Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 1713: The Emperor reappears?


High above the sky, hundreds of millions of imperial Dao patterns are intertwined, and the Jiuyin ancient half-holy whole body blooms with the divine light of the immeasurable Dao, as if it has turned into a heaven and earth road. 【./Text first

A strong and invincible aura gradually appeared on the body of Jiuyin Ancient Semi-Holy. This aura made the world and the people have to bow their heads and surrender.

"Could it be that the legend turned out to be true?"

The veteran of the ancient Li family was talking to himself. He seemed to have seen something, but he was not sure about it, because that kind of thing was really incredible.


At this time, Zhou Huang of the ancient Zhou family was also moved. He had a bad premonition that the ancient half-sage of Jiuyin seemed to be performing some kind of secret technique.

"He wants to..."

The powerhouses of the four wild ancient families are all discolored, this nine-yin ancient half-holy, this is to make the distant ancestors of their eastern aristocratic families reappear in the world!


The ancient half-sage of Jiuyin screamed frantically, and the voice became louder and louder, and finally even the entire Void Heaven Realm shook with the roar of the ancient half-sage of Jiuyin.

The blood that belonged to the ancient Donghuang in his body was burning, a power in the deepest part of the blood was awakened, and the invincible human emperor appeared in the world.

Finally, the ancient half-sage of Jiuyin stopped screaming, and his appearance turned into a tall, middle-aged man with supernatural power.

"Really an ancestor?"

The powerhouses of the Eastern aristocratic family were extremely excited, and the middle-aged people transformed into the ancient half-sage of Jiuyin were exactly the invincible Eastern Emperor of their ancestors.

There are portraits of the ancient Donghuang in the Eastern family, and these people will not admit it wrong.

The hundreds of millions of imperial lines were all submerged into the body of this black-haired middle-aged man, and the imperial power of the emperor, who was shaking the entire world, was also rapidly converging.


The emperor's seal was shaking, and he seemed to be happy when he met his relatives.

"It's against the sky..."

The people of other desolate ancient forces were stunned. Even the ancient southern desolate tribe, they retreated far away at this time. Although this tall middle-aged man was just standing there, it made people want to look forward to it. The urge to surrender and bow down.

"The mirror of heaven?"

The middle-aged man saw the heavenly mirror floating and sinking in the distance, and his eyes suddenly shot two extremely sharp lights. He wanted to shoot, but in the end he didn't move.

Dao Jing was very upset that day, and then turned into a divine light on its own initiative, soaring to the sky, disappearing at the end of the sky, and fleeing.

The middle-aged man did not stop him.

"Unexpectedly, I can reproduce the world..."

The emperor of humanity completely retreated, the middle-aged man was like an ordinary person, holding the emperor's seal in his hand, sighing, the emperor of humanity gradually became quiet in his hands.

"See the ancestors!"

The few remaining powerhouses in the Eastern family rushed over, bowed at the feet of the middle-aged man, and they were extremely excited to see the legendary figures in the family.

"Get up!"

The middle-aged man said indifferently, he didn't look at the few people, but a pair of divine eyes scanned the depths of the earth.

The supreme divine power and the power of the human emperor disappeared, and the laws of heaven and earth in the virtual world began to gradually operate, and some people began to feel that their own cultivation was being suppressed by the laws of heaven and earth in this area.

"what happened?"

At this time, Gu Fei had already come near the exit of the Xutian Realm. He felt the strangeness behind him, and he couldn't help being surprised and inexplicably, the human emperor's power behind him disappeared.


At this moment, a divine light rushed from behind him, plunged directly into the space channel in front of him, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"The mirror of heaven?"

Although Gu Fei only took a quick glance, he also saw an ancient mirror wrapped in the divine light. The Emperor Shenwei emerged from the ancient mirror, and the road was suppressed.

"Where did something happen? Even the Heavenly Mirror was taken away."

Gu Fei felt his scalp numb, even though the purple golden sword was resurrected, it didn't start the human emperor's soldier. Could it be that the supreme corpse in the ancient city was born?

"No matter how much he is, I will leave here first."

Although Gu Fei was very curious, he knew that if the supreme corpse in the ancient city was born, even he would be in danger.

I just got a great opportunity, and I don't have time to pay attention to other things for the time being. The most important thing now is to find a place to retreat.

At this time, he sensed that the fluctuations in the inner world at his dantian place were getting bigger and bigger, as if an ancient barbaric beast woke up in his inner world.

"Hei Tian this guy..."

No need to ask, it was definitely made by the guy Hei Tian, ​​and the aura in the inner world was inspired by him. This guy is using the endless aura in his inner world to push through!

Gu Fei retracted the Zijin Divine Sword, and then put away the Mountain and River Cauldron, before rushing to the exit of the Void Sky Realm and directly entering the space channel.

That space channel was fixed by the Huanggu Zhou family, and anyone could enter and leave the virtual world through this space channel as long as he got the permission of the Huanggu Zhou family.

Of course, like some powerful people, they don't need the permission of the Huanggu Zhou family at all. They can go directly into the Void Sky Realm without any scruples.

In the face of this situation, the Huanggu Zhou family usually compromised, just like the Southern Wild Hundreds, if they were not allowed to enter the Void Heaven Realm, it would be a disaster.

The power of the Southern Wilderness Hundreds can definitely drive away the people of Huanggu Zhou's family. You know, although this is a hundred thousand mountains, it can be regarded as the territory of the Southern Wilderness.

In particular, the four ancient tribes among the hundred tribes in the Southern Wilderness are even more powerful. Each of these four ancient tribes possesses the same level of artifacts as the human emperor.

The four ancient tribes are descendants of the supreme sacred beasts, and they are so profound that even some of the ancient forces can't match them.

The current Rift Valley has become a place controlled by the major superpowers, and the major superpowers have joined forces with supreme strength to anchor the gate of the sky.

It has to be said that these super powers are really good, even if the heaven and earth vision of the heavenly demons rushing to the seven evil spirits disappears, the gate of the ruins of the sky is difficult to close.

When Gu Fei walked out of the market gate, everyone was taken aback.

"It's you?"

The white-clothed woman wearing a drapery hat was standing on the square formation. When she saw Gu Fei appear, her body seemed to sway slightly.

"Gu Fei, you didn't even die inside."

In the Rift Sky Valley, countless powerful people gathered at this time, among them were the powerful people of the Wild Ancient Zhao Family and the Eastern Aristocratic Family. When these people saw Gu Fei walking out of the Void Heaven Realm, they were all frightened.

"Humph! There are so many people who miss me dead."

When Gu Fei landed on the square formation in front of the gate of the market, at least a dozen murderous auras against him erupted around him.

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