Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 1818: Ancient prison

Gu Fei suddenly showed murderous intent, which made the people around him frightened, especially the old Jiao, who was shocked, as if he had fallen into an ice cave.


The old Jiao's voice trembled.


Gu Fei suddenly woke up, he couldn't help sighing, he still had obsessions in his heart, but he had a murderous intention unconsciously.

Only by resolving the grievances with the Eastern family and the Beitang family can the obsession in my heart be resolved.

His grievances with the Huanggu Zhao Family have come to an end, but no one can guarantee that those people from the Huanggu Zhao Family will find themselves again.

Gu Fei is not afraid of things, let alone being bullied, even if he is an ancient family.

"Boss, what are you doing, do you feel danger."

Hei Tian was also taken aback by Gu Fei. Gu Fei unexpectedly released a murderous aura. He couldn't help but become nervous, thinking that something was going to happen.

"It's okay."

Gu Fei put away his own breath, and the murderous aura immediately converged and disappeared. At this moment, the people secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Everyone keeps going,

Hei Tian has a deep knowledge of the way of battle. Among the relics of this era of mythology, this guy naturally took the lead and walked in the forefront.

As they gradually deepened, everyone found that the sky above their heads gradually became darker. This is very unusual. You know, it is daytime, but it is difficult to see the sun in the sky.

"There is a path that envelopes the entire remains."

Gu Fei said such words, the relics of this mythical era seem to be a world of its own, and the laws of the world have been changed.

"The remnant palace of the ancient supreme is really extraordinary."

Hei Tian also had to marvel, he refined the supreme divine mind and learned a lot of things. The formation of this relic really has to be traced back to the age of myth.

That was the rise of a supreme in the age of myth. This supreme didn’t know what happened to fight against the supreme before the age of myth.

That battle was fought so much that it almost ruined an era,

No one knows the final result, but one palace fell from the sky to the mortal world, forming a huge relic of such a party.

The Supreme War was originally terrifying, and even the Supreme Palace was shattered and fell from the sky. It can be seen how terrifying the war was.

Gu Fei and the others walked in the ruins, they had to be very careful, because there are still the immortal principles left by the ancient supreme.

Among the ruins, there are basically no buildings that are truly intact. The buildings that can stand on the ruins are all buildings that are branded with the Supreme Dao pattern.

In such a place, they can only take a detour,

"How could this be……"

Suddenly, Hei Tian stopped, his face showed an incredible expression, he seemed to perceive the impossible strange situation,

"what happened."

Gu Fei and others asked quickly,

"This place... seems to be a cage."

Hei Tian raised his head to look at the sky, and then soared up into the sky, and he lowered his head to observe carefully, his face became more solemn.

Everyone also rose into the air and came to Heitian's side,

Following Hei Tian’s gaze, everyone looked down. This didn’t matter, but it surprised everyone. All the collapsed buildings on the ground showed a square shape.

Under the chaotic stone, the road pattern on the ground is vaguely exposed,

The center of every square-shaped building is branded with a Dao pattern, which is a very ancient Dao pattern. It seems that under this relic, there is something sealed in the town.

"It's really a cage."

Gu Fei couldn't help but moved. This was too incredible. A cage fell from the sky, isn't it? Could it be that some powerful creature was sealed here by the ancient supreme town?

Although various grid-shaped buildings have collapsed, the foundations still exist. There are hundreds of such buildings. If it is really as expected, this is too scary.

There are thousands of powerful creatures that were sealed by the ancient supreme. Is it possible? The existence that deserves the ancient supreme's own seal, I am afraid that all of them are extremely powerful.

"Go down and take a look."

Gu Fei flew down directly from the sky and came to the front of a lattice-shaped building. The building had already collapsed, but the foundation and ground were extremely strong and undamaged.

Others also flew down from the sky, and everyone worked together to clear away the collapsed stones and fragments, revealing the seal road pattern below.

"This is the oldest seal pattern."

Hei Tian took a closer look and said something like this,

Dao pattern before the mythical age,

Everyone’s hearts were shaken. Before the era of mythology, there was really an era that had been annihilated in the years to fail. This is too amazing.

The current cultivating world believes that the age of mythology is the first recorded age between the heavens and the earth, which is much longer than the ancient times.

After the era of myths was shattered, and how many years passed, the ancient primordial era formed between the heavens and the earth. The ancient primordial era has existed for hundreds of millions of years.

And from the collapse of the prehistoric era to the present, it is considered to be the third cycle experienced between heaven and earth, that is, the third era.

And now, it is enough to prove that before the age of myth, there is still the oldest age, and in that age, the supreme has appeared between the heaven and the earth.

This ruin is the supreme palace before the age of myth.

The ancient seal, even after the long years of three eras, the power of the seal still exists, which shocked everyone to the extreme.

After three times, such a long time, only the things left by the immortal supreme can not be wiped out by the power of time.

The only things that truly exist for eternity are immortal gods or things sealed by the Supreme Supreme Being,

Of course, this is also relative. If someone of the same level takes the shot, even the things left by the ancient supreme can be wiped out completely.

"open to take a look."

Gu Fei decided to open this seal. After endless years, the seal power here has become very weak even if it has not disappeared.

"Take the divine sword to use it."

Hei Tian is also very simple, and he is also very curious, under the seal, there are really pre-mythological creatures sealed, so long time has passed, are these creatures still alive?

Soon, Hei Tian used the power of the Zijin Divine Sword to break the seal, and countless cracks appeared on the ground under everyone's feet.

Everyone rose into the air, all staring nervously at the ground below,


The ground was cracking, cracks quickly covered the whole ground, the power of the seal was quickly disappearing, and it was about to dissipate completely.


In the eyes of everyone, the ground below collapsed, revealing a dark hole, and a cloud of smoke rushed up from the black hole.

"this is……"

Everyone is on guard, knowing that if there is a powerful life before the age of mythology, everyone will be in danger.

"There is no breath of life."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief afterwards, because in the black hole below, there was no breath of life coming out. In other words, even if there was a pre-mythological creature in the black hole, that creature is now dead.

As everyone guessed, the black hole was a hundred feet deep, and there was a huge skeleton inside, which was the skeleton of a strange beast that had never been seen before.

"The creatures before the age of myth."

Even if there is only one skeleton left, everyone can feel the hideousness and horror of this strange beast. It is hard to imagine how fierce and powerful this creature is when it is alive.

"No creature can live that long in this state."

Everyone is relieved that even the most powerful creatures will deplete the essence of their bodies in this sealed land, and in the end, they will die.

After that, everyone opened seven or eight seals in a row. Some cages were empty and there were no creatures in the seal, and even if there were creatures in some cages, those creatures became dry bones or corpses.

Across three ages, under the seal, there are probably no creatures that can live so long. You know, even if the Supreme is sealed, it’s hard to say that it can live that long.

These cages are not just as simple as the land of seals. They are also arranged with patterns that can swallow auras. That is to say, the creatures in the cages can not absorb the auras from the outside world, but they are constantly being prisoner. The cage consumes its own essence,

Across the three eras, even if the Supreme Master is sealed in this place, I am afraid he will be consumed alive.

"These guys are paupers, nothing left."

Hei Tian is working hard to open these seals, wanting to see if there are any treasures in it, but it is a pity that these creatures are all sealed in, and there are no treasures in them.

Of course, if the essence of the flesh of these creatures is not completely lost, the flesh of these creatures can be considered a good treasure.

"Life breath, how is it possible."

Just as Heitian broke the ninth seal land, an extremely weak breath of life came out from under the cracked seal.


It is Hei Tian himself was shocked, life breath, yes, this is life breath, the unknown creature in the seal is still alive,

Everyone was shocked to the extreme. This is definitely a miracle. Any creature that can be sealed for so long can survive.

This township is not an aura or a spiritual land,

"What is it."

The seal was cracking, and the breath of life under the seal gradually became stronger, but it was still extremely weak. Everyone was staring nervously at the cracking seal, even Gu Fei was no exception.

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