Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 1810: Lao Jiao Hualong

In Wolong Ridge, there is a dragon crossing the catastrophe,


The endless robbery thunder fell from the sky, and the entire area was enveloped by that terrible lightning. Over the mountains, dark clouds were densely covered. This is not a normal dark cloud, but a robbery cloud.

The power of heaven and earth is brewing, but this is just the beginning, dazzling lightning flashes in the dark robbery cloud, and every lightning is as huge as a mountain.

Fortunately, these lightnings only appeared in the robbery cloud, and they were not bombarded.


The shadow of the dragon in Wolong Ridge roared, shaking for nine days, and the mountains shook, terrifying.

"This is the legendary Dragon Transforming Heaven..."

Standing on top of a mountain, Heng Xiong and others were shocked when they saw this scene. They never expected that they would encounter such a catastrophe.

This time, the expedition may not reach the destination. If you want to enter the remnant palace of the ancient flying supreme, you have to cross Wolong Ridge.

But now, let alone crossing Wolong Ridge, even a little closer will be affected by the tribulation, turning into the ashes under the tribulation.

"How to do……"

A middle-aged monk said in a deep voice,

"Let's take a detour."

A young monk said,


Heng Xiong’s eyes lit up immediately when he heard this. Yes, they could take a detour, but on that ancient map, it only indicated that it is safe to walk along Wolongling.

"In this way, the risk seems too great."

A thin old man expressed his worries,

Yes, only such a safe road is marked on the map, and if they take a detour, although they can avoid the Dragon Transformation, no one knows whether they will encounter it if they deviate from the original road. Unknown danger,

Although they all have the cultivation base and combat power of the immortal **** level, among these 100,000 mountains, even the immortal gods must be careful. Once they break into certain Jedi, even the immortal gods will fall.

"If this flood dragon successfully overcomes the catastrophe, then nothing will happen to us."

A monk who had not spoken all of a sudden said such words, the dragon crossing the catastrophe, once it succeeds, it can transform into a real divine dragon.

This is an extremely important transformation for Jiaolong.

The cultivation base and strength of this dragon has long surpassed the realm of immortal gods. Once the dragon is successfully transformed, the cultivation base of this dragon will probably take a leap.

At that time, the remnant palace of the ancient supreme will be occupied by the dragon, and Heng Xiong and the others will not even have a chance.

This dragon has been guarded here ten thousand years ago. It is very likely that it also wants to obtain the peerless divine talent in the ancient supreme remnant palace.

The power of the tribulation is still condensing, the terrifying aura of destruction enveloped the entire world, the powerful fluctuation of power forced Heng Xiong and others to retreat farther.

"too frightening……"

Everyone was shocked. The Dragon Transformation Tribulation triggered by this dragon is too powerful. The entire world seems to be suppressed, and the world is full of almost suffocating powerful pressure.

"Make a detour."

In the end, Heng Xiong and others could only take a detour. The Dragon Transformation Tribulation led by the Flood Dragon in front was too terrifying, and they were not something they could contend.

Since the road ahead is not clear, detour,

Of course, if they take a detour, they will have to take a lot of wrong paths, and they will also face unknown and dangerous threats. Everyone’s heart is very heavy.

In this human world, although the existence of the fairy **** level has not yet reached the point where the fairy gods are everywhere, the number of fairy gods in the human world is definitely a huge number.

In the great world, the most indispensable is the strong,

Heng Xiong and others are casual cultivators, and there is no force behind them to protect them. This is why they ventured into the ancient palace of the supreme.

If they can obtain some of the ancient supreme cultivation techniques, it will be enough for them to cultivate and realize for a lifetime. For casual cultivation, the risk is worthwhile.

Just as Heng Xiong and the others took a detour, the old dragon in Wolongling finally launched the Dragon Transformation Tribulation. The terrifying thunder and lightning blasted down from the robbery cloud with destructive power.

It was just the first wave of Heavenly Tribulation, and the dragon shadow over the mountains was blasted away by the power of the thunder.

That ten thousand zhanglong dragon shadow is not the real body of the old dragon in the depths of Wolong Ridge, but a phantom formed by the dragon energy released from outside of the old dragon.


The destructive thunder thunder swept down from the sky, and a large mountain was swept by the thunder thunder, silently turned into powder, and dissipated in the void.


From the depths of Wolong Ridge, there were waves of dragons, and the old Jiao was desperately resisting the catastrophe. This is a critical moment for its survival. As long as it can survive this catastrophe, it can become a true dragon.

The Dragon Transformation Heaven Tribulation is in motion, the world is shocked by the threat of heaven and earth, all the creatures in the mountains are trembling, terrified, as if the end is coming,

The catastrophe lasted for about three hours, and the entire Wolong Ridge was blasted into flat ground by the thunder, and the terrifying force of destruction destroyed one area.

With Wolong Ridge as the center, all areas within a radius of hundreds of miles have been destroyed. Wolong Ridge has become history and no longer exists.

Heng Xiong and his party who made a detour were stunned by such a tribulation, destroying hundreds of miles of territory on one side. The power of this tribulation is many times greater than when they crossed the immortal and divine tribulation.

The old Jiao succeeded. In a big pit that was blasted out by the robbery thunder, lay a **** "dragon". The dragon was no more than ten feet long, and some parts of his body even showed thick bones.

Although he has survived the Dragon Transformation Tribulation, this old Jiao almost fell and suffered an unprecedented hit.

At this time, it was the weakest time for the old Jiao who had just passed through the Dragon Transformation Tribulation. If someone shot at it at this time, it was destined to be a tragedy.

However, Heng Xiong and others did not dare to attack this old dragon. You must know that the combat power displayed by this old dragon while crossing the catastrophe was enough to kill them countless times.

Even if the power comes, I am afraid that it may not necessarily be able to surrender this old Jiao.

"Hurry up, if this old Jiao recovers, we will be out of luck."

Heng Xiong and the others rushed to the ancient ruins of the supreme dilapidated palace. The place where the dilapidated palace was located was a ruin that had sunk to the ground. Many buildings still stood in the ruins.

Soon, in front of Hengxiong and the others, a cliff appeared. Below the cliff was pitch black, and there were gusts of wind blowing from below.

In front of the cliff, is the ancient remnant palace,

According to legend, this ruin was formed by falling from above nine heavens into one hundred thousand mountains. An infinitely long breath lingers in the void ahead.

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