Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 1667: Ancient Half-Holy Advent

The ancient Four Spirit Formation was activated again after two Jiazi, attracting the power of the four great stars in the sky and condensing the phantom of the four supreme beasts.

This is a shocking force, enough to make Fengyun change its color.


The sky and the earth shook, and the ancient formation under everyone's feet radiated divine light. All formations were activated at this time, intertwining ancient and mysterious formations.

At this moment, above the sky, the stars that formed the four directions of stars gave out unprecedented shining light, even the light of the demon star and the seven evil demon stars that day were covered.

"this is……"

At this moment, the strong in the Southern Wilderness also felt a certain change in the endlessly distant starry sky, and they all looked up at the starry sky.

"Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku, Xuanwu... what is going on."

"Why are the Quartet Stars at this time..."

"Could it be..."

Someone thought of something, and they were all moved. Before the two Jiazi, the four stars in the sky also had such a vision. This is a vision that can only appear when the three-way gate opens the legendary virtual world.

"Isn't the Three Avenue Gate already falling apart? How could it..."

With the return of the ancient forces, it is impossible for the great religions of the human world to compete with such superpowers. Except for other superpowers in the world, other great religions are either destroyed or returned to the ancient forces.

The three avenues of the human world have only been passed on for thousands of years, how can they be passed on for thousands of years, and even have been opponents of the ancient forces without the enemy.

Even Guangchengxian faction had to rely on the ancient Zhou family to win a little room for survival.

"Could it be them, they actually succeeded."

Someone had already guessed what happened. The mighty power of the four stars in the sky fell into the depths of the 100,000 mountains. It was obvious that someone had used supreme magical powers to arouse the power of these four ancient star regions.

I don't know how many years the Quartet stars have existed. They are the four ancient star regions in the starry sky. Such ancient star regions are extremely stable. Even if hundreds of millions of years have passed, there will be no changes.

However, the power of this star field is also the most difficult to attract.

Only the ancient star field can mobilize the power of the ancient star field. Someone has successfully mobilized the power of the ancient star field. This kind of power is so vast that it is enough to open the virtual sky realm.

"It's Huanggu Zhou's family."

At this time, in a valley among the hundred thousand mountains, an ancient formation was floating and sinking, a powerful force was recovering, and many figures stood on the ancient formation.

The first person was so dark that even light could not shine through. This person, who had been outside the ancestral home of the Eastern family, forced Gu Fei to retreat to Jiuyin Ancient Half-Holy.

The ancient formation at the feet of the ancient half-sage of Jiuyin was exactly the ancient formation used by the Taoists of Chaoyang to kill the Quartet.

At that time, the Chaoyang Taoist drew the power of the ancient formation and fought the Six Dao Demon Lords and the Great Demon Lord with his own power, driving away the pinnacle powers of these two great worlds, almost invincible in the Southern Wilderness.

However, at this time, if the ancient half-sage of Jiuyin controls this ancient formation, I am afraid that he can challenge the quasi-sage.

"Unexpectedly, the Zhou family was the first to board."

Jiuyin Ancient Half-Holy's cold words sounded, no one dared to speak out, this ancestor's temper was not very good, no one dared to offend.


The ancient formations radiated endless divine light, countless ancient formations were resurrecting, the entire area was shaking, and the entire valley appeared countless cracks, and it was about to collapse.

"Go, it's impossible for the Zhou family to monopolize the Void Heaven Realm."

Jiuyin ancient half-sage revealed a chill of murderous intent, and then activated the teleportation formation on the ancient formation, led the crowd across the void and disappeared into the valley.

The breath of horror disappeared instantly.

At this time, in the Rift Sky Valley, the ancient formations on the square ancient formations had reached their limit, and the terrifying aura swept across the world.

The strength of the ancient star field was continuously guided down and swallowed by the ancient formation. At this time, the old monster Xuanyuan was full of steam.

To open the Void Heaven Realm under the special environment of this great world of earth, the power needed is too strong, even Old Monster Xuanyuan is already a great power, and feels too much.

Because of the relationship of the world, the influence of the demon twin stars on the power of the sky and the earth has been reduced to the weakest level, but the stone gate on the stone wall is still slowly opening.

The power of the four spirits is mighty and mighty, as if it is endless, everyone is extremely nervous, the door of the virtual sky is about to be opened, and the virtual world is about to appear.

It was Gu Fei who felt his heartbeat speed up a lot, once the peerless fierce knife was unified, he would have an indispensable extremely fierce knife.

Excited eyes appeared in the eyes of all the children of the ancient Zhou family. For this moment, they have prepared for decades, and these decades of hard work will be realized.

Seeing that the stone gate on the stone wall in front was slowly opening, the old man Zhou Yi smiled.

As an old man from the Huanggu Zhou family, he knows more than anyone present. This Void Heaven Realm is probably a world created by an ancient supreme.

Otherwise, the ancestors of the Three Dao Sects thousands of years ago would not have obtained an incomplete Taoist book in the Void Heaven Realm, and would be able to use the cultivation methods in the Taoist book to create a major teaching. Up.

However, at this critical moment, the void above Rift Sky Valley suddenly sent a wave of peerless and powerful waves, and then an ancient formation straddled the void and appeared in the sky above Rift Sky Valley.


Everyone in the valley was shocked. Someone broke into the Rift Sky Valley at this moment.

"That is……"

On the Quartet ancient formation, Gu Fei saw the ancient formation that came across the void at a glance, and his eyes suddenly lit up. He was no stranger to this ancient formation.

"The Eastern Family..."

A figure on the ancient formation made Gu Fei's pupils shrink for a while, it was a guy who seemed to stand in the dark forever.

"Jiuyin Ancient Half Saint actually arrived in person."


Gu Fei knew that this ancient half-sage was peerlessly powerful and used to be a nine-yin saint, but he didn't know why, this nine-yin saint had fallen from the realm of a saint.

However, even if this guy is no longer a saint, he is peerlessly powerful, and his cultivation level is much stronger than the average half-sage. Even Gu Fei is very scrupulous about him.

"Old Jiuyin, it turned out to be you."

A roar sounded, and on the Quartet ancient formation, Zhou Yi, the old man of the Zhou family, raised his white eyebrows, and an aura that was powerful enough to make Gu Fei's heart palpitating erupted from the old man.

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