Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 1758: Dasheng

Gu Fei and the ancient half-sage of the stars are facing each other. This is the first time that he directly contends with the half-sage of the ancients without any external force. The most powerful warrior can fight the half-sage.

However, this ancient half saint of stars is not an ordinary half saint, but a super old Dong who has lived for countless years.

"The blood of the martial arts..."

The eyes of the ancient half-sage of the stars are brighter than the real stars. He is very clear that the warrior in front of him is simply a human-shaped treasure.

You must know that warriors only cultivate martial arts, not spells and magical powers, and do not spend any effort to sacrifice magical weapons, because their own martial arts are the most powerful "spiritual weapons".

The muscles, bones and flesh of the warrior have experienced the tempering of infinite essence. The inner essence is absolutely unimaginable. If it can be refined, it will be more useful than a real magic medicine.


The aura of the ancient half-sage of the stars soared to the peak in an instant, and then, he shot, and saw his ten fingers flick, ten clusters of starlight flew out of his hand.


Each cluster of starlight is like a real star, and the power that radiated from it shook the sky and the earth, making the stars in the sky much inferior.

"Cover the sky."

Gu Fei did not hesitate, a palm shot, fierce palm strength, caused a gust of wind in the surrounding area, his big hand covered the sky, and a big hand blocked all the ten clusters of starlight.


The ten clusters of starlight played by the ancient half-sage of the stars collided with Gu Fei’s sky-shielding hands, and then the two rose into the sky and killed each other.

All those who witnessed this scene were extremely nervous, and the war broke out. This was a war of the ancient semi-saint class.

Ten clusters of starlight exploded under Gu Fei’s hand covering the sky, and the force of destruction directly shattered Gu Fei’s big hand. The two forces turned into a storm of destruction energy and swept out in all directions.

The sun and the moon suddenly disappeared near the gate of the market day, and the sky was shaking, as if the end had come.

"too strong……"

The strong men of the major forces who watched the battle couldn't help but secretly startled, the mighty destructive power that was enough to kill the general semi-holy, everyone evaded far away.


At this time, Gu Zhong was reborn, his muscles and bones reorganized, but when he crossed the Tribulation, he consumed too much vitality. Just after he condensed his martial body, he aroused the spiritual energy of all directions.

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth gathered frantically towards Gu Zhong, submerged in his body, replenishing his empty martial arts,

"Haha, nephew, you finally succeeded."

In the other direction, in a large murderous formation, Hei Tian’s hearty voice came out. This guy is fighting against the half-holy of the ancient Zhao family.


The divine bell rang, and the half-sage of the Zhao family showed great sound-killing skills. The bell sounded from the killing array. Even though they were far away, everyone still felt their ears buzzing, a kind of upset feel,

"Uncle Hei..."

Gu Zhong saw this scene, but he still didn’t know what happened.

It seems that someone wanted to kill him when he was weak, but Master and Master Heitian stopped those people.



The huge and shocking sound of collision continued to sound, Gu Fei and the ancient half-sage of the stars continued to regret, the starry sky of one side was shaking, echoing the real starry sky in the sky,

The ancient half saint of the stars attracted the power of the stars above the sky,

Endless starlight spilled from the depths of the sky, continuously submerged into the "starry sky" of the ancient half saint body week, the whole starry sky seemed to really appear around his body.

"Gu Fei, you are not my opponent."

The ancient half-sage of Xingchen is very confident. Even when he is fighting against each other, he still speaks aloud. He has the aura of a saint in his body, as if stars are sinking in his eyes.

"Hmph, if you could beat me, you would have killed me long ago, you still need to talk nonsense here."

Gu Fei smiled disdainfully. This old antique wanted to use words to disturb his mind. This kind of trick was a trick in front of him.

"I have been cultivating much longer than you. I used to be saint. What are you fighting for?"

The ancient half-sage of Xingchen continued to say, at the same time, his hands were dancing, and the great lines of gods flew out of his hands, imprinted in the void,


The starry sky of the ancient half saint body week is shaking, and the entire starry sky is extremely bright. He is like the invincible God of War in the starry sky. He has great power with every gesture and action.


After Gu Fei said these two words, he didn't speak aloud anymore. He punched out one after another, and "stars" continued to crumble under his fist.

"Stars Shift and Turn Around."

The ancient half-sage movement of the stars, the stars in the entire starry sky around him are moving fast, and a terrible nebula is formed with him as the center.

A huge suction force pulled Gu Fei towards the center of the nebula, where is the most concentrated place in the entire "starry sky".

The ancient half-sage of Xingchen wanted to obliterate Gu Fei's life, so that he was completely destroyed, even if he had cultivated the legendary secret technique, it was useless.

"Inverse chaos."

Gu Fei shouted, and a strange wave rushed out of him, and then the trajectory of the starry sky immediately changed.


The big stars were moving. Soon, Xingchen Gu Bansheng was shocked to discover that he was in the center of the nebula vortex, and the power of destruction came from all directions. ,

"how can that be……"

Xingchen Ancient Half Saint’s surprise was really extraordinary, his own great skill was actually reversed by the opponent, this method, is it one of the nine secrets of immortality,


The ancient half-sage of Xingchen roared frantically, his long hair fluttered, wanting to kill me with my great skill, it is really hateful.


An object rushed out of the ancient half-sage of the stars. As soon as this thing came out, the power of the stars in the entire "starry sky" was immediately moved by a force radiating from this thing.

The power of the stars that had been wiped out to the ancient half-sage of the stars was swallowed by that thing.


It was an ancient halberd with stars twinkling on it, and a powerful sacred aura spread from the halberd, making the world and the earth pale.

"this is……"

When Gu Fei saw this euphorbia, his pupils could not help but shrank. This old antique was finally about to use the holy soldiers. The terrifying star power was only a few breaths of time, and he was completely swallowed by the euphorbia.

The big stars flew towards the euphorbia and sank into the euphorbia.

The starry sky around the ancient half-saint body of the stars disappeared, and was swallowed by the big halberd in his hand. The big halberd that swallowed the power of the vast stars, with stars sinking on it,

"Hmph, you can be considered a human being to die under my star halberd."

The ancient half-sage of Xingchen held the big halberd, and the whole person showed a wave of holy rank, as if at this moment, he had stepped into the realm where he could look at all beings in the world.

"These guys..."

Gu Fei sensed the power of the ancient half saint of stars at this time, and couldn't help but secretly startled. These old antiques that were once saints are really hard to deal with.

These people have various means to temporarily raise their cultivation realm to the holy rank,

Although the cultivation realm of Xingchen Ancient Half Saint has fallen from the holy rank, he can temporarily return his cultivation to its former peak state.

How to fight this,

The saints are definitely the most powerful group of existences in that ancient primordial land. Unless they are the Supreme Dao, or the emperor, they can suppress such existence.

In this world, the saints are extinct, and once the ancient half saints of the stars return to their former peak state, he will be invincible in the entire human world. Unless the existence of the Fengdu Ghost Emperor arrives, otherwise no one will be his opponent.

"It's that big halberd..."

Gu Fei felt that the ancient half-sage of the stars at this time seemed to be integrated with the big halberd in his hand. He used the power of the big halberd to temporarily restore his former invincible cultivation base.

"Success to death."

At this time, the ancient half-sage of the stars shook the halberd in his hand, and a series of terrifying space cracks immediately spread in all directions around the ancient half-sage of the stars.

The terrifying star power directly suppressed Gu Fei, and the starry sky above the sky was shaking. It was the real starry sky, not the starry sky evolved by the ancient half-sage of the stars.


Above the sky, Gu Zhong could not help being shocked when he saw this scene. He has not yet recovered his combat power. When he was crossing the catastrophe, he was hit hard and almost died away. The power of the great energy level is still difficult at this time. use,


When the halberd fell, Gu Fei was beaten into dust, and even the blood mist was not left.


Xingchen Gu Bansheng couldn't help being stunned when he saw this. He never thought that he would kill this opponent so easily. It was too easy and made him feel uneasy.


Gu Zhong screamed, a terrifying murderous aura rushed out of him, and his two eyes shot at the stars above the distant sky like a magic weapon.

"Huh, rush to die, I will fulfill you."

The ancient half-sage of Xingchen has temporarily recovered to its former peak state. At this time, he is invincible. Whoever can contend with himself is the arrival of a true saint, and he can fight against one.

And just when the stars were ready to take a shot, a fist struck silently from the back of his head.


Xingchen Gu Bansheng only felt a pain in the back of his head, his head fainted, and his whole person flew forward. He was punched by someone. This punch was so powerful that it almost shattered his head.


Xingchen Gu Half-Holy Fury went mad, and the big halberd in his hand swept behind him, the vast void was annihilated, but he hit nothing with this blow.


Xingchen Ancient Half Saint is frightened and angry, who has such a means to sneak behind him to make a shot, and then quietly retreat,


Above the far sky, a figure seemed to have walked directly out of the void, and appeared beside Gu Zhong. This person was just Gu Fei who had been beaten into dust by the ancient half-holy halberd of the stars.

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