Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 1794: Half Martial Saint

Gu Fei broke through, transforming on the edge of life and death,

He is a warrior, a natural **** of war, and the half-holy robbery that is ushered in is extremely powerful, far from the average half-holy robbery.

The robbery cloud above the valley of the gods and demon gathered from all directions, covering the whole world, the power of destruction was brewing, and the robbery cloud was constantly spreading.

At the end, the small half of the Demon Realm was shrouded in Jieyun.

This is too amazing. The power of the tribulation made all the strong in the area near the valley of the gods and demons have to retreat to the distance, afraid of being affected by the tribulation.

You must know that Heaven has the feeling that the Heavenly Tribulation will come down. This kind of induction can even trigger the Heavenly Tribulation of other monks. This is not a good thing.

Even the figure sitting on the yin and yang **** map disappeared instantly, rushed out of the area covered by the robbery cloud, and appeared on the edge of the demon realm.

The fierce man in the far north did not do anything special, nor did he excessively stimulate the demons. It seems that the fierce man also has scruples.

Because this is just an incarnation of that fierce man, not like the real one,

The Demon Territory in the hundred thousand mountains is a place of demon source between heaven and earth. Legend has it that there is the oldest demon sleeping here. The fierce man in the far north obviously does not want to be alarmed by such existence at this time.


The dull thunder sounded, and the black and crushing cloud in the sky almost fell to the ground, and the huge lightning of the mountains continued to rush out from the cloud, tearing the sky and the void, and raging over the valley of the gods and demons.

The aura of destructive power surpasses the heaven and earth,

The threat of heaven and earth frightened the ten directions, countless demons fled into the depths of the demon madly, seeking protection from the giants of the demons, and did not dare to be exposed to the disaster.

"This human race..."

Several magical shadows appeared in the depths of the demons,

"A descendant of Wuzu."

An old demon sensed the fluctuations in the martial arts real power on Gu Fei, and couldn't help but move. The supreme martial ancestor was an invincible existence, and he didn't know how many great demon died under his fists.

"This human race cannot stay."

Some Mozu giants said such words,

However, the other Mozu giants did not respond, because the fierce man from the extreme north had already locked them, if they dared to attack Gu Fei, the fierce man from the extreme north would certainly not sit idly by.

The strength of the fierce man in the far north is obvious to all. Just before, a demon tycoon was maimed by the fierce man and was almost beheaded on the spot.

With this lesson learned, how dare those Mozu giants dare to make a move easily?


Gu Fei was roaring, he sensed the extremely powerful destructive power of Heavenly Tribulation, which was stronger than all the Heavenly Tribulation that he had passed through before.

At this time, his condition was really bad. The bloodline power of the Qinglong clan that was sealed in his body had not been completely wiped out, and the catastrophe had come again.

Under this internal and external troubles, even if it is as strong as the ancient Fei, it feels great pressure.

The true power of chaos is constantly increasing, and the bloodline power released from the Azure Dragon is gradually absorbed by Gu Fei’s martial arts, and then transformed into his own martial arts power.

The chaotic lines on his body are getting brighter and brighter, the chaotic true power is constantly tempering his martial arts, and the lines are imprinted into every inch of his body, bones and flesh.

The impurities in his body are constantly being drained from the pores, and even blood also oozes out. The blood in his body is metamorphosing, becoming more colorful, and the inner vitality is more powerful.

Changing blood and bones, Gu Fei’s martial art is undergoing a complete transformation, he took that step, the martial art is transforming into a holy martial art, but this will take a long process.

After he took this step, the Holy Martial Body will appear sooner or later. It will take time.

The power of the semi-saint martial arts has been verified just now. Even the dragon sword refined from the Azure Dragon Festival cannot pierce Gu Fei’s skin or break Gu Fei’s defenses.


The tribulation cloud is getting lower and lower, and the destructive power of peerless horror is approaching Gu Fei. The semi-holy heaven tribulation is about to be launched, and the entire valley of gods and demons is covered by heavy tribulation clouds.

In the dark robbery cloud, there seemed to be figures looming.


When Gu Fei saw this, he couldn't help being shocked. In such a powerful robbery cloud, there would be absolutely no other beings that could exist, there was full of destructive power.

Unless you are a saint, you can ignore the threat of heaven.

"Heavenly Tribulation Vision."

Some old antiques also noticed the changes in Jieyun. These people were extremely shocked. They never expected that the legendary tribulation appeared before their eyes.

Legend has it that in the distant past, there were characters who were against the sky when they crossed the catastrophe, they would trigger the vision of the catastrophe. It was unexpected that it was true. This is too amazing.

Anyone who can arouse the vision of the tribulation is a heaven-defying figure who is qualified to aspire to the throne of the strongest between heaven and earth.

"bring it on."

Gu Fei completely released his own powerful aura. A ray of Holy Might appeared between the heavens and the earth. Just as this ray of Holy Might appeared, a huge figure rushed out from the robbery cloud in the sky toward Gu Fei. Threw down,

"this is……"

Seeing this figure, even Gu Fei was stunned for a moment. This is a big dragon that is completely intertwined with lightning. It is extremely real, and the dragon is shaking the world.

"Ancient Four Spirits."

When Gu Fei saw this great dragon, he immediately understood what it was. The appearance of a blue dragon evolved from the power of the Heavenly Dao, and even the people of the blue dragon clan were shocked.

There is nothing to say, Gu Fei shot directly, and the powerful force hit the rushing Qinglong.


Void shook, Gu Fei’s fist blocked the collision of the Azure Dragon, and exploded the head of the Azure Dragon that had evolved from that day, and the dragon’s blood splashed all over.

Thousands of lightning exploded, illuminating the entire dark world,

The Tribulation had just begun, and he encountered such a powerful attack, which made Gu Fei had to be cautious. He didn't want to die like this.

"Holy thief, what can you do to me."

Gu Fei roared, his whole body's vitality, blood, muscles and bones were morphing, and the chaotic martial arts gradually formed, and he felt that the heavenly disaster was about to begin.


Another strange beast rushed out of the robbery cloud. This was a Suzaku, surrounded by endless flames. As soon as the Suzaku appeared, the fire burned the sky.

The ancient four spirit beasts all jumped out of the robbery cloud and attacked and killed Gu Fei.


A big golden hand slammed up from below, and the golden line was powerful, and it shook all the four spirit beasts away. The powerful force fluctuated, and even some blood evil spirit patterns in the valley were broken. ,


Everyone was stunned by the combat power that Gu Fei showed. He was just a punch and almost destroyed the Valley of Gods and Demons. In the Valley of Gods and Demons, there was a gust of wind and thunder.

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