Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 1729: Township

The only person in the world who can make Heitian fear in his heart is the old tortoise. You know, that old tortoise is the ancestor of the black hand and the clapboard.

Heitian asked himself that he did not have the skill of Laogui, and when he was with Laogui, Heitian suffered and was always pitted by Laogui.

Laogui is Heitian's nemesis. When Gu Fei talked about Laogui, Heitian had nothing to say.

At this time, the Great Dao Divine Array in front of us was moving, and it was very difficult for the people inside to rush out, even if there were some imperial soldiers.

Although the Human Emperor God Soldier is strong, this large formation is completely intertwined with Dao patterns, which arouses the power of the Dao, even if the saint comes, he will be trapped inside.

Gu Fei didn't want to take a risk either. You must know that the Supreme corpse had an ominous occurrence, and no one knew what happened to the Supreme corpse.

If that supreme corpse turned into an evil corpse, it would be incredible. This would be the most powerful evil corpse in the world. Even if they had supreme artifacts, they would be in danger of life.

Gu Fei had already obtained what he wanted in the Void Sky Realm, and he didn't want to take the risk anymore.

However, just as Gu Fei and Heitian were about to retreat, the avenue pattern that was interwoven with countless Dao patterns in front suddenly shook, and then a bright divine light broke through the Dao pattern and rushed out from inside.

Someone took a shot with the Emperor God Soldier, and then broke through the seal of the Dao Mark. This time, a large hole of about tens of meters was broken in the dense Dao Mark in front.

Gu Fei looked into the big hole, vaguely, he seemed to see a white figure flashing past, and instantly disappeared out of his sight.

"That is……"

Seeing that figure, Gu Fei couldn't help his heart beating, could it be her?

The big hole in front is being repaired quickly, the Dao patterns are intertwined and the Dao rhyme is flowing, but Gu Fei is unable to maintain his calmness. The white figure seems to be the person he has been looking for.


Gu Fei did not hesitate, took one step directly, and instantly rushed in from the rapidly shrinking hole, and disappeared inside.


Heitian never thought that Gu Fei, who was about to retreat with him, would suddenly rush into the world sealed by Daowen. Moreover, Gu Fei was so fast that he could only step in the world. He waited until he reacted. At that time, Gu Fei's figure had disappeared.

Above the light curtain intertwined with Dao patterns, the big hole was about to disappear. Hei Tian knew that he couldn't get in, he could only wait.

Gu Fei was not around, and Hei Tian had to be cautious. He stood in the void with an invisible divine sword, and did not leave.

"this is……"

When Gu Fei rushed into the void sealed by Daowen Town, he immediately sensed a few peerless and powerful auras. Among these auras, two auras belonged to the seal of humans and the mirror of heaven.

And there are two other forces that are not weaker than the Human Emperor Seal and the Heavenly Mirror.

The powerful breath made the air solidify, and there was no chaotic haze in the void sealed by Dao Wen, and Gu Fei's vision was unhindered here.

The white figure just now has been missing, which made Gu Fei a little disappointed.


At this moment, Gu Fei fiercely saw a low mountain a few miles away on his right suddenly exploded, and two human figures rushed out in the dust.


A sword sound shook Jiu Xiao, and a violent sword aura erupted, turning into a bright sword light, and strangling towards a man wearing a battle armor.


Gu Fei is no stranger to this wave of sword energy. This is the unique sword energy wave of Guangchengxian Sect's sword repair. The person who made the sword was a woman in white.

This figure is somewhat similar to the figure deep in Gu Fei's heart, but, after all, after so many years, Gu Fei has not been sure that this woman in white is that person.

And the one who fought against the white-clothed woman was a black figure. Above this figure, a ghastly breath of death came out.

That man in battle armor turned out to be an ancient corpse general.

The body of the ancient corpse general is extremely powerful, and the sword aura from the sword in the hands of the white-clothed woman can indeed blow and break hair, but when the white-clothed woman’s sword slashes on the ancient corpse general’s body, it is difficult to break. Opening the defense of the ancient corpse general, there was a clang of gold and iron collision.

The white-clothed woman's cultivation is not weak, she has a divine sword in her hand, and her sword is full of strength, fighting endless battles with the ancient corpse general.

Gu Fei was invisible to the side, and the more he looked at it, the more familiar he became. The white clothed woman's face was covered with white cloth, and even with his own eyesight, it was difficult to see through that layer of white cloth.


The white-clothed woman was surrounded by sword lights all over her body, and a fairy sword showed great power in her hands, and the sword light rushed into the sky, fighting against the ancient corpse general.

Although the Guangcheng Xian Sect belonged to the Huanggu Zhou family, it did not cut off the inheritance of the Sect. Among the Guangcheng Xian Sect, many people were still practicing kendo.


The divine sword shook, the white clothes fluttered, and the sword light of the white-clothed woman suddenly exploded. Every sword light contained the white-clothed woman's indomitable will.

Nine sword lights shot out towards the ancient corpse general.

There was no suspense, all the nine sword lights hit the ancient corpse general, but the nine sword lights failed to penetrate the ancient corpse general's body.

However, the powerful power contained in the nine sword lights shook the ancient corpse general away.


At this time, Gu Fei stepped forward and rushed directly up, stretched out his big hand, and grabbed the ancient corpse general. On his right hand, chaotic energy rushed out from every finger, piercing the void of heaven and earth. .


Gu Fei's five fingers were all inserted into the head of the ancient corpse general, and then he unscrewed the head of the ancient corpse general.


As soon as he pressed his right hand, the whole head turned into a cloud of blood, and disappeared into the void with the wind.

This scene happened between the electric light and flint. Gu Fei's movements were very fast, and he was almost at the extreme. He had done it before the white-clothed woman recovered.

"It's you?"

When the white-clothed woman saw Gu Fei's appearance, she was shocked. Gu Fei's appearance surprised her. She clearly remembered that there was no Gu Fei trapped here.

Could this person come in from outside?

The woman in white was surprised and happy. If this person really came in from outside, then he must have a way to leave. She had long wanted to leave this ghost place.

However, the seal of this place couldn't even be rushed out by the peerless figures holding the human emperor's soldiers, let alone women in white.

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