Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 1677: Ancient City Corpse Soldier

In the Void Sky Realm, there are also day and night, and there will also be stars in the sky. Those stars are real stars, and they are shining stars.

This is a near-perfect world of one party, but it is only near perfect, and the virtual world is not a truly perfect world.

Gu Fei took the little Taoist priest through the desolate desert, across the swamp of nearly ten thousand miles, and walked towards the depths of the Xutian Realm. This time, he wanted to enter the ancient fierce city again.

Back then, in that ancient fierce city, countless celestial lights appeared, it was the divine light emitted by the supreme treasure, there must be many gods in the ancient fierce city.

Since the barren ancient battlefield cannot be attacked temporarily, then go to the ancient fierce city that almost swallowed yourself and the old tortoise back then.

The ancient fierce city has great dangers. Even now Gu Fei does not have much confidence to come and go freely in the ancient fierce city. You must know that the immortal martial arts have fallen inside.

The corpse of the warlord who was refined into an external incarnation by the old turtle sacrifice came from this ancient fierce city. It was a real warrior indestructible.

After walking through a region of nearly 20,000 miles, Gu Fei and the others finally came to the vicinity of the Qiangu Fierce City.

The fierce city under the moonlit night was silent, like a huge wild beast lying there, giving people a powerful sense of depression.

There is no light in the city, pavilions and houses, all of them are pitch black, and the silence in this huge city is terrible.

"Senior, this is..."

Seeing this ancient city, the little Taoist couldn't help his heart beating. The ancient city in the Void Heaven Realm was not an ordinary city. Most of it was dangerous.

"Hmph, I didn't expect someone to hit this ancient city."

Gu Fei sensed a few powerful auras on the nearby low mountain and couldn't help but sneer. This ancient city is not a good place. If these people's cultivation is suppressed to the realm of awakening me, they will die as much as they enter.

He remembered the danger he encountered when he rushed to the city, and now he felt heart palpitations.


Not long after Gu Fei and the others came to the vicinity of the ancient city, a divine light appeared in the distant sky, struck across the sky, and fell on the low mountain like a meteor.

"It's him."

When Gu Fei saw the divine light, he couldn't help frowning. The divine light dissipated. An old man walked out. Who was that old man, not the old Zhou Yi.

When the old man Zhou Yi arrived, everyone on the low mountain stood up.

"This is the fierce city in the legend."

Elder Zhou Yi ignored the others. He stood on the low mountain and looked at the ancient city in the distance. The huge ancient city revealed a breath of infinite distance.

"Very extraordinary."

Elder Zhou Yi watched for half an hour before saying such words. People around him dare not speak out. Elder Zhou Yi has a very high status in the ancient Zhou family.

"Uncle, do we wait until dawn..." said an old man beside Zhou Yi.

"It doesn't need to be like this, this fierce city is dangerous no matter when you go in." Elder Zhou Yi said after looking at the terrain around the ancient city.


The old man hesitated.

"You are waiting here, I will go in and take a look."

After the old man Zhou Yi finished speaking, he immediately rose into the air, like a big bird, flew towards the ancient city in front of him, over a dozen miles away, and landed in front of the open city gate.

In the mountains and forests in the distance, Gu Fei and the little Taoist watched this scene. They were not discovered by Old Man Zhou Yi.

For someone like Gu Fei who has cultivated Inner Heaven and Earth, it is difficult for other powerful people to sense his existence. Even if the old man Zhou Yi is extremely powerful, he can't sense any abnormalities in the nearby areas.

I saw the old man Zhou Yi staying at the gate of the city for a while before walking into the city.

When the old man of Zhou Yi walked into the ancient city, the whole ancient city seemed to suddenly darken, and it was even darker than before, and there were horrible ghost howls from the city.

As if countless fierce spirits and ghosts in the ghost city of **** were alarmed, there were many figures looming in the darkness of the city, as if something appeared in the city.

A ghastly breath came out from the fierce city.

Soon, there was an old man Zhou Yi's roar from the city. It seemed that he had encountered something, was fighting with something, and divine light constantly rushed out of the city.


On the low mountain, the people of Huanggu Zhou's family couldn't help looking at each other. They knew the strength of Zhou Yi's old man, that was one of the most powerful people in Huanggu Zhou's family.

Everyone was shocked and inexplicably, the old man Zhou Yi seemed to be in big trouble in the ancient city.


A muffled noise sounded from the ancient city, and a figure flew up, but soon, that figure fell into the city again. At this time, in the dark corners of the city, figures continued to appear.

"what is that……"

There is a power lingering in the ancient city. No one can really see the scenery in the city. Outside the city, everyone sees things in the city very vaguely.

However, someone recognized the figure that flew up just now, it was Old Man Zhou Yi.

Soon, a figure rushed out of the city gate, and then, heavy footsteps sounded inside the city gate, as if countless people were walking towards the city gate.

In the mountains and forests outside the city, Gu Fei's expression became extremely dignified. His natural way of encountering the old man Zhou Yi in the city was a terrible corpse soldier.

In the ancient fierce city, there are countless guard corpse soldiers. Although these corpse soldiers have no life, they are controlled by the mysterious power in the ancient city.

This kind of corpse soldiers cannot be cut off. As long as this ancient city exists for one day, these corpse soldiers will guard the ancient city for one day. Even if they are bombed to pieces, they will still regroup.

The person rushing out of the city gate was the old man of Zhou Yi who had just entered the city.

At this time, the old man of Zhou Yi was a little embarrassed, his clothes were torn, he seemed to have seen the most incredible thing in the world, his face showed a look of horror.

He escaped, not retreating calmly.

After the heavy footsteps arrived at the city gate, they stopped and no longer sounded. Looking in from the outside of the city gate, you can see a group of people standing inside the city gate.

"That is……"

Seeing those figures, everyone was moved, even Gu Fei was no exception. The ancient city still has great dangers, even the old man of Zhou Yi has to flee.

Inside the city gate, there were a dozen corpse soldiers holding ancient spears, their pale faces, and the eyes from the holes, standing there silently, like piles of wood.

A palpable breath of death spread from the dozens of corpse soldiers.

"Ancient city corpse soldiers, this is a terrible place."

Elder Zhou Yi went up to Xiaoshan, his face was at the extreme, he suffered a great loss in the city, if he escaped in time, he would be entangled by those corpse soldiers.

Those corpse soldiers did not leave the ancient city, but stood inside the city gate. The entire ancient city became even more eerie and gloomy, giving people a creepy feeling.

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