Immortal Martial Venerable

Vol 2 Chapter 1409: Sudden attack

The immortal human demon is a stunning existence in the human race. He wants the immortal and demon dual cultivation to take a different path of cultivation, but in the end this ancient human race powerhouse became a human demon and sometimes immortal. It was an incarnation into a demon. This caused a lot of noise during the Primordial years. The ancient human demon is an extremely dangerous person because he himself can't control the power of the fairy demon in his body. I don't know when he will become a demon. At that time, the humans and demons of the ancients will lose all their rationality, only knowing that the crazy killing of humans and demons often blood flows into rivers. The living creatures in one area will be slaughtered. I shot him at that battle, the world was broken, the earth was broken, and the land of the ancient and prehistoric was turned into a robbery. No one knows what the result of that battle was. But the extremely dangerous figure, the ancient human demon, disappeared and never appeared again. And that big man It is seriously injured and dying. Some people say that the ancient human demon has been beheaded by the big man, but some people say that the ancient human demon was sealed by the big man. In the end, which statement is true and that statement is false, but no one knows and that Xiang Qianguren The big man who shot the demon soon also sat down. That big person was injured by the eternal demon and only lived for more than two hundred years after his return. In the end, his injuries were too serious and he sat down. "Unexpectedly, this murderer's body was sealed. I’m here.”    The more Heitian thinks, the more his heart is palpitating. If the eternal humans and demons can’t be born, the whole world will be catastrophic. No one can contend with this kind of existence. Gu Fei is shocked. He never thought that this soul was born. The old man whose body is frozen in the yin veins at the bottom of the lake, sealed in the Golden Walking God Orb, has such a big background. "What should I do now?"    Gu Fei is a first two big photos. Hei Tian said this eternal demon is definitely one. The horror is so unimaginable that even the great figures of the ancient times can only seal it and it is difficult to kill it. "This..."   Hei Tian meditated. The eternal demon is extremely dangerous. If you let him be the soul Fusion with the flesh, this human demon may be resurrected. Once the ancient human demon is resurrected, the first unlucky one is Gu Fei and the others "maybe they will be able to use this murderous man in the future!" Gu Fei pondered for a long time and then moved Shanheding. The power swallowed the frozen old man floating in the lake in front of him and swallowed it into the mountains and rivers. "Boss, you..."    When he saw it, he was stunned. The ancients were stunned, even if there were many strong men in the ancient years. The age is definitely an extremely dangerous person. This extremely dangerous person is too late to hide. But Gu Fei actually took the murderous man's body into the mountain and river tripod. Gu Fei was very careful that he took the golden beads. The physical body of the old man was sealed in two different places in the mountain and river tripod to prevent them from contacting. The space in the mountain and river tripod was so big and scary and almost boundless. It seemed that a real world could be installed. After doing all this, Gu Fei and Hei Tian continued to sink towards the bottom of the lake, and the darkness below was totally unseeable. Gu Fei’s strength to prop up the field will be around him. The water within a hundred meters of the lake was blocked and opened. "Is it really a bottomless lake?" "Gu Fei and Heitian both had to move this big lake. It's not simple. There were constantly frozen ancient corpses floating and sinking in the surrounding lake water. Soon they sank three thousand feet down again. They couldn't sense any life fluctuations. The more the lower the sinking, the stronger the yin and cold air surging below, the stronger the earth’s yin veins and the cold air may converge, which may give birth to something incredible. Gu Fei and Heitian dare not care about it. ? "Suddenly Hei Tian said to Gu Fei. At this time, Gu Fei also discovered that there was a faint flicker of blood in the endless darkness below the strangeness. Although it was far away, a strange breath still passed over this big lake. At the bottom of the lake, there is definitely a great secret "demonic aura." Gu Fei and Heitian changed their colors together. They sensed the aura of demons in the **** light. This is not a good thing. "The nine-fold Buddha refined by the chief priest of the ancient Buddha There is also a demon in the palace? "   Gu Fei and Hei Tian are both unbelievable. You must know that Buddha and demons are opposites of life and death. The great powers of the Buddhists of the past have always taken the killing of demons as their own responsibility. The ancient Buddha masters do not know how many great Mo Gu Fei and Hei Tian have been saved. Beware As they continued to sink, the blood light underneath became brighter and brighter. "That was..."    When Gu Fei and the others came close, they found the blood light but Is it a pile of broken flesh and bones enclosed in ice? "A great demon was beaten into meat sauce?" "   Gu Fei and Hei Tian couldn't help being dumbfounded when he saw this. This great demon is definitely an incredible existence. Even after the endless years of blood, flesh and bones, there are still devilish residual false alarms. Gu Fei and Hei Tian continue to sink more than half an hour later. They finally reached the bottom of the lake. The starlight floating above the black sky illuminates the surrounding space of thousands of meters. The mighty power of the stars will stop the terrible cold from surging from all directions and go to Gu Fei and Hei. The sky found that the bottom of the lake is actually covered with white bones. You can even see the dark magic bones and alien bones. In addition to the cold, there is a dead air lingering in the bottom of the lake. "The green dragon is hiding there. ? "Heitian said to himself that the green water bird that was hit hard by Gu Fei was not hidden somewhere at the bottom of the lake. What really moved Gu Fei and Heitian was that there were many broken buildings under the lake that seemed to be one. The settlement has sunk below the ground, "Boss, there is something wrong with this place!" "Hei Tian felt a little uneasy in the earth's yin veins. The earth's cold air can freeze everything that is not something ordinary people can withstand. Gu Fei didn't speak, but just carefully observed it. Soon, he found the right direction and then moved towards. Go to the source of the earth's yin veins. The source of the earth's yin veins is definitely a place that captures the heavens and the earth. Maybe it can give birth to something different. Gu Fei wants to go there and see Heitian. There is no way he can only stay behind Gu Fei. Go to the source of the Yin Vein of the Earth. The Yin Vein of the Earth gathers the cold air of the heavens and the earth to freeze everything. At this time, Gu Fei and the others are cold and surging. The surrounding lake is blocked by the cold air. Go to the location of the Yin Vein of the Earth and there is no lake Yin Vein in the earth. Underneath it meanders like a real dragon walking down the ground. Gu Fei is very careful because the bones under his feet have not disappeared through the black sky but he is more and more disturbed. He seems to sense that something is going to happen. The invisible sword that flew to him was taken out. A cluster of starlight illuminates the sky and the void of one side. This is a powerful magic weapon. The incomplete Dao pattern is only a broken Dao pattern, but it can also be used to resist the surrounding cold. Fei is already cut to the power of the flesh, but it is difficult to have any influence on him without the cold surrounding the guard of the gods. "Huh! "   Just when I was approaching the source of the Yin Vein of the Earth, a black shadow suddenly flashed in the darkness ahead, which made Gu Fei and Hei Tian nervous. "What is it?" "   Even though Gu Fei has the martial arts heavenly eye, he still sees it not so real. The speed of the black shadow is really too fast and it flashes away.    "Isn't it an undead creature without any life fluctuations?" "   Heitian's face showed a shocked color that can disappear under his nose. That dark shadow is definitely not simple, I am afraid it can be dangerous to him  "I don't know! "   Gu Fei couldn’t be sure because he didn’t sense the breath of death in the body of that shadow. What kind of existence it was?    He was very curious, but that thing didn’t know where it hid. After traveling thousands of meters, another black shadow appeared near them. The black shadow also disappeared quickly to the extreme. "This..."    Gu Fei and Hei Tian knew that they might be in trouble. They seemed to be staring at something. To make them feel a dangerous breath "Huh! "   Just when Gu Fei and Hei Tian were about to move on, a **** hand suddenly appeared above the two of them. The area was sealed and a terrible existence hidden in the dark was finally shot." ! "   Gu Fei sneered and took a palm directly upwards  "Touch! "   Gu Fei's palm collided with the black hand and made a dull popping sound. The powerful energy fluctuations shook the entire Yin veins of the earth. "Boom..."    The sky and the earth shook as if Gu Fei did not move like a mountain grabbed them. The black hand was shattered in the void, but at this moment a dark spear shot from the front and pierced towards Gu Fei's hole. Gu Fei directly punched the black spear that penetrated the hole and hit "Boom! "A loud noise, Gu Fei's fist strength and the power emanating from the black divine spear, shook the black divine spear from being smashed by Gu Fei's fist and flew upside down and returned to the earth's yin veins. There is such a strong presence, but Neither Gu Fei nor Hei Tian could sense any fluctuations in life. They didn't know what was going on at them. Gu Fei's flesh was extremely powerful and flew the divine spear with a punch, and then disappeared in the same place. A large amount of blood was suddenly spilled and a corpse fell out of the void~

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