Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 1624: Wanhua Mogong

The Demon of the Eastern Region was born and made a strong move. He continued to slaughter the powerful of various races in the Eastern Region, causing everyone in the Eastern Region to be at risk for a while.

But at this moment, the devil met a formidable opponent.

The sunset was like blood, and deep in the mountains, there was a slaughter. Above the sky, a black hole suddenly appeared, swallowing everything in the world, and a figure was sucked in by the black hole.


The sky and the earth shook, and the black hole in the sky seemed to be connected to a demon realm, revealing a palpitating magical power, with the power of swallowing the sky, swallowing everything.

"Want to turn the sky with only your hands? You are still tender!"

Heitian's face showed a look of disdain, and then, the power of yin and yang came out from his body, the power of yin and yang was intertwined, and a yin and yang picture emerged from his body.


The shaking of the **** map actually blocked the power of the Huatian hand, so that Hei Tian stabilized his figure and was no longer sucked by the Huatian hand.

"The great technique of Yin and Yang?"

The Demon of the East Territory was taken aback. The Heavenly Transforming Hand he cultivated could dissipate all the power in the world, but at this time, it was useless for this guy.

"What is your relationship with that person in the Far North Demon Realm!"

The demon put away the Huatian hand, and his figure shook, and he withdrew from a thousand feet away in an instant. The speed caused Hei Tian to be stunned for a while, secretly frightened.

With the advent of the world, the Demon Race is unwilling to miss this opportunity. The birth of the Demon Child can already explain everything, and the Demon Race must take action.

Hei Tian wanted to annihilate the powerhouses among several demon races first, and annihilate the demon race's arrogance, but the power of this demon was unexpected.

"I do not understand you!"

Heitian's left hand turned into a black moon, and his right hand turned into a blazing divine yang. The power of yin and yang was immense, evolving the yin and yang road map, a kind of the most primitive power in the world burst out of him.


The yin and yang **** map suddenly grew countless times larger, enveloped the entire sky, and disappeared towards the devil. This is a Tao map of the yin and yang powers intertwined, which immediately sealed the world and shrouded the devil underneath.


The demon was taken aback. The opponent was stronger than he thought. This made him feel dignified. The opponent's killing technique was too powerful, and he also felt a dangerous aura.

"The Devil's Hand!"

The demon roared and played the supreme killing technique he had cultivated. The power of the universe was all in this instant, as if he was in his control, and he became the only one in the void of the world.

Like a demon master who exterminates the world, the demon boy dances with long hair, and the blood flickers in his eyes, and the Dao patterns that reveal the palpitation of the devil's aura are branded in all directions, motivating the power of heaven and earth.

The two forces quickly collided together. This was a big collision. The Yin-Yang **** map underwent the endless force of Yin and Yang, which was constantly offsetting the magic power of the demon.

The void between the two was silently annihilated.

In the end, neither of them could really suppress each other, the yin and yang **** map dissipated, and the power of heaven and earth drawn by the devil was also obliterated by the **** map.

Hei Tian and the demon's first hard regret was only a tie.

"Good fellow, you deserve my true power." The devil's heart was shaken, this opponent was more terrifying than ordinary opponents, and he had to get serious.

"Very well, you also deserve my all-out effort."

The cynical expression disappeared on Hei Tian's face. In his eyes, the power of yin and yang was intertwined, as if the sun and the moon were sinking in his eyes.


The devilish energy was overwhelming to the sky, and the demon roared, and it turned into a magic light and rushed towards the black sky, a terrifying magic power came, and the world was shaking.

"Really it is Wanhua magic power?"

Hei Tian had to move his face, he could feel that at the moment the Demon Son turned into a magic light, all the essence in the void of heaven and earth was aroused, and then madly gathered towards that magic light.

This kind of magic power can turn all the essence of heaven and earth into one's own use, and it is extremely overbearing.

"I don't believe you can take away my strength."

Heitian's fighting spirit was like a rainbow, he directly demonstrated the great art of Yin and Yang, and the Dao of Yin and Yang reappeared on his body, the power of the great avenue lingered, and directly greeted the magic light.


Hei Tian danced with his hands, and the yin and yang Dao Tu emerged in front of him, blocked forward, and collided fiercely with the magic light transformed by the demon.

As soon as the Yin-Yang God Map hit the magic light, Hei Tian only felt that the Yin-Yang essence in his body was showing signs of being affected, and the essence of the Yin-Yang God Map was shaken.

"Think of heaven and earth, I am the only one!"

The devil displayed his Wanhua magic skills with all his strength, and the endless spirit madly gathered towards him, his combat power was rapidly increasing, and a terrifying aura began to permeate his body.

"Good guy, you want to raise your combat power to a holy level?"

Hei Tian was taken aback. The other party was too terrifying. This magic skill was famous in the ancient years, claiming to be able to dissolve any strong and invincible.

The demon's performance made Hei Tian feel a great deal of pressure. This guy is probably the descendant of the fierce demon from ancient times, and he is afraid of all his magic skills.

This demon is like a black hole that can swallow everything, but Hei Tian is not that easy to bully. The great technique of Yin and Yang is mysterious and unpredictable, and even Wanhua magic power can hardly be shaken for a while.

Endless devilish energy enveloped the depths of the mountain. In the devilish energy, yin and yang divine light penetrated from time to time, and the terrifying aura made the creatures in the nearby areas terrified.

"What a demon, you forced me!"

Hei Tian roared, the opponent’s combat power was constantly improving, which made him feel dangerous. This kind of magic skill is terrifying. The combat power has gradually approached the Saint Grade.

This is definitely not a good thing for Heitian.

"Humph! You are dead, swallowing your yin and yang essence, my cultivation level will surely rise to the next level." The devil's voice came out of the devil's energy.

A series of magic patterns were continuously imprinted in the void of heaven and earth, and the demon aroused the essence of all directions of heaven and earth, sealed the four directions, and trapped Heitian in the devil qi.

He will slowly refine Heitian.

But Hei Tian would never sit and wait for death. He had no choice but to directly show the secret technique of ascension, and a shocking force suddenly erupted from his body.


The whole world shook, countless formation patterns rushed out of Hei Tian's body, and the whole void was instantly covered, and a suffocating air appeared between the sky and the earth.

"this is……"

The devil was taken aback. He never thought that this guy still had spare power. This was a formation pattern that broke through the blockade of his devilish energy and was imprinted in the void.

"The void is in an array, you are the master of the array!"

The demon only knew the identity of the other party at this time. He unexpectedly met a master of formation, and he couldn't help but be surprised and happy. In this way, he couldn't let this guy go even more.


At this moment, the void vibrated, and the killing formation under the black sky cloth began to move, and the murderous aura soaring out from the killing formation, dispelling all the surrounding demonic energy.


One after another, the destruction and killing all appeared in the killing array, and then pierced through the void, strangling towards the devil, shocking the sky, making the existence of the devil have to feel palpitations.

"Huatian Hand!"

The devil pressed his right hand forward, a black hole emerged in the palm of his hand, and countless destructions that penetrated him were all swallowed by the black hole.

"Huh! Be careful to blow you up!"

In the killing formation, Hei Tian's cold words came out, the formation is his strong point, the yin and yang patterns constantly emerged from between his hands, and then imprinted into the formation.

The forces of yin and yang are intertwined, and in the entire killing array, there is a yin and yang **** figure looming, and the powerful force fluctuates, shaking the entire area.

Such a big battle alarmed the Quartet, and soon, a strong figure appeared in the distance.


At this moment, a roar came from the distant sky, and a peerless and powerful figure appeared above the distant sky. As soon as the man appeared, he directly took out a divine bow, bent the bow and set an arrow, and shot an arrow towards the demon.

The demon is the great enemy of the monks in the world. This peerless and powerful man who suddenly appeared without thinking about it, directly shot at the demon. The divine arrow pierced the void, shattered the world, and created a holy level of terrifying power fluctuations.


The demon was shocked. He shook his figure and turned into a black hole, showing Wanhua magic power. He wanted to dismantle the divine arrow. He was shocked even when Heitian saw it.


The divine arrow flew from outside the sky and directly shot into the black hole, the endless devilish energy was annihilated, and then, with a "boom!", the black hole exploded in an instant.

A figure flew out horizontally, and a large pile of demon blood spilled from the air.

This is the power of the holy rank, where is it so easy to dissolve? The devil received a tremendous impact, and his body almost collapsed. He did not stay. With this power, he directly demonstrated the demonized blood escape method, turned into a **** light, and went away instantly.

This escape method, which uses one's own essence and blood as a trigger, is so fast that it can rival Gu Fei's eight-step extreme speed. Even if Yuankong wanted to shoot another arrow, it was too late.

The man came with the Saint Soldier in his hand, and directly chased in the direction where the devil had disappeared.

Seeing this, Hei Tian quickly put away the killing formation, and then chased it down. This demon had cultivated Wanhua magic power, and he might have reached the bottleneck of cultivation.

This kind of magic power can use the essence of the monk for his own use. When the demon head walks out of the devil's cave, I am afraid it is to swallow the essence of the monk to break through the current cultivation shackles.

If this is true, then the entire Eastern Territory cultivator is the target of the devil.

Some powerhouses in the Eastern Region have also thought of this possibility, so all major forces have put out masters to hunt down this demon. However, the demon is extremely cunning, not only did not destroy him, but among the major forces. Many of the monks died at the hands of the devil.

Hei Tian knew very well the characteristics of Wanhua magic power, this demon must die, otherwise, it would be a big trouble.

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