Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 1782: Zhan Qinglong

Although the four ancient tribes of the Southern Wilderness are in the same spirit, they are also in a competitive relationship. The rising stars of the four ancient tribes all want to overwhelm the powerful peers of the other three ancient tribes.

The little princess of the Suzaku clan is likely to be the little woman of the ancient Suzaku emperor. She has the talent and aptitude that no one can match.

This little princess considers herself very high. Among the other three ancient tribes, few are her opponents, and Qinglong and Tiger Emperor are her strongest opponents.

The battle between Qinglong and Gu Fei, the little princess Suzaku will not miss it.

The chariot of Lihuo stopped above the sky, Nanming Lihuo lingered, and above that layer of divine fire, avenues of divine patterns were constantly looming.

This is a powerful chariot, the inner power of God is vast,

Tiger Emperor, is the younger brother of Tiger Battle of the Baihu clan, Tiger Battle, when Gu Fei first debuted, he challenged Gu Fei and fought endlessly with Gu Fei.

This tiger emperor is considered by the older generations of the Baihu clan to be a rising star even stronger than the war tiger, and the tiger emperor’s performance in recent years can indeed be described as stunning.

Tiger Emperor is a strong man in the holy road. There will be a battle between Gu Fei and him sooner or later. He will not miss the battle between Gu Fei and Qinglong.


A huge voice came from the Valley of Gods and Demons, the sky and the earth were shaking, and every inch of the soil in the entire valley had **** lines looming.

A powerful force is impacting the entire valley. If it weren't for the scarlet magic pattern to seal the valley, the entire God and Demon Valley would have disappeared long ago.


With a roar, a big dragon appeared in the Valley of Gods and Demons. Qinglong showed the great skills of the Qinglong clan, fighting fiercely with Gu Fei.

At this time, no one dared to keep their hands and try their best, because if they are not careful, they may be beaten up by the opponent.


The dragon roar sounded, and the big dragon in the valley showed terrible combat power, like a real nine-day real dragon descending, a figure was forced to retreat continuously,

"this is……"

"It's Dragon Transformation."

"Unexpectedly, he has cultivated this secret technique."

Someone recognized the secret technique displayed by Qinglong. This is the dragon transformation technique of the Qinglong clan, incarnate in the real Qinglong body. This secret technique can increase the combat power of Qinglong several times.

In the body of the Qinglong clan, the blood of the Supreme Divine Beast Qinglong flows. Once the power of this inherited Qinglong Supreme is stimulated, it is not a joke.

In the Valley of Gods and Demons, Gu Fei fell into a bitter battle.



Every time I punched or kicked, I was easily dispelled by the giant in front of me. This is a big dragon with flesh and blood, not those ghosts.


The void vibrated, and the huge dragon claws directly grabbed Gu Fei. The powerful true dragon power sealed the void and blocked all Gu Fei’s retreat.

"Regrettably, who is afraid of who."

Gu Fei's fighting spirit was like a rainbow, he punched a chaotic fist, and an invincible fist intent came out of his body, and the world changed color.


Gu Fei danced with his fists, as if following a trajectory of heaven and earth, shaking the void of heaven and earth, as if to completely smash all the heaven and earth avenue with a pair of fists.

A pair of chaotic fists met the giant claws of the blue dragon,

The two forces had a head-on regret. There was no trickery. Gu Fei was shaken by the huge dragon's claws and flew thousands of feet away. With a sound of "touch.", he hit the mountain wall.

On the mountain wall, the blood evil magic pattern appeared, instantly dissolving the force of the collision,

"What a powerful force."

Gu Fei is most proud of Wushuang Wushuang martial arts, but at this time, he was directly shocked by people. This is a rare thing.

Qinglong has transformed into a primitive state, and the supreme bloodline in his body is gradually being stimulated. This is the power of Qinglong supreme, which is shown in contemporary Qinglong.

Gu Fei's arms were tingling, and the two sleeves were already shattered.

The big dragon rushed over and spouted a breath of dragon's breath. This is a destructive force. Wherever it passes, the void is silently annihilated, and everything is wiped out.


Faced with such a powerful attack, Gu Fei’s eyes were like electricity, and there was a burst of noise from his body, and a layer of chaotic air appeared around him, covering him.


He slammed his feet on the mountain wall, and then rushed directly towards the dragon's breath that spewed, and rushed into the terrifying dragon's breath that was enough to annihilate the world.


When Qinglong saw this scene, he couldn't help but secretly be shocked. The human martial arts are extremely powerful. If they are cultivated to great success, they can become the strongest state of immortality.

Although Gu Fei hasn't cultivated to the point of indestructibility, the breath of the dragon he spit is hard to hurt Gu Fei. Gu Fei is like a human-shaped sword, splitting the dragon's breath and killing himself. ,

"Longyin Jiuxiao."


A huge dragon roar immediately sounded from the mouth of the dragon, and the terrifying sound wave centered on him, spreading out in all directions,

"This trick again."

Gu Fei once suffered from the sound-killing secret technique. This dragon howl's power is also a kind of sound-killing great technique, killing people invisible by destroying sound waves.

This is a large-scale attack, even if there are thousands of troops in front, they can be shaken to death with a roar,

However, at the moment before Qinglong made the move, Gu Fei turned off his hearing, and no matter how terrifying the dragon was, it would only have a small impact on him.


Gu Fei ignored Long Xiao, stepped directly, and instantly came to the sky above Qinglong’s dragon head, stepped down, and the huge dragon head sank from the air with his foot.


Qinglong roared, this is definitely a shame, his noble dragon head was trampled by someone, which made him mad and his eyes were red.

Outside the Valley of Gods and Demons, all spectators were also stunned. This was a scene that shocked everyone. A tiny human being stepped on the head of a giant dragon with one foot.

Although the human body is small, the power that erupts is extremely large.


The earth quaked, and the dragon head like a hill slammed into the ground, knocking the blood-colored ground down and collapsed.


At this moment, the dragon head of the great dragon formed by Qinglong, the two dragon horns flew up and turned into two divine swords, strangling towards Gu Fei.

The sword qi is vertical and horizontal, the sword light formed by the dragon qi illuminates the **** valley,

Gu Fei soared into the sky, avoiding the first blow of the two dragon swords. Those two dragon swords flew up right after Gu Fei, and continued to strangle him towards him.

He took the index finger and **** of his right hand together, replaced the sword with two fingers, and blocked the two sword lights that had strangled.

With clanging voices, Gu Fei used **** to resist the attack of the two dragon swords.

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