But I don't know why this Sun Wukong feels that he will be very selfish.

  Zhu Hao said: "It's not that Sun Wukong thinks you are selfish, but you are not a generous guy."

  The existence of this guy has really reached a certain level of selfishness. At this point, the words he has spoken are actually only for his own safety.

  He didn't even think about the world, he just thought that if he could survive, then it wouldn't matter...  

  The existence of such a guy is actually a relatively unknown danger to them.

  If something really goes wrong at that time, it is estimated that he will be the first to betray them.

  This kind of thing is actually kind of funny.

  But that's how he is.

  Zhu Hao said: "I just hope that I can hide my abilities, and I won't help you solve things if I didn't say it."

  He didn't understand why they had to understand their own abilities like this.

  Mao Qiu glanced at him unexpectedly: "You can really say it, don't you think like we said?"

  This guy's sophistry is really more powerful.

  He is obviously a funny existence, but at such a time, he still behaves like he is a victim.

  Zhu Hao glanced at Mao Qiu: "So do you think there is no problem with your existence?"

  Just now, because there was no need to continue to talk about the disadvantages of this hairball, I let him relax for a while. .

Chapter 1145

  As a result, at such a time, he actually said such words again, it seems that he really does not want to live.

  Mao Qiu said: "I just think you are very ridiculous. You only have the ability, but you are still so hidden, so do you think we will occupy your ability, or do you want to swallow your ability?"

  The existence of this guy really makes people feel a little ridiculous.

  Not a little, but too much.

  Zhu Hao put his arms around his chest: "So, no matter how you explain it, your 26 image is the same, but I still advise you in advance, it's best not to say more words when you get to the Jade Emperor, otherwise I'm afraid I will kill you directly."

  In fact, he really was a little moved to kill.

  Such a guy is estimated to have a great influence on them at that time.

  Micro-lectures do not allow such a thing to happen, he feels that he should be more careful,

  If you can, kill him directly, that's a hundred.

  However, it is estimated that such a thing cannot be done at such a time.

  After all, it is also a relatively powerful existence, and I still hope that he can help him solve small things and the like when the time comes.

  But even like this, it can't prove that he can make his existence manifest.

  Zhu Hao said: "It doesn't matter. Since you don't believe me, then I will say more words at this time, and the result will be the same."

  "I don't know why you behaved like this when you followed Zhu Hao." Zhu Hao casually changed the topic.

  He felt that if this guy continued to talk, it was estimated that the hairball would be left directly by the ink.

  After all, his existence really makes people unable to say anything more.

  An absolute inkblood ghost, they have to be careful.

  Zhu Hao said: "When I followed Zhu Hao, I just thought he was more powerful, and I didn't want to argue with him."

  This kind of thing is actually very simple and normal when you think about it.

  After all, at a time like that, he actually had a lot to do.

  He hoped that Zhu Hao would not attack him, and he also felt that at such a time, if he followed Zhu Hao, then things would not be particularly boring in the future.

  Anyway, I have such an idea, but I didn't expect that after such a thing just ended.

  The world has changed like this,

  In the end, he left because he suspected that Zhu Hao was a more dangerous existence.

  But it's actually rather funny.

  He is not a more powerful existence at all, and at that time, this Zhu Hao will not have to rely on himself at all.

  Qilin said: "You said this as if Zhu Hao had relied on you."

  He saw that Zhu Hao was not here, so he was ready to brag.

  But he didn't even know that Zhu Hao was in front of him.

  Zhu Hao said: "After all, Zhu Hao also accepted me as his brother, so he should also hope that I can help him at a critical time."

  But at that time he still felt that the world was more important.

  Zhu Hao almost got nauseated: .

Chapter 1146

  "Don't worry, with your existence, he should be eager for you to disappear quickly."

  Isn't this guy a little conceited?

  He didn't quite understand what this guy's character was.

  While saying that his existence is an existence with little ability, he feels conceited that everyone must obey his words.

  This kind of character actually finds it a little funny, but I really don't know how he thinks about this.

  Anyway, I just don't understand it a little bit.

  The Pagoda Immortal said, "But how did a person like you become a general in the first place?"

  I actually have my doubts about this.

  Obviously he himself has shown that he is a waste.

  But he has to continue to show his arrogance, and in the end he really got a place.

  This kind of thing is actually quite ridiculous to me.

  Anyway, no matter what, such an existence made me feel very sick.

  Qilin said: "So you have to be careful in the future. If such a person can, let him stay in the lowest place all the time, otherwise it will really be difficult for people to accept it 々".

  Not only is there no way to accept it, it is simply disgusting to a certain level.

  I don't know what he was thinking. There's nothing really powerful about such a thing.

  In this case, he should also understand that his existence is actually impossible to set off any kind of waves.

  But just to continue to pretend to be like this, such an existence can't help but admire a little.

  Zhu Hao said: "I didn't hide all my abilities, at least I still set aside a little."

  Their words are actually a bit ridiculous, as if they are a fool, when faced with such a thing, they will have such a move.

  Anyway, his idea was wrong.

  Zhu Hao said: "But since your ability was already very strong, there is absolutely no need to follow Zhu Hao, right?"

  In fact, there is one thing he doesn't quite understand about such a thing.

  His ability can already be estimated.

  In this case, he was actually able to avoid his own attack at first, and even if he didn't resist, there was no need to follow him.

  Such a thing is actually a little curious.

  He felt that the existence of this guy might really be something that was amiss.

  Zhu Hao said: "¨ˇ I just thought that Zhu Hao's ability was stronger than that of the Jade Emperor at that time."

  He sneered: "I just didn't expect that such a seemingly powerful existence would die directly (of money) at such a time."

  He suddenly felt that what he did in the past was wrong, and it was obvious that the situation would not have reached the level it is today.

  Qilin nodded: "If you don't follow Zhu Hao, you are probably one of the cannibals now."

  This is certain.

  Because at that time he must still be in the heaven.

  This infection or something, no matter how powerful his ability is, the result is the same. .

Chapter 1147

  So no matter how much he wanted to use his abilities, he probably couldn't escape such a result.

  This is his life.

  The Pagoda Immortal said: "Indeed, it is fortunate that our current immortals are not completely wiped out, otherwise things really don't know how to proceed."

  Taishang Laojun smiled: "It seems that I have to thank the Demon Venerable and the others a lot. If it weren't for a few of them, it might be the old man and me, and now I have become a member of the cannibals."

  If such a thing really happened, then the current situation may be more difficult to solve.

  Fortunately, everything doesn't work that way.

  Zhu Hao said, "However, Taishang Laojun, isn't your ability immune to it?"

  The existence of this guy should have long been invulnerable to all poisons.

  So at such a time he should be able to endure everything.

  There must be no other situation.

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