Zhu Hao's words just now were correct, he didn't have the courage or the ability to go to the east.

  But he also has a plan, that is, to harvest all the fairies as his little brothers, and then go directly to attack the east, after that, everything will be his victory.

  It's just that it's not all there yet.

  Zhu Hao gave Niutou a funny look: "¨ˇ? I don't know who was begging for mercy just now, I hope I can let you go? It seems that you guys don't have a long memory, and it's just a short period of time. The Jue (De Nuo Zhao) has to be invincible in the world?"

  This bull's head was not polite at all when he spoke to him, so he probably wasn't afraid of being beaten by him.

  Niu Tou also had a head, and then stammered: "I, I just want to tell you about the dangers of this world. The new born is an existence who knows nothing, but you are different, so I also want to To protect you."

  He didn't want such a being to die. .

Chapter 1162

  If they died, it would be more than worth the loss for them.

  The fairies also looked at each other at this time, and then looked at Zhu Hao again.

  "Yes, we want to protect you."

  Although they still don't know a little bit, what exactly is this bull's head going to do.

  Zhu Hao said: "You can be easily killed by me and protect me?" He sneered: "Forget it, I don't want to let a few burdens surround me."

  When the words fell, he looked at the position in the hole: "Didn't you say you want me to see the ability in that hole? If so, why waste time."

  He said at the beginning that he must enter this hole.

  But it's only a matter of time. Now that I know a little thing about the east, I have a place to go.

  Therefore, it is also a good existence to deal with this side quickly now.

  Niu Tou snorted: "You really don't play cards according to the routine. If you went in with us from the beginning, there would not be so many entangled situations."

  He won't even worry about the goblins, and now he's wasting his ability, let alone making himself so (cgdh) shameless.

  Zhu Hao put his hands on his arms, and said casually, "I said, I prefer individuality."

  At least not arbitrarily listening to other people's opinions.

  The goblins said: "But there is danger in it. Although you defeated us, it does not prove that you can win every battle."

  They think that Zhu Hao's existence is a very rare existence, so they actually hope that he can stay here well.

  If they can, they can also protect him and wait for the next change in the world.

  Zhu Hao said: "Yes."

  Of course he knew that the situation in the cave was dangerous, but he was certain that the existence in this cave could not be so powerful, because he had already felt the power inside.

  After listening to this, Niu Tou didn't continue the ink: "Okay, since you have such a bold face, I will show you over there."

  When the words fell, his head flew in front of him, ready to lead the way.

  Zhu Hao said lazily, "If I go there, will I be able to discover your true body?"

  The bull's head paused: "What's the matter with you?"

  "Nothing, I just want to see if I can destroy your real body." Zhu Hao said jokingly with a slight curl on the corner of his mouth.

  Of course, this is impossible. If you are new here, you still need someone to help you.

  So when something like this happened, he had another idea to implement.

  Niu Tou turned his head to look at him stiffly: "Are you kidding me?"

  This guy's words already made him start to panic, to know that after the real body is destroyed, he will die completely.

  The fairies exuded a faint light, which slightly illuminated the gloomy weather here, but in the light, the place was also filled with the breath of death.

  Zhu Hao said, "Well, it's a joke."

  He smiled and shrugged: "Am I a newborn, a newborn is such a state that a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers."

  "You can forget it, I'm a calf now, and you are obviously a fierce tiger." Niu Tou also said a little bit. .

Chapter 1163

  Fortunately, Zhu Hao himself can say such words, doesn't he feel that he is very shameless.

  Zhu Hao said, "Do you have tigers here?"

  Because Niutou knew what the tiger meant, he was a little surprised.

  It seems that this chaotic world is not a particularly boring place.

  Niu Tau said: "We have four towns here, namely tigers, lions, snakes and dragons."

  So how could I not know the existence of tigers, and I am not a fool.

  Hearing this, Zhu Hao gave him a deep look: "There is still a town here?"

  It seems that this place is really different from what I imagined.

  Niu Tau said: "Now this is a world of goblins. You look like there is no existence, but it is estimated that there are thousands of goblins behind you who want to eat you, but they are not so Great ability.~"

  In the chaotic world, their ability is only a very ordinary attack power, that is, it is impossible to succeed in killing people.

  Zhu Hao turned to look at the group of fairies following him, and sneered: "Then your abilities are really a very weak existence."

  It's not that I haven't tried it myself.

  Such a group of fairies, as long as they thought about it, they would have already died.

  Moreover, he also felt the biological breath of this place. To be honest, he really didn't feel it at all.

  Including the breath of this cow, I also feel very illusory.

  Niu Tou said: "Although we are weak, the guardians of the town are different, but we have only heard of them, and we don't know what they really look like."

  The existence of their four towns seems to be air, so it is difficult to find them.

  But they can feel that these four existences must have the ability to explode.

  Zhu Hao thought for a while: "So in such a dangerous place to the east, is there a guardian?"

  The goblins laughed and said, "You're wrong about this. Recently, a mysterious guy has been born here. He looks very big, and he has been making waves over there for a long time. Although it looks terrible, it should not be. The ability of the people in the town is so great."


  This situation they also learned from the mouths of the survivors.

  Although they haven't been there either, it should be true.

  Zhu Hao raised his eyebrows when he heard this.

  Could it be that the guy in that place is Pangu?

  But it should be impossible. It is said that this Pangu was conceived from flowers, and it has already opened up the world not long after birth.

. 0 0

  But now he's making waves there?

  It sounds like it really doesn't feel anything at all.

  Niu Tou said: "Anyway, this place doesn't seem to have any meaning at all, and it also has a lifeless appearance, but it is still very scary. You just need to pay attention to it."

  Although he really wanted to kill him, it would be meaningless if he didn't do it himself.

  Zhu Hao moved his cervical vertebrae: "At first I thought this chaotic initial world was actually just a very boring empty world."

  But now it seems that there is really a bit of fun in it.superior.

Chapter 1164

  Niu Tou glanced at him suspiciously: "What do you mean? Can a freshman guess that this is an empty world?"

  He didn't know what Zhu Hao meant, but he always felt something was wrong.

  Zhu Hao patted his bull's head: "Don't ask about superfluous things, it's not good for you."

  If he told them that his existence came from the distant future, he probably wouldn't have to start attacking himself, and a few of them would be scared to death.

  But then, how boring it would be.

  Niu Tou also glanced at him a little unhappily: "I think you, a freshman, really have a problem."

  But I really don't know what the problem is.

  The goblins said, "It's okay to have secrets, we've all been bored for so many years, and it's time to look at alternative existences."

  Only in this way can they have a little interest in their lives.

  Zhu Hao said: "Actually, if you are bored, go to the east to see how good it is."

  In that case, you can challenge the monster in the east, and you can also relieve your boredom.

  I think this life is not bad.

  The goblins shuddered subconsciously when they heard this: "We think it's better not to. More than half of us have been killed and injured there. If we are killing, it is estimated that the goblins will perish."

  The fairies are very aware of how powerful the monsters in the east are, so they are not prepared to die in the past.

  Niu Tou looked at Zhu Hao: "But you can go through it. Then there will be some danger. You may be able to protect yourself and survive."

  Zhu Hao turned to look at the deserted desert in the east.

  To be honest, I really haven't seen any secret things over there, nor have I found any real abilities emanating.

  But looking at their dialogue like this, it seems that there is indeed something terrifying in the east.

  Zhu Hao said: "I will go and see, but not now."

  Niu Tou said: "Of course, you still have to go to the cave with us first."

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