Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 1725: Chaos Haze

The gate of the ruins of the sky gathered the powerful people of the major superpowers. These people are not so much guarding the gate of the ruins of the sky, as they are restraining each other.

The appearance of Gu Fei and Heitian broke the delicate parallelism in front of the Market Sky Gate, and their appearance made the spirits of everyone in front of the Market Sky Gate tense.

"Stop coming!"

Someone yelled, Gu Fei and Hei Tian had changed their figures and appearances. No one knew that they were back again, and everyone became nervous.

Of course Gu Fei and Hei Tian could not have waited.


Hei Tian directly stretched out his right hand, and then pressed it forward. The void in front of his palm suddenly collapsed, and the entire void collapsed into chaos.


The exclamation sounded, and the front of the gate of the market sky was in chaos immediately, and the powerful force rushing out of Heitian's hand swept away these so-called strong men.


A Buddha lamp rose up in front of the gate of Xu Tian, ​​and the peaceful Buddha power emerged from above the Buddha lamp, and Buddha patterns loomed on the little soy-sized Buddha fire.

The power of the Buddha's lamp bloomed, suppressing the power of Hei Tian.

There is the great power of Buddhism, and the strong of the Western Tu Buddhism are not absent. This is a Buddhist sacred artifact, which is very similar to the ancient bronze Buddha lamp, but it is definitely not the ultimate Buddhist artifact.


At this moment, another powerhouse took action, and someone soared up into the sky, evolving a round of Shenyang and a round of Shenyue, to suppress Gu Fei and the others.

Shenyang and Shenyue appeared in the sky, and the immense power of the sun and the yin came out, the earth was shaking, and the void in front of the gate of the sky was almost shattered.

This is the form of a peerless and powerful god, evolving the world, the sun and the moon, and the peerless and powerful force swept down towards Gu Fei and the others, obliterating everything.

"this is……"

Gu Fei couldn't help being taken aback when he saw that person exhibited such a powerful divine form. Although this person was powerful, he was not his opponent.

However, at this time, it was not the turn of Gu Fei to make a move. Hei Tian directly slapped the sun and moon that day, and shot the man out.


Everyone who saw this scene was dumbfounded. It was Beitang Riyue from the Beitang family, who had risen rapidly in the past 100 years.

The Beitang family has also produced several powerful existences in this human world, and the Beitang Sun and Moon is one of those strong men.

However, in the dark, this Beitang Sun and Moon is destined to be a tragedy.

The Beitang Riyue was directly slapped by Heitian, and his body almost shattered, vomiting blood, flying out three thousand meters away.

"too strong……"

"Too cruel!"

Heitian's hand stunned all the powerhouses in front of the gate of the sky, slapped a peak power with one palm, who has such combat power?

I'm afraid the visitor is already half holy.

Even the strong Buddhist monk retreated. Although the lamp was powerful, there was also a saint aura on the opponent's body.

"Where did the two guys come from?"

No one could see the origin of Gu Fei and Heitian. Both Gu Fei and Heitian had changed their body and appearance, and no one could recognize them.

Without any suspense, Gu Fei and Heitian entered the Xutian realm again.

As soon as they entered the Void Sky Realm, Gu Fei and Hei Tian sensed the aura of the Emperor of Human Beings. Are those people still attacking that ancient fierce city?

The Qiangu City is very extraordinary, and Gu Fei's Shanhe Ding was obtained in the city.

There may be a Peerless God Store in the city, but Gu Fei didn't see it. He opened the house that was suspected to have a Peerless God Store, but saw a coffin.

Gu Fei knew that Eternal Sorrow City would never be that simple.

They quickly flew away from the sky in the direction where the waves of the Emperor God Soldier came, and soon they approached that area.

What they saw in front of them shocked Gu Fei and Heitian very much. There was a large cloud of chaotic haze that could not be seen before, and this chaotic haze blocked their sight.

Even if you have a godhead, you can't see far. The chaotic haze is hard to see through, and the fluctuations of the human emperor's gods are transmitted from inside.

At this time, the fluctuations of the human emperor's gods disappeared again.

"what happened?"

Gu Fei and the others stopped in front of the chaotic mist. These chaotic mists were too weird. He remembered that there was no such mist in this area before.

"Those people won't break that fierce city anymore!"

Hei Tian's eyes flickered, and he wanted to see the peerless fierce city in Gu Fei's mouth. You must know that there are many secrets in that peerless fierce city.

Of course, Heitian was hiding from the Supreme God.

The Supreme God Zang is touching, and Hei Tian is jealous. The God Zang left by the ancient Supreme God is definitely something that can make all monks crazy. Who doesn't want to get it?

Gu Fei wanted it too, otherwise, he wouldn't open the house sealed by the Supreme Dao Ancestor.

"Go in and see!"

Outside the chaotic mist, he couldn't sense the situation inside. Hei Tian finally planned to enter the chaotic mist to have a look. With his current cultivation base, he has a holy soldier like the invisible divine sword on his body, and he can go anywhere in the world. Got.

In the chaotic mist, there is definitely a great danger. Gu Fei has a supreme artifact on his body, but he is not afraid, at least he has the power to protect himself.


Just when Gu Fei and Heitian entered the chaotic mist, a trembling sound suddenly came from the depths of the chaotic mist, as if there were heroes in a duel.

The breath of Human Emperor God Soldier erupted again.

The entire chaotic haze was rolling violently. This time, the power of the human emperor **** soldier was too strong, and the human emperor **** soldier seemed to have encountered an opponent.

In addition to the supreme artifact, what other magic weapon can compete with the human emperor magic weapon?

Gu Fei uttered a wave of chaos and majestic aura, which enveloped him and Hei Tian, ​​isolating the powerful aura of Human Emperor God Soldier.

"Could it be..."

Gu Fei's heart beat suddenly, he had a bad feeling.

"Boss, what's wrong with you?"

Hei Tian saw that Gu Fei's face suddenly became extremely solemn, and he couldn't help being surprised. You know, since he met Gu Fei, he has not seen Gu Fei a few times like this.

"Be careful, if that thing is born, we will leave immediately."

Gu Fei was extremely serious.

"Should it be..."

At this time, Hei Tian seemed to have thought of something, with a rare look of surprise on his face. Gu Fei had once told him all kinds of things in the fierce city.

Chaos and haze can't appear anywhere. This is a big omen. Unimaginable and ominous things have happened, which makes Gu Fei and Hei Tian very uneasy.

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