Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 1704: Surefire Burning Corpse Soldier

The two great emperor **** soldiers revived together, this kind of supernatural power almost made the heavens tremble, and the ancient fierce city was finally broken by a gap.

The veteran Taoist from the ancient Li family rushed directly into the ancient city and fought against the powerful evil creatures in the city.

At this time, the fog filled the ancient city, and the sound of footsteps sounded from the depths of the ancient city. Teams of ancient corpse soldiers came out with bronze war spears.

The breath of death is majestic, these ancient corpse soldiers have fallen for countless years, and their flesh is not corrupt, just like the Yin soldiers killed from hell.

However, the evil power of the ancient city was suppressed by the two great soldiers, the power of these ancient corpse soldiers has dropped a lot, but they should not be underestimated.

"These evil things..."

The speed of the old Taoist is very fast, he has already invaded the central area of ​​the ancient city, and countless ancient corpse soldiers rushed over from the street in front.

As these ancient corpse soldiers walked, a black mist was set off, which was formed by the death energy of the ancient corpse soldiers, and this black mist surged toward this end of the street.

"Could it be that the corpse of the supreme in the legend is ominous."

The old Taoist has lived for countless years. He is a figure in the late prehistoric period. He has lived in this world. It can be said that he is a super old antique. He knows a lot of the secrets of the world.

According to legend, in that distant past, there was the supreme from the mythical age, and the body of the supreme was immortal, and even reborn with wisdom and horror.

An incident happened to the supreme body and later became the legendary lord of hell.

Of course, this is just an ancient legend, and it's hard to say whether there is **** in this world, let alone the Lord of Hell who opened up hell.

However, this ancient legend also suffices to explain that once the Supreme's body changes, unimaginable and ominous things will happen, and the consequences are unpredictable.

"It doesn't matter what it is, I first get the Supreme God Treasury before saying it."

The old Taoist hid from the Supreme God. He has lived for so long, has experienced several dark turmoil, and has never seen anything.

In this world, there are really not many things that can arouse his interest, but, obviously, this supreme **** is enough to make such existences jealous.

The most precious among them are the ancient scriptures left by the Supreme God.

If you can get the ancient scriptures left by the Supreme, it is a great opportunity, and the Supreme Skill of the Supreme has a fatal attraction to every monk.

Whoever can master the supreme ancient scriptures can get the supreme inheritance, and with this inheritance, a super great teaching can be created.

The ancient Li family is known as the descendant of the Supreme Dao ancestor, and it is strong enough, but there are not too many things like the Supreme Ancient Scriptures.


The old Taoist roared, and a pair of divine eyes burst out with brilliant divine light. In his eyes, it seemed that there were sun, moon and stars sinking, and an extremely powerful aura burst out of him.


The void where the old Taoist is trembling, countless avenues of gods appear in the void around him, arousing the power of the avenue. At this moment, the old Taoist is like a supreme god. A feeling of invincibility looking at the world.


The void shook, and the old Taoist shot directly, and the countless Dao patterns that appeared around his body burst into a dazzling avenue of sacred light in an instant, turned into a handle of the Dao's sword, and penetrated forward.

With this hand, it is enough to explain that this old Taoist's fairy sword technique has reached the point of perfection, and in his thoughts, the avenue is deified into the sword.

This is the legend that there is no sword than a sword.


At this time, the ancient corpse soldiers rushing in front all raised the bronze war spears in their hands and pierced forward, and the terrifying death force burst out instantly. Every war spear penetrated the void and flew into the air. Countless great swords collided together.

On the dim street, a little bit of light burst out, like stars flickering.

The bronze spears of the ancient corpse soldiers collided with countless great swords, bursting out a dazzling flash. After all, the ancient corpse soldiers are not really powerful men. These ancient corpse soldiers can only resist the next part of the great swords. The Great Dao Divine Sword that could not come down all penetrated the body of the ancient corpse soldier.

However, just as the sword light formed by the **** patterns of those avenues penetrated the body of the ancient corpse soldier who rushed forward, the old Taoist finally changed color.

He could sense that after every sword light penetrated the body of the ancient corpse soldier, the power of the great avenue was weakened by most in an instant, and the sword light of the avenue became dim.

These ancient corpse soldiers have a strange and evil power on their bodies, and this power can corrode the power of the great road.

The old Daoist’s Dao-patterned Dao-sword art can never kill the evil force in the ancient corpse soldier. Although the ancient corpse soldier is penetrated by the Dao sword, it has not lost its combat effectiveness.

The wounds on the ancient corpse soldiers were also healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Indestructible evil corpse."

The old Taoist was extremely shocked. When the countless corpses in front of them were attacked by him, they just paused, and then they held the bronze war spear again and forced them towards him.

"Damn it."

The old Taoist was furious and inexplicable. There is no doubt that in this ancient city, there is absolutely a terrible ominousness. The evil power in the city can make the ancient corpse soldiers immortal.

This force can weaken even the power of the great road, which is no small matter.

Seeing the ancient corpse soldier holding the bronze war spear step by step, the old Taoist suddenly took a deep breath and his stomach rose slightly.


The old Taoist blew forward fiercely, "Boom." A fire burst out from his mouth, and the street in front of him was drowned in the fire.

The old man became fierce, he spit out a breath of energy, turned into a sacred fire, and wanted to burn these ancient corpse soldiers to ashes.

This is not an ordinary sacred fire, but a breath of the old Taoist's essence, which contains the power of his great path. In the sacred fire, a Dao pattern can be vaguely seen.

The fire soared into the sky, and the light of the fire illuminated the small half of the ancient city. The fog in this area was burned by the divine fire, and all turned into a blue smoke and dissipated into the void.

The sacred fire is the nemesis of the evil forces in the city. Although the countless ancient corpse soldiers on the streets that have fallen into the sea of ​​flames are still pushing towards the old Taoist step by step, the battle clothes on the corpse soldiers are burning.

Soon, the ancient corpse soldiers in the sea of ​​fire turned into piles of coke, and beside each pile of coke, a bronze war spear fell.


On the roof of a house thousands of meters away from the old Taoist, Gu Fei couldn't help being surprised when he saw this scene. The old Taoist could extinguish these corpse soldiers with a sacred fire. This surprised him. Could it be that "fire" "It's really the nemesis of these evil things,

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