Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 1619: Kill the Quartet


No one can bear the aura of the Saint Grade. Everyone has withdrawn thousands of miles away. Only Gu Fei and the two powerhouses who drive the Nine Sun Divine Orb are not affected by the fluctuations of the Saint Grade.

There was a sword aura looming in Gu Fei's body, and it was this sword aura that blocked the fluctuations of the holy rank from him, and he could not get close.

"what happened!"

"He is not afraid of the power of the holy level, how is this possible!"

The two powerhouses who urged the sacred artifacts all felt uneasy, and it seemed that something ominous was about to happen, making them feel like they were frightened.


Just when the two strong men felt bad, a sword sound rang, and this sword sound was just the sound of an ordinary magic weapon unsheathed.

However, the two powerhouses who controlled the Nine Suns Divine Orb felt a deep chill on the upper body.

"Devil, die!"

The two powerhouses urged the Nine Suns Divine Orb with all their strength. On the Nine Suns Divine Orb, endless flames appeared, like the same round of Shenyang sinking toward Gu Fei.

In the firelight, there are countless Dao patterns looming.

At this time, no one was optimistic about Gu Fei. Under the attack of the sacred weapon, he would destroy his body and spirit. Even the most amazing genius would not be able to take this blow.

"Haha... you don't have the qualification to kill me yet!"

Gu Fei laughed, and at the same time, a simple and simple sword appeared in his hand. This long sword didn't seem to be eye-catching.

However, Gu Fei was holding this inconspicuous long sword in his hand, and struck the Nine Sun God Orb that had fallen from the sky with a sword. There was no bright sword light or strong sword energy fluctuations.

It was like holding an ordinary long sword and slashing it out at will. However, some people still saw a transparent ripple visible to the naked eye rushing out from the divine sword.


The strong men who witnessed this scene were very surprised, what's the use of a nearly transparent sword aura.

However, just when everyone thought Gu Fei was dead, the endless divine fire that came down from the Nine Suns Divine Orb suddenly separated to the two sides, as if invisible, there was a sky-shaking sword energy that would burst open. Shenhuo.


With a soft sound, the Nine Suns Divine Orb suddenly separated from it, and then flew out to both sides. This sacred artifact was chopped in half. This sudden change shocked everyone.

The two powerhouses who controlled the Nine Suns Divine Orb also turned into two groups of blood mist at the same time, and everything was destroyed, except for the blood mist, nothing remained.

"what's going on……"

"I'm not dazzled, the Zhao family's Nine Sun God Orb was split apart!"

Thousands of miles away, the powerhouse who has witnessed all this is unbelievable. You must know that the Nine Suns Divine Orb is a sacred artifact, the sacred artifact is revived, and it sends a blow.

The strong man from the Huanggu Zhao family and the other strong man were completely destroyed by Gu Fei's sword.

"Able to split the sacred weapon in half, the divine sword in that person's hand, is it a great sage soldier!"

"Even the great sage soldier can hardly destroy a sage soldier with a single sword!"

"This is at least a quasi supreme sword..."

Among the spectators, there were many old antiques who knew many secrets of the world. Although the magic sword in Gu Fei's hand was very inconspicuous, at this moment, no one dared to underestimate this magic sword.

There were a lot of experts from the ancient Zhao family and the Eastern family on the scene. At this time, these people were afraid and turned around and fled. If they didn't escape, there would be no chance to escape.

"Hmph, I just want to escape now, it's too late!"

Gu Fei held the purple gold sword in his hand, stepped on the Eight Desolation Void Steps, showing the world's extreme speed, and chasing and killing Dongfang Yuan. It is impossible for him to let go of this half-sage of the Eastern family.

In the ascended state, even the speed of Semi-Holy is not as fast as Gu Fei.


Gu Fei caught up with Dongfang Yuan in an instant, and another sword struck Dongfang Yuan. Dongfang Yuan was shocked. He displayed forbidden supernatural powers and wanted to escape.

However, under the blade of the Zijin Divine Sword, even a half saint couldn't escape, and Dongfang Yuan directly turned into a cloud of blood mist when a nearly transparent sword wave passed.

Killing Half-Holy was that simple, but Gu Fei only slashed Dongfang Yuan's body, and did not hurt his soul. Dongfang Yuan's soul was attached to the Zijin Divine Sword.

The reason why he didn't kill Dongfang Yuan's primordial spirit was because he wanted to obtain the ancient techniques that Dongfang Yuan displayed.

The gossip divine art is a supreme divine art created by an invincible supreme in ancient times. This divine art is cultivated to the realm of Dacheng and can be called invincible in the world. Gu Fei did not want this divine art to be lost.

"Today I want to kill the Quartet!"

After Gu Fei killed Dongfang Yuan, he continued to kill the strongest of the ancient Zhao family and the Eastern family. Everyone was stunned by Gu Fei's cruel methods.

He directly swung the purple and gold divine sword in his hand, and he kept harvesting every fresh life. This was a massacre without any suspense.

Under the sword edge of the Zijin Divine Sword, no one is Gu Fei's enemy. Even if the Zijin Divine Sword has not recovered, its cold sword aura is enough to kill the saint.


Gu Fei swung a sword, and the last person from the ancient Zhao family turned into a cloud of blood under his sword. At this time, he stopped.

There were dozens of strong men from the ancient Zhao family and the Eastern family were beheaded by Gu Fei.

After a recent period of constant battles, Gu Fei felt that his cultivation base had reached a bottleneck, and it was time to retreat to the sixth step of Impact Da Neng.


After Gu Fei merged with Heitian and Gu Zhong, he left the Eastern Imperial City directly. He wanted to destroy the Eastern Imperial City with a single sword, but he felt that the Eastern Imperial City was very extraordinary, unless it was a true Jidao. Strength, otherwise, it would be impossible to destroy this ancient city.

This battle shook the entire Eastern Region, especially the Huanggu Zhao Family and the Eastern Aristocratic Family. The two superpowers were furious, and the Patriarch of the Huanggu Zhao Family immediately released a word to use all power to kill Gu Fei.

Compared with the strength of the ancient Zhao family, the Eastern Emperor family was extremely quiet, and no one from the Eastern family came out to speak.

The entire Eastern Region was about to be stormy, and all the monks felt a sense of depression.

Someone had predicted that there was going to be a **** storm in the Eastern Region. Many people knew the origins of Gu Fei, and this evil star had returned from the heavens.

One hundred years ago, it was rumored that the Taixuan Gate was destroyed by people from the ancient Zhao family and the Eastern family.

It is no secret that Gu Fei is a disciple of the Supreme Profound Sect. He went to the Wild Ancient Zhao Family and the Eastern Aristocratic Family. He was obviously taking revenge, and everyone was watching the changes.

No one wants to provoke this evil star, but the ancient Zhao family and the Eastern family are like enemies,

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