Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 1731: Murdered

Indestructible Wu Zun 1731_Indestructible Wu Zun Full Text Free Read_ Chapter 1731

At this time, on the top of the mountain, the sword light flickered, the Sen Han sword aura was vigorous, and the white-clothed woman had already fought with the three dark shadows.


The Guangcheng Immortal Sword controlled by the woman in white vibrated again and again, and a wave of transparent swords spread out, unexpectedly covering the three ancient corpses.

On the top of the mountain, many human monks gathered. Among these human monks, most of them were children of the ancient Zhou family, and among them were people from the Eastern family and the ancient Zhao family.

In the brief attack just now, three or four corpses were already lying on the ground, and a pungent smell of blood permeated the mountain.

This is all the blood of the immortal gods, and the blood will not coagulate until the essence in the blood is completely dissipated.

Fairy gods used to be high above and overlooking the common people, but once the great world arrives, the number of immortal gods in the human world will greatly increase, and even ordinary people know the existence of immortal gods.

However, there are many existences stronger than the immortal gods. These ancient corpse generals can definitely give birth to the immortal gods, and even the immortal king and the **** king, even if they meet with great power, they must retreat.

The woman in white is a great power, and she cultivates Guangcheng Sword Dao. This is the most powerful technique in the Immortal Dao. The sword immortal is generally much stronger than other immortal gods.

At this time, the white-clothed woman was full of sword aura, and her whole body seemed to be transformed into a heavenly sword, and the light of the sword broke through the void of heaven and earth.

She actually trapped the three ancient corpse generals under Jianbo.


Countless sword lights slashed towards the three ancient corpse generals under the sword wave. However, a shocking scene appeared. Those ancient corpse generals just waved their arms and completely resisted the fierce sword energy. Come down.

The body of the ancient corpse general is too strong, can withstand the sword light of a powerful level, this is simply a humanoid powerful magic weapon.

When Gu Fei saw this scene in the distance, he knew that the white-clothed woman was only temporarily gaining the upper hand. After a long time, when the three ancient corpse generals escaped, she was in danger.

"Everyone went together and killed these three evil spirits."

After the desolate ancient Zhou family's children on the hill calmed down, they immediately rushed back from a distance, and then one after another shot at the three ancient corpse generals trapped by the white-clothed woman's sword wave.

Suddenly, various magical instruments flew up from the hands of whoever, and then smashed at the three ancient corpse soldiers, the divine light from those magical instruments illuminated the entire mountain.

"These fools..."

Seeing this, Gu Fei couldn't help crying and laughing. In the dim world, the divine light from these magical instruments made this mountain a beacon in this dim world.

Sure enough, soon, there was another roar in the depths of this dim world.

Hearing these roars, everyone on the top of the mountain changed their colors. This roar is no stranger to them. It is because a powerful evil has discovered their existence.

Some people were frightened and inexplicably retreated. Only the children of the Huanggu Zhou family were still insisting, but even the sword aura of the woman in white could not hurt these ancient corpse generals. These evils can't be hurt even more.


At this moment, the transparent sword wave covering the three ancient corpse generals suddenly exploded, and the white-clothed woman flew upside down.

At the same time, three shadows rushed out.

A black shadow swooped directly at the woman in white who was flying upside down, but the other two black shadows fell into the surrounding crowd like a tiger entering a flock.


As soon as a black shadow rushed past, a child of the ancient Zhou family screamed, the whole person was crushed, flesh and blood flew away, and only one head was flying away.

The physical bodies of these ancient corpse soldiers are too powerful, comparable to the mighty **** soldiers refined by the peak power sacrifice, and the magic weapons of these people can't hurt the ancient corpse generals.

"How to do!"

In just an instant, several people died under the claws of the ancient corpse general. A child of the eastern family was even grabbed by an ancient corpse general and his legs were torn in half.

Seeing this scene, many people's legs are weak, which is too bloody, these ancient corpse generals are simply murderous cold-blooded puppets!

Gu Fei had witnessed all of this, but he couldn't take action to save these people. His attention was only on the woman in white clothes. The lives and deaths of other people had nothing to do with him.

This is a side-to-side slaughter. The monks on the top of the hill are all elite children among the major families. However, those ancient corpse generals don't care who you are, as long as you have a breath of life, they are the target of their attack.


The white-clothed woman's combat power was astonishing. The divine sword in her hand vibrated again and again, and the sharp rays of sword light continued to rush out from the divine sword, resisting the ancient corpse general who threw on her.

If it is one-on-one, the woman in white is easy to do, but if it is one-on-one, it will be powerless.

The terrifying roar kept approaching from a distance, the powerful breath of death swept from a distance, the heavens and the earth changed color, and the horrible images of the gods of death appeared in the sight of everyone.

Everyone is desperate, these evil spirits will be more powerful and terrifying than those ancient corpses!


At this moment, a figure appeared in front of the evil spirits, blocking all the evil spirits that rushed over. The powerful aura erupted from that person, and the peerless evil spirits had to stop.

"It's you?"

When the white-clothed woman who was fighting the ancient corpse general saw that person, she couldn't help being surprised and happy. This person came again. Moreover, this person was peerlessly powerful and killing the ancient corpse would be even easier.


With the same sound of a sword blast, a purple golden divine light rushed out of Gu Fei's hand, and the sword light rushed to the top of the mountain in an instant, cutting the two ancient corpses that were slaughtering in the crowd into two pieces. .

The ancient corpse general who was slashed by the Zijin sword light fell to the ground and remained motionless.

The purple sword light flashed again, and the ancient corpse general who fought with the white-clothed woman was also cut in the waist. The powerful ancient corpse general was in front of this person, just like an ant.


When the remaining Seventh and Eighth cultivators saw this, they couldn't help being surprised. No one wanted to die. As long as there was a ray of life, these people could definitely do anything.

The joy of the rest of your life is not something that everyone can experience.

"As long as you remove the veil, I will help you."

Gu Fei's words were simple and direct. He wanted to see the true face of this woman in white clothes. Li Mengyao was a figure that had been in his heart for hundreds of years, and he wanted to find her.


The woman in white couldn't help being stunned when she heard the words. For a while, she didn't know what to do. She didn't voluntarily cover her face. This was ordered by her master.

Master's order cannot be ignored, but the situation is extremely dangerous right now. Once that person leaves, everyone here, including himself, will die.

"Why, just one look can save so many people."

Gu Fei's figure stood on the ground like a big mountain, his gaze swept over the white-clothed woman in the sky and the people on the top of the mountain.

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