Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 1632: Surprise

In the starry sky, fierce men constantly appeared, making the atmosphere extremely tense. No one knew whether these fierce men would take action. If the holy soldiers were used, this would definitely be a terrifying battle.

In the Eastern Region, there have not been many sage soldiers appearing together in many years. At this time, four great sage soldiers appeared in the starry sky.

The goddess of the Zhao family who was in the war, as well as the devilish youth, all possessed Saint Soldiers. The power of the Saint Soldiers was gradually recovering, and they began to show the terrifying coercion that shocked the heavens.

The sage soldiers are branded with the avenue brand. If the sage soldiers are completely revived, the sage’s avenue brand left in the sage soldiers will be awakened. If this is the arrival of a saint.


The entire starry sky shook, and the Zhao family goddess and the demon youth gradually hit a real fire. In the starry sky, they could take action without any scruples.


The demon youth roared, and the peerless demon soldier in his hand bloomed with endless magic aura, as if a peerless great demon was awakening, the whole magic spear seemed to have life.


The magic spear radiated the magic light, shattering the mirror light irradiated by the magic mirror, and then pierced towards the Zhao family goddess. In the magic light, magic patterns were looming.

This blow shook the starry sky, causing the surrounding stars to burst into pieces. A storm of destruction, centered on the demon youth, swept in all directions.


Seeing that the demon youth is so vigorous and unmatched in combat power, those strong men who can see through the void and look directly at this battle can't help but feel shocked.

This demon is powerful, but how can it never appear in the Eastern Region? Could it be that this demon turned out to be a great demon from the ancient times?

In the Eastern Territory Demon Cavern, there is an ancient great demon in the town. This is not a secret, because when the Demon Cavern appeared, many Eastern Territory powerhouses had entered the Demon Cavern.

However, with the loss of the sealing power, the magical power that permeated the depths of the Eastern Territory Demon Caverns became stronger and stronger, and this made the Eastern Territory's strong to stop.

Especially when Mozi led the demon army to kill from the depths of the demon cave, it shocked all directions.

That demonic chaos that year swept across the entire Eastern Region, and the Taixuan Gate of Eastern Region Great Sect was almost wiped out, and all the masters were almost ruined in that demonic chaos.

Otherwise, the Eastern Aristocratic Family and the Wild Ancient Zhao Family would not take advantage of the weakest time of the Taixuan Sect to jointly break the Dragon Valley and destroy this Eastern Great Sect, which has been passed down for thousands of years.

No one knows the origin of this demon youth who is even more terrifying than the demon child. There is only one possibility. This demon youth is probably an ancient demon.

In the depths of Hei Tian's memory, a face full of magic appeared, and that face was somewhat similar to this demon youth, that great demon was a powerful demon in the ancient years.

The demon's cultivation has Wanhua magic power. Although this demon head does not have the aura of Wanhua magic power, but the magic spear in his hand makes Hei Tian feel familiar.

"What's going on..."

Hei Tian wanted to awaken all his deep memories, but he was constantly experiencing reincarnation, and he didn't know how many life and death he had experienced.

In countless reincarnations of life and death, Hei Tian will seal the most important memory of each life in the depths of the soul. Only when his cultivation is strong enough can he awaken the memory in the depths of the soul and remember the most unforgettable experience experienced in each rebirth. Things.

His cultivation method is very special. He is walking a path of cultivation that no one has ever walked before. It is extremely difficult, and not all the memories of every life are on the verge of coming down.

Although Heitian is already the Great Power Emperor, the memories of countless reincarnations in the depths of his soul are still difficult to fully awaken.

"It's really outrageous!"

Hei Tian couldn't help being very angry. This demon might have some cause and effect with him, but he couldn't remember it. This feeling made him very unhappy.

The devil is the earth under the world. Hei Tian knows that among his countless reincarnations, he must have encountered this demon once in one reincarnation, and this demon must be the land of his own lifetime.

Thinking of this, Hei Tian's eyes sharpened.

If it is an enemy, it must be removed by all means. This is Heitian's style of dealing. Since he believes that the other party is his enemy, there is nothing to say.

At this time, no one knew that Hei Tian was also a fierce man. He stood with a dozen monks, and no one knew that he was a powerful emperor.

An almost transparent sword light began to appear in his right hand.


At this time, facing the fierce offensive of the demon youth, the goddess of the Zhao family also had to push the mirror with all her strength, and with a shock, countless Dao patterns emerged on the **** generals, intertwined with ancient patterns.

Numerous Dao patterns directly turned into divine light, rushed out of the divine mirror, strangling towards the demonized youth, the divine mirror also recovered, and a horrible breath filled the divine mirror.

The two powerhouses are doing their best to make sure that one blow will overwhelm the opponent.


At this critical juncture, a nearly transparent sword light broke through the void directly, split into the battlefield, and fell on the demon youth.


The demon youth was taken aback. Although he was prepared for it, he was still taken aback by this sudden blow. The invisible sword light smashed and rotten, and even the power of the holy rank was broken.

Someone is holding the Saint Soldiers.

At this time, the Demon Youth was fighting with the Zhao Family Goddess with all his strength. He could only avoid it. However, Jian Guang was approaching the extreme, and he slashed directly from the side of his face, cutting off a strand of hair.

As soon as the sword light passed, the demon youth's right arm was also cut off a piece of flesh, and a murderous aura directly penetrated into his body, destroying his vitality.


The demon youth roared, holding the demon spear in his left hand, he directly split his entire right arm shoulder-to-shoulder, and the broken arm was completely cut off in an instant and turned into fly ash.

"It's terrible murderous."

Even the demon youth was secretly surprised.


At this time, a divine light came through and shook the demon youth away from a thousand feet away, vomiting blood. If he hadn't resisted it with a magic spear, this divine light would have penetrated his demon body.

"Who is making the shot!"

The Zhao family goddess was very upset. She wanted to defeat the demon with her own strength, but someone intervened, which made her annoyed.

"Outrageous, only one arm of this guy was cut off!"

Hei Tian walked out directly, caught the invisible sword light that was flying backwards, and then rushed towards the demon youth.

"It's him?"

Donghuang saw Heitian and was taken aback.

"It's you. Haven't you been completely destroyed?"

When the demon youth saw Hei Tian, ​​he was shocked to the extreme, as if he had seen the most incredible thing in the world, his body trembled.

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