Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 1806: Spirit Moon Sword Fairy

Thousands of years ago, in the ancient Zhou family, there was a woman who specialized in kendo. Later, this woman rose in the world and became famous in the cultivation world and was called the sword fairy.

Thousands of years have passed. If that female sword fairy does not die, then her current cultivation base will be extremely powerful.

Gu Fei came to Huanggu Zhou’s house for Li Mengyao, the woman who had had a special relationship with him, even he couldn’t tell why he was so obsessed with this woman.

Even though hundreds of years have passed, Li Mengyao's figure still looms in Gu Fei's heart from time to time, never really forgotten.

"Li Mengyao is the disciple of Grand Master Lingyue. I really can't say about her current situation."

The Emperor Zhou groaned for a long time before he said such words. Patriarch Lingyue had a special identity in Huanggu Zhou’s family, and even he had only seen it a few times.

And Li Mengyao is even more mysterious. Since she was accepted as a disciple by the ancestor Lingyue, she has never shown her true face anymore, her face has always been covered with a veil.

The veil was refined by masters, and it’s hard to see through even if it’s a person who cultivates with a godly purpose.

In the entire ancient Zhou family, there are not many people who have seen Li Mengyao's true face. They are even core children like Emperor Zhou, and have never seen them, let alone other people.

"Where is the cultivation place of Senior Lingyue."

Gu Fei asked directly where the Grand Master Lingyue was located. Obviously, he wanted to visit the Grand Master Lingyue. Once his cultivation level reached his level, where could he not go in the world?

The cultivation base of Patriarch Lingyue must have been transcendent and sanctified, but in this world that cannot be sanctified, this senior's cultivation base is the strongest, that is, quasi saint.

Gu Fei is very confident. Now he is not afraid of the quasi-sage, unless it is a perverted existence like Fengdu Ghost Emperor who makes a shot himself, otherwise, no one can really threaten him.

"This one……"

The Emperor Zhou was embarrassed. He was the core child of the ancient Zhou family. He was very clear about the temperament of every senior member of the Zhou family. This Lingyue Patriarch has not asked about world affairs for many years.

Even if some outstanding children in the clan want to visit this patriarch and ask her for advice, it is not an easy task, let alone Gu Fei, an outsider.

However, Emperor Zhou was unwilling to reject Gu Fei directly. You must know that this person is a martial arts and semi-sage. If nothing happens, this person will become a great martial artist.

At that time, there are really few people in the world who are Gu Fei’s opponents.

Dacheng martial arts are comparable to saints and can be compared to saints. Although they are not martial saints, they are powerful enough to compete with ordinary saints.

And above the Dacheng martial arts, there is the immortal martial arts. If you cultivate into the immortal martial arts, no one in the world will be this Gu Fei's opponent.

Zhou Huang's gaze was far away. If he could make friends with such a person, it would definitely benefit the ancient Zhou family without any harm.

Moreover, even if this Gu Fei's martial arts cannot be achieved, or even be killed by someone, this will not cause any loss to the Huang Gu Zhou family.

The thoughts in Zhou Huang’s mind kept turning,

At this time, Gu Fei did not seem to be anxious on the surface, but his heart beats a lot faster than usual. This Zhou Huang, hesitated, he really wanted to beat this guy with a punch.

"Brother Gu, wait a minute, let me ask."

Zhou Huang also realized at this time that this Gu Fei would not leave so easily. Li Mengyao seemed to be very important to this Gu Fei, and this didn't seem to be a bad thing either.

After pondering for a while, Emperor Zhou made such a decision. It is not easy to see Grand Master Lingyue.

However, Gu Fei’s request cannot be ignored either. You must know that at this time, if it is not handled properly, the Zhou family will probably have one more powerful enemy.


Gu Fei did not say much. He knew that with his current cultivation base and strength, even the ancient Zhou family would not easily offend him. In the world of cultivation, the strong are respected.

Emperor Zhou left quickly, Gu Fei wanted to see Grand Master Lingyue, this matter was beyond his ability.

"Who is Li Mengyao."

At this time, in the desolate ancient Zhou family ancestors in the depths of the Dragon Land, many old antiques were alarmed, and the arrival of Gu Fei made them feel threatened.

The semi-holy breath is very sensitive to these old antiques,

"It seems that it was the disciple that Lingyue girl had collected hundreds of years ago."

Some people in the Zhou family’s ancestral land are whispering. These people have a high status in the ancient Zhou family. They belong to high-level figures. Every word and deed will attract attention.

"This person is extremely powerful, and his body is full of vitality. Could it be Gu Fei, a martial artist who has been in the limelight recently."

Although these old antiques were in the Zhou family's ancestral land, their spiritual thoughts spread, and they sensed the breath of Gu Fei.

Gu Fei’s name has long been famous in the Southern Wilderness, even these old antiques know that there is a character like Gu Fei.

Especially the battle between Gu Fei and Qinglong not long ago, which shocked many old antiques to watch the battle. These people have seen the power of Gu Fei.

Even the contemporary blue dragon of the Qinglong clan is not Gu Fei’s opponent. He has refined the bloodline power of the Qinglong body by his life. This method greatly shakes all the bloodlines of the ancient emperor and other bloodlines that have been exalted.

Soon, on top of a mountain in the depths of Zhou’s family ancestral land, a powerful surge of sword energy erupted.

"It's Lingyue, what is she going to do."

The other people in Ancestral Land were shocked. They hadn't sensed this kind of strong sword qi fluctuations for many years, and Grand Master Lingyue was about to make a move.

At the moment when the sword qi fluctuations appeared, the ancestral land of the ancient Zhou family began to appear in the ancestral land of the ancient Zhou family.

The land of Tenglong on this side is guarded by a peerless array. This type of array should be the handwriting of the ancient emperor.

The ancient human emperor, although he did not truly become the invincible Supreme Dao Supreme Saint, but his cultivation and combat power can almost compete with the Supreme Dao Supreme.

This kind of great formation laid by the supreme existence, no one in the world can break it, even if Gu Fei has the ultimate holy soldiers, I am afraid it will not work.

"The Zhou family is also very careful."

Upon seeing this, Gu Fei couldn't help but glanced at those Zhou family members. These people were extremely nervous, and some of them could not help but step back.

You know, they are facing a madman, and even Qinglong is not his opponent. In front of this madman, he is simply an ant.

"Who wants to see my disciple."

A cold drink came out from the depths of the ancient Zhou family’s ancestral land, and a powerful sword aura surged out immediately. Under the impact of this sword aura, the temperature of the entire world dropped rapidly.

A white figure walked out from the depths of the ancient Zhou family ancestral land,

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