Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 1638: Trigger the catastrophe

The two powerful demons shot. The full text novel update is the fastest to compete for Gu Fei. In the eyes of the powerful demon. Gu Fei became sweet pastry. Everyone wants to take a bite. The two powerful demons did not hesitate to fight.

The law of the weak eating the strong. Showed vividly among the demons. In the Mozu. Whose fist is hard. Who is the uncle. Whose fist is not hard enough. That would be beheaded by other great demons. Or submit to other big demons.


The monstrous demonic energy erupted. A demon wolf loomed in the devilish energy. That is the ancestor of Sirius. Show great supernatural powers. Want to swallow Gu Fei in one bite. first timing

"Good old wolf."

The other ancestor of the fire was furious. Devil fire radiated from all over his body. The burning void is distorted. Humanoid magic fire. Pounce forward.


Just at this time. A ghost of an ancient tripod surged from Gu Fei's body. A ripple visible to the naked eye spread from Gu Fei's body.

The demon wolf was shaken and flew away. The endless demonic energy was dispelled. Even the demon fires in the form of human beings also shattered. . . Agni ancestors also suffered a great impact. Cang Pan backed away.

"this is……"

"Holy soldiers?"

The ancestors of Sirius and Agni were shocked to the extreme. No wonder this human race dared to come here. It turned out to be carrying a Saint Soldier.

Master the strong human race with sage soldiers. It is not so easy to suppress. The ancestors of the two great demons felt extremely tricky. They can't wait to swallow Gu Feisheng. But he dared not step forward.

"See where else you can escape."

at this time. An angry shout came from behind Gu Fei. The demon youth finally caught up. The magic sword in his hand surged in an instant. Strangling towards Gu Fei.


Gu Fei stepped on the Eight Desolation Void Steps. Avoid the sword light. Continue to rush towards the magic mountain ahead. He wants to cross the robbery on the magic mountain. He wants to pull up all the demon heads on the Demon Mountain to cross the calamity together.

but. But things did not develop as he expected. He just approached the magic mountain. On the magic mountain ahead. Then there was a wave of magic power.

Above the dark mountain. A magic pattern appeared. A super magic array that enveloped the entire magic mountain is rapidly recovering. A terrifying magic power appeared between heaven and earth.

"this is……"

Gu Fei was taken aback. He had to stop. A magic light rushed out from the magic array. . . An optical network is interwoven. Gu Fei was blocked from the mountain.


The ancestors of Sirius and Fire were taken aback. They never expected it. The Lord of the Magic Mountain turned on the Magic Array. Protected the entire magic mountain.

Could it be that this human race powerhouse in front of me. It could endanger the entire magic mountain.

Lord of the Magic Mountain. Also the Lord of the Demon Cave. This is a supreme being. Was suppressed in the magic mountain. Endless years. So far there is no escape.

And the demons in the cave. . . It is also the ancient demon who was sealed in the depths of the earth. The vast majority of the big demons were killed. Only a few survived.

but. These surviving monsters. A thorough cultivation base. Almost all have been wiped out long ago. Can survive. I am very lucky.

The arrival of Gu Fei. The Lord of Demon Mountain felt danger.

This kind of great formation from the supreme demon way of the ancients. Definitely has surpassed the holy rank. Even Gu Fei mastered the ultimate holy soldiers. It is impossible to break.

"Bold. Surprised the Supreme. Damn you."

The demon youth came to kill with a peerless holy soldier. Holy sword light. Torn the void of heaven and earth. Killed everything. It was the wolf ancestor and the fire ancestor that both avoided.

at this time. The mighty demon army came over. Thousands of demons and monsters all flew towards Gu. Can't wait to swallow Gu Fei alive.

To know. Gu Fei's vast life force. . . For every monster. They are all great tonic. Gu Fei is for the Mozu. It is simply a humanoid magic medicine.


There is a big demon. Raised a big net. Shrouded towards Gu Fei who avoided the sword light. This is a magic net. There are magic patterns intertwined.

The big demon that shot. The cultivation base is at least the Great Power Emperor.

There is only this kind of big magic. Can get a share. And the ancestors of Sirius and Fire that rushed out from above the magic mountain. The cultivation of a body is terrifying. These are two demon semi-sages.


Gu Fei sneered. Directly reached out and grabbed the enveloping magic net. Then both hands one point. He directly tore the magic net open a big mouth. Then rushed out.


Just when Gu Fei rushed out of the magic net. A sledgehammer. Smashed down at him. The mighty power of the horrible magic. A demon of the pinnacle power realm is making a shot.


Gu Fei punched upwards. . The right fist burst out brightly. The entire dim world was illuminated. The sledgehammer was hit by him and flew upside down. Then it broke apart.

A peak power magic soldier. It was broken by his bare hands. Such combat power. It shocked all the powerful demons who witnessed this scene.

The body of this strong human race. It is even stronger than the demon soldier refined from the peak power sacrifice.

"Okay. Everything should come. Let's start."

Gu Fei saw the surrounding ghosts collide. Also know. it's time. but. He didn't sense the breath of the magical sage soldiers who wounded Heitian.

The demon powerhouse who injured Heitian did not appear.

But think about it. Even Heitian was hurt so badly. The injury of the great demon who wounded Heitian. It is definitely not lighter than the dark sky. at this time. That big demon is probably hiding somewhere to heal his wounds.

"Everyone go together."

It's not that Tao is who shouted. then. Almost all the powerful demons who are eligible to take action have taken action. All kinds of magic weapons skyrocketed. Hit Gu Fei.

Peerless and terrifying magic power is erupting.


This demon realm shook. The magic power that these magic weapons burst out is gathered together. Earth-shattering. Even Gu Fei had to be shocked.

And at this time. Gu Fei's body exuded a strong aura. then. There are no signs. An extremely depressing force suddenly came.

It's like the whole world collapsed suddenly.

"this is……"

All the demons felt a wave of heart palpitations coming from the emptiness. then. Thunder and lightning seemed to appear directly in the void.


The silver snake walked around. The breath of destruction. Swept the sky and the ground. The endless demonic energy was dispersed by this destructive force in an instant.

Countless magic weapons hit Gu Fei. All were submerged in this piece of thunder and lightning.

Centered on Gu Fei. Within ten miles. All under the shroud of thunder and lightning. Within a radius of ten miles. All became a sea of ​​thunder and lightning.

In this moment. All demons are dumbfounded. The endless thunder and lightning instantly enveloped them. Many demons immediately disappeared immediately.

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