Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 1812: Remains of the Mythical Age

The old Jiao successfully transformed into a dragon. His Jiao body transformed into a dragon body, and his physical body was more than ten times stronger. This was a leap. He became a dragon and his cultivation and combat power surged.

But even so, Lao Jiao’s cultivation is hard to compare with Gu Fei, but it is also comparable to Gu Zhong.

The old Jiao’s cultivation base is still unstable, between the peak of the Ninth Heaven of the Immortal Emperor and his great power. When his cultivation stabilizes, he may have to step through the shackles of cultivation and become a great power.

Nourished by the Dragon Qi in the Dragon Crystal, the old Jiao recovered quickly.

However, at this moment, a loud noise came, and a powerful fluctuation of power made the world and the earth tremble, which surprised both Gu Fei and Lao Jiao.

Among these hundreds of thousands of mountains, there are some areas that are extremely dangerous. Breaking into these areas, even if they are powerful, will be dangerous.

"It's the dilapidated palace of the ancient supreme."

The old Jiao changed his color directly, and someone broke into the ancient palace of the supreme palace. It was the age of myths and legends.

"Ancient Palace of the Supreme."

Gu Fei was taken aback.


He disappeared directly into the void, and the things that touched the ancient supreme were not something ordinary people could touch, although it was a remnant palace almost in ruins, no exception.

You know, the Supreme Dao Rune is immortal, no matter how many years have passed, these Dao Rune will still condense aura, and it is difficult to be erased by time.

Heitian, once they touched the Supreme Dao Pattern, it would be bad.

Thousands of miles away in front of Wolong Ridge, an area suddenly sank, and a cliff appeared among the mountains. Such a landform was definitely not formed naturally.

"The palace that fell from the nine heavens is too big."

Gu Fei's figure appeared above the cliff. When he saw the ruins under the cliff in front of him, he couldn't help being shocked. There were still many uncollapsed buildings in the ruins.

With Gu Fei’s eyesight, it’s hard to see the end of this ruin.

"Such a place has definitely existed for countless years."

Feeling the vicissitudes and long-lasting aura from the ruins under the cliff ahead, even Gu Fei had to be moved.


At this time, the young monk transformed into the old Jiao arrived. This was the second apprentice Gu Fei accepted.

"This master is really unfathomable, I can't even see his depth." Old Jiao was secretly startled.

"Do you know the origin of this ruin."

Gu Fei asked directly, the ancient supreme is so mysterious, no one knows how many extreme supreme have appeared in that distant past.

"The disciple just knows some legends about this ruin."

The old Jiao respectfully said that in front of Gu Fei, even if he had cultivated for tens of thousands of years, he did not dare to neglect, because the newly worshipped master was very strong.

Intuition tells the old Jiao that if his master wants to kill him, it will definitely be effortless, no different from pinching an ant.


Gu Fei’s speech is very concise and direct.

"Yes, it is rumored that this relic appeared before the ancient times, and it already existed in the age of mythology." The old Jiao said everything he knew.

It turns out that the existence of this relic is really far away. The age of mythology is a period of time that is much older than that of the ancient times.

This period of time has been annihilated in the long river of history, but even today, some relics of the mythical era can still be found.

Because the Dao rune of the supreme level cannot be obliterated by the power of time, unless it is attacked by the supreme of the same level, the dao rune will collapse.

Therefore, things that have been passed down from the age of myths appear in the cultivation world, and they are all extraordinary, perhaps the things that the ancient supreme once possessed.

The hundreds of thousands of mountains have been in existence for a very long time. When this mountain was formed, no one has said clearly, but it is certain that the hundreds of thousands of mountains already existed in the ancient times.

There are a lot of secrets between heaven and earth buried here,

The ruins of the Supreme Palace in the mythical age fell from nine days to form this relic. This is a relic from the mythological age, which really shocked Gu Fei.

The age of mythology was really too long for him.

Legend has it that it was an era of congenital creatures vying for battle. Since the end of the mythological era, although there are still congenital creatures bred from heaven and earth, these congenital creatures are far from the congenital creatures bred from chaos. ,

The supreme in the age of mythology, what kind of existence is that,


Just after Gu Fei heard the words of the old Jiao, suddenly, a bright divine light rushed out from the gloomy ruins in front of him, it was a sword light.

"It's the previous human monks."

Old Jiao frowned. When he was crossing the Tribulation, he sensed the existence of twelve human monks, and these human monks actually entered this ancient ruin.

"It's really reckless."

The old Jiao cursed in a low voice. He had waited in Wolongling for ten thousand years and never dared to go deep into the ruins. Those Human Race monks rushed in, I'm afraid that it will be more fortunate.


Suddenly, a loud laugh came from the depths of the ruins ahead.

"That is……"

That laughter is not another one, it is from the black sky,

"Roar, fight with you."

There was a roar, and two figures appeared in Gu Fei's line of sight. To Gu Fei’s surprise, the person who ran away in front was Hei Tian.

This guy, but a man who would grab a handful of hairs even if the geese in the sky flew by, when he was willing to suffer a loss, he was chased and killed.

The person chasing Heitian is a monk with a tall god. This monk is almost going crazy, his body is murderous, his eyes are red, he can't wait to tear Heitian to life,


Gu Fei was also a little baffled when he saw this scene. The person who was chasing Heitian behind Heitian was actually an immortal god, which was too weird.

A fairy **** is chasing and killing a semi-holy. If this is spread, no one can believe it.

What happened and where did Gu Zhong go?

This scene made Gu Fei feel incomprehensible, and Lao Jiao’s big eyes opened wide. He was shocked to find that the man who had fled in front could avoid some dangerous places.

For example, if someone jumps over a low wall, the low wall will emit a killing light, directly beheading the person jumping in the air.

The old Jiao has been waiting here for thousands of years. He has seen many people fall into this ruin. It is precisely this way that he dare not go deep into this ruin.

However, the person who fled in front seemed to know that it would be dangerous to jump over the low wall, and went around the low wall.

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