Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 1768: The arrival of the Buddha

"One and two abilities..."

On the top floor of Zuixianju, Qinglong and others were shocked. They knew very well what kind of road Gu Fei was walking. This was the most difficult road among all roads.

And his disciple has also cultivated a great power. This is not a normal power, but a martial power, the existence of invincibility of the same rank is shocking.

And now, not only has Gu Fei grown up, but his disciple has also grown up. This disciple of Gu Fei even wants to play Qinglong on his behalf.

However, Gu Fei stopped him. You must know that Qinglong is not an ordinary half-sage. Even some ancient half-sages are probably not his opponent.

The bloodline power of the Qinglong clan cannot be underestimated.


Gu Zhong's blood boiled in his body, and the strength of the Qinglong made him feel like a rainbow. He couldn't wait to fight 30,000 confluence with him immediately, a happy battle.

"Little guy, your teacher is right, you are not my opponent yet, I am not interested in you."

At this time, Qinglong made a sound, his eyes were only Gu Fei who had defeated him in the past, and this disciple of Gu Fei, although very powerful, was still far behind him.

He doesn't want to bully the small with the big,


Gu Zhong heard the words, his eyes flashed, and there was a sound like muffled thunder in his body, which was the tremor of Qi and blood.

Just when Gu Zhong wanted to make a move, a palm of his hand was suddenly placed on his right shoulder.


Gu Zhong was taken aback. He turned his head and saw that the person holding him was Hei Tian. Hei Tian’s palm was as heavy as a mountain, making it difficult for Gu Zhong to move his body.

"Brother Gu, your apprentice is not bad."

The Jiang Family Little God Emperor glanced at Gu Zhong, and said such words, Gu Zhong’s potential is the same as his master, which can be improved infinitely.

This Gu Zhong is Gu Fei's second.

"In my line, there are only two masters and apprentices, but they are not comparable to you."

Gu Fei smiled and said indifferently, his line has long since withered, it is a miracle to be passed down, but none of you here dare to underestimate Gu Fei's master and disciple.

A warrior with the pinnacle and power can compete with the ancient half-sage. Before the combat power, he can already rank among the pinnacle figures in the world.

"Okay, the old ones are also together. Let's not live here. Within these three days, I will tell you the time and place of the duel." Qinglong didn't want to say more, stood up, turned and walked down. Drunk Xianju,

"This guy……"

Seeing Qinglong leaving, Hei Tian couldn't help but shake his heart. This man is definitely a formidable opponent. In this world, the holy road is contending for supremacy. Gu Fei and Qinglong are destined to have a battle.


Gu Fei also stood up,

"Brother Gu, leave in such a hurry."

Zhong Limeng and Jiang’s little **** emperor also stood up. The battle between Qinglong and Gu Fei touched the nerves of the entire Southern Wilderness powerhouse. This is definitely the most eye-catching battle in the cultivation world.

No one wants to miss this battle, I am afraid that the strong in the entire world of cultivation will be unable to sit still.

"I want to adjust the status."

After Gu Fei finished speaking, he turned and walked down Zuixianju.

Gu Zhong and Heitian followed Gu Fei and left Zui Xianju. They thought that Gu Fei and Qinglong would inevitably fight, but the result was beyond the expectations of the Jiang Family Little God Emperor.

Qinglong and Gu Fei both left, and above Zuixianju, only the Jiang Family Little God Emperor and Zhong Limeng were left.

"Looking at Brother Jiang's spirits and spirits at their peak, it seems that they haven't played against Qinglong this time."

Zhong Limeng only glanced at the little **** emperor of the Jiang family, and he had already seen all the status of the little emperor of the Jiang family. This little emperor would come to Nanhuang every ten years to challenge Qinglong.

In these hundred years, the little emperor of the Jiang family and Qinglong fought a total of ten times, and each time they chose to be in a place off the beaten track. Few people could witness the battle between the two.

There are rumors that in these ten encounters between the Jiang family’s little **** emperor and Qinglong, each of them will win or lose.

But this time, because of the opening of the Void Heaven Realm, the Jiang Family Little God Emperor came to the Southern Wilderness two years earlier to challenge the contemporary Azure Dragon of the Azure Dragon clan.

However, Qinglong was unable to retreat and did not challenge.

However, the arrival of Gu Fei caused Qinglong, who ignored the Jiang family's little **** emperor, to leave the customs ahead of schedule. It can be seen that Gu Fei is far more important to Qinglong than the Jiang family's little **** emperor.

Among the hundreds of families in the Southern Wilderness, Qinglong is recognized as the number one strong among the younger generation, but hundreds of years ago, he was defeated by a strong man from the original.

In his life, he was only convinced by his defeat in the hands of this person. The opponent's strong man was not something he could contend with at that time.

However, this time is different. Over the past hundreds of years, he has practiced frantically, and his cultivation level has been thousands of miles. Today, he has surpassed all the younger monks in the Southern Wilderness and has become a semi-saint.

Even if it is a semi-holy of the older generation, there are not a few people who are his opponents.

When encountering Gu Fei again, Qinglong is confident to defeat the compound.

"Qinglong's opponent this time will not be me."

The light in the eyes of the little **** emperor Jiang family flickered, and I don’t know what he was thinking. Gu Fei was also a rare opponent for him. The holy road contends for supremacy. When encountering such an existence, many people are destined to be tragedy.

Gu Fei is powerful enough to make most people despair on the holy road,

Zhong Limeng’s technique is very peculiar. She can sense fluctuations that others can’t. The Jiang’s Little God Emperor seems to have regarded Gu Fei as an opponent.

"Really look forward to this battle."

Zhong Limeng stood up and left,

Soon, news that Gu Fei and Qinglong were about to fight was spread in the Dragon Imperial City, and the entire Southern Wilderness was shaken. Qinglong represented the first person in the younger generation of Southern Wilderness.

If Qinglong loses, it shows that the young generation in the Central Plains is stronger than the young generation in the Southern Wilderness.

As for Qinglong’s opponent, this time it was not the Little Emperor of the Jiang Family, but the enchanting Gu Fei. Gu Fei’s reputation was entirely made by his pair of fists.

A storm, centered on the Dragon Imperial City, spread in all directions,

Among the human races, there are Gu Fei’s enemies, but there are also Gu Fei’s friends. The human forces that came out of the third Buddha Heaven all appreciate Gu Fei’s great grace.

This is a force that is so powerful that the ancient forces must be cautious.

Of course, Gu Fei’s enemies are far more than his friends. That ancient Buddhism and Gu Fei have a great feud, Fa Tian Lao monk is always thinking about Gu Fei's survival.

In the eyes of the Buddhist followers of the ancient Buddhist schools, Gu Fei is the great demon. If this demon is overtaken, it will be a great merit.

The figure of that sloppy monk in Buddhism haunted the Dragon Imperial City.

Zhong Li’s family was a snake in the Dragon Imperial City. The next day, Zhong Limeng sent people to record the dynamics of the various forces on a piece of jade and sent it to Gu Fei.

"Hmph, this time, even those people can't sit still."

After Gu Fei read the information in Jade Jue, his eyes flashed brightly, and a killing intent spread from his body. Even with the cultivation bases of Gu Zhong and Heitian, he felt a chill on his upper body.

"The group of old bald heads are here."

Hei Tian picked up the piece of jade, and when he read the content inside, his face couldn't help becoming serious, and the heavyweights among the Buddhist monks in the west appeared.

"Even the Quasi Demon Saint Chaos Demon Lord is not the boss's opponent, they are here to die."

Heitian said to himself,

However, I have to deny that this time, the Xitu Buddhism was cruel to save them all. Various signs indicate that the Fatian old monk has also come.

This old monk is extraordinary. He has great magic power and great supernatural powers. He is the first person in the contemporary Buddhist school. Even the master of Qinglian Buddha will call him a master.

The most important thing is that this old monk must have a Buddhist priest on his body.

The old monk Fatian hides in the dark. This is the biggest threat that Gu Fei and the others face. It is hard to defend against a secret arrow. No one knows when the enemy in the dark will attack.

Gu Fei did not want to stay in the Dragon Imperial City. He knew that countless eyes were staring at him now. They left the Dragon Imperial City and then entered a mountain range.

In the Southern Wilderness, there are not many, but there are many mountains and ridges. This is a barren zone with the oldest mountain in the world, one hundred thousand mountains,

Gu Fei entered the mountain and got rid of everyone,

After three days in this way, everything seemed to be the same as usual, but at this time, in the Dragon Imperial City, there was already dark surging everywhere, and there was a strong tendency to come.

Some people secretly contributed to the flames, wanting to use the battle between Gu Fei and Qinglong to provoke the entire Southern Wilderness Clan against Gu Fei.

However, some people showed thunder means to kill all these guys with ulterior motives.

Many people think that this is Gu Fei's shot, because most of the dead are related to the ancient Zhao family or the Eastern family.

However, no one has evidence to prove that this was done by Gu Fei.

On the third night, Gu Zhong's figure appeared outside the Dragon Imperial City. His appearance immediately attracted the attention of all forces. At this time, everyone knew that Gu Fei had a disciple. This disciple was called Gu Zhong. ,

At the moment Gu Zhong appeared, a person rushed out of Dragon Emperor City and intercepted Gu Zhong.

"Amitabha, benefactor, put down the butcher knife to become a Buddha right away."

The person who stopped Gu Zhong was a middle-aged monk. The monk was wearing a moon-white monk's robe with a string of Buddhist beads hanging around his neck. On each of the beads, there is Buddha power flowing.

"Damn bald donkey, you are looking for death."

Gu Zhong knew the grievances between Gu Fei and the Buddhist monk of the Western Earth. At this time, the middle-aged monk jumped out as if he was going to save himself.

"Donor, your murderous aura is too great, the little monk can only invite you to see the Buddha."

The middle-aged monk didn't say much, his hands folded suddenly turned outward, and the two big golden handprints immediately patted Gu Zhong.

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