future.

  Zhu Hao said: "We all know that you are worried about whether this hairball will bring us danger in the future, but I can tell you very clearly now that your worry has nothing to do with us."

  As long as they don't worry about it, that's fine.

  This is my own idea.

  Zhu Hao said: "I am not the only one worried about this matter. If you ask the Jade Emperor, he will definitely be more worried about such a thing."

  Zhu Hao looked at the evil thing: "Also, you can actually understand the evil thing. You should be able to know whether there is any danger in the existence of this guy."

  The evil thing is also a person who has been connected with reincarnation. If so, then he should be able to know whether the existence of this hairball is dangerous.

  Anyway, at such a time, I hope to obtain such a result, and I hope that they must give themselves such an answer.

  The evil thing said: "Although the ability of the hairball and reincarnation is indeed a little similar. But I can also understand that its existence must not be reincarnation."

  The ability to reincarnate is so powerful that it is simply not something he can match.

  So he thinks that Zhu Hao's idea may be a little incorrect. Even if he is worried about the safety of things in the future, there is no need to be all grass and trees.

  This kind of thing is not a particularly good thing for them.

  Because if it continues like this, it is estimated that they will lose more friends.

  Obviously they are all existences that can help themselves, but at such a time everything has such a change.

  This kind of thing is not right.

  Zhu Hao said: "Look, you have said that this guy's existence is actually similar to the ability of that reincarnation, maybe he is just hiding his ability now, we can't see it. ."

  After all, he is such an existence, he can completely hide his abilities, and there is no way for them to check all their problems.

  So this hairball can actually be like this.

  Hairball said: "If I really exist like this, then I will be the first to kill you."

  The existence of this guy just makes him a little too angry.

  Obviously everyone believes in himself, and he can't have such a big trouble, but he himself came to slander himself. .

Chapter 1136

  There's really nothing he can say about this kind of thing.

  Zhu Hao nodded: "Indeed, we all don't quite understand what your brain circuit looks like, Zhu Hao."

  Obviously, the situation is actually very simple, and they can almost understand all the situations.

  But he must start worrying about things like this, but he doesn't want to think about whether he has the ability to doubt.

  Zhu Hao said: "Anyway, I've already told you the words. If you don't do it, then don't blame me for doing it yourself."

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