Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 1822: Xiaoyao Xiaoxianhuang

Outside the ancient ruins, Heng Xiong and others were talking, and at this moment, someone suddenly flew over them riding a big bird.

"who is it……"

Heng Xiong and others were very alert, but they did not find the person coming. They only noticed the existence of this person when the person came to speak.

They were extremely shocked, because there is only one possibility that can make them not feel the presence of the coming person, that is, this person's cultivation and strength are far above them,

"How can this person have the breath of the little medicine king."

The visitor was a young man, dressed in a white shirt and a silver crown, with a handsome face and sword eyebrows into his temples. He was a truly beautiful man.

Beautiful monks are very common in the cultivation world. You should know that after a monk's cultivation reaches a certain level, he can change his appearance at will.


The young monk descended from the sky riding a big bird, and a bitter wind swept down from the sky. Suddenly, sand and rocks flew above the cliff, and even some short-growing trees were uprooted.


Seeing this scene, Heng Xiong and others couldn't help being shocked. The guess came true. As expected, this person's cultivation base was much better than his own and others.

Even the flat-haired beast at the feet of this young man is fierce.

It was a black eagle. The wings of this eagle were open, like two door panels. The wind blowing from the wings, Hengxiong and others were staggered and unstable.


At this moment, a thing in the hands of the young monk on the back of the black eagle jumped off and rushed directly to the sloppy old man.


Everyone was taken aback. After all, Heng Xiong was a strong man in the Nine Heavens of the Immortal God, and he was only one step away from entering the realm of the Immortal Emperor. His eyesight was quick and his hands were quick, and he slashed directly at the thing that was rushing towards the sloppy old man. ,


Seeing Hengxiong's move, the young monk on the black eagle's back quickly waved his sleeves, and a gang wind suddenly appeared, and then rolled towards Hengxiong.


Heng Xiong roared, his head full of long hair dancing frantically. In an instant, he burst out his most powerful cultivation base and combat power, and the void rippled with visible ripples.

However, no matter how madly Hengxiong urged the immortal power in his body, he could hardly contend with the young monk. The gang wind swept in and directly swept away Hengxiong and his sword.


The clothes on the sloppy old man’s chest were torn by that thing, a jade box fell out, was grabbed by the thing, and then jumped onto the black carved back and landed on the shoulders of the young monk.


In shock, the sloppy old man almost fell to the ground. The jade box contained the little medicine king that his master Gu Zhong gave him.

That’s the little medicine king, ordinary monks can’t get such a magical medicine at all. This little medicine king is very important to the sloppy old man.

He slashed his own cultivation base, and he needed this kind of magical medicine to replenish the essence of his body. With this little medicine king, he would soon recover.

But now, this precious little medicine king has been snatched away by a little beast.

"The little guy is so good, knows what I want."

The young monk opened the jade box, and a pure aura immediately rushed to his face, a magical medicine with aura, lying in the jade box,

On the shoulders of this young man, there is a small white mink squeaking for joy, very spiritual,

"That was just given to me by Master..."

Under the excitement of the sloppy old man, blood surged in his body, and almost a mouthful of blood spurted out, his face flushed, and the anger and anger were mixed, almost causing a dark wound on his body.

"Master, give a small medicine king to a mortal."

The black eagle stopped on the cliff, and the young man on the back of the eagle frowned. He knew the value of a small medicine king and could give it to people casually. The master of this man might have some background.

"Who are you, we haven't offended you."

At this time, Heng Xiong, who was swept away by the young man with a wave of his hand, walked over. He was not injured, but the opponent's cultivation base was so high that he was shocked.

"Who I am, you are not qualified to know."

The young monk said proudly, his background is so good, he didn't put these low cultivation bases in his eyes at all, which made him a little jealous, but the master behind this old man,

It is now in the great world of humanity, and the world of cultivation is extremely prosperous. Even the immortal gods in this great world are no longer superior gods.

The young monk also knew that there were some hidden powerhouses that he could not provoke.

"I took this little medicine king, so you can treat it as filial to me."

The young cultivator was about to leave, but Heng Xiong had already rushed forward, and the brilliant sword light shot out from him, piercing the young cultivator above the black sculpture.

"I can't help myself."

The youth directly stretched out his right hand, please press down, the pure sword light shattered under his palm. This time, Heng Xiong received a great impact and was slapped directly from the air by the youth.


There was a tremor on the cliff, and countless stones rolled down the cliff. A large handprint appeared on the cliff. In the middle of the handprint, there was a person, that person was Heng Xiong,


Almost all the bones of Heng Xiong's body were shattered, and the flesh and blood above the immortal body of the Ninth Heaven of the Immortal God, the young monk's attack completely defeated him.

It's not that he is too weak, the cultivation base of the Nine Heavens of the Immortal God, in the human world, can be regarded as a master, but the opponent is too strong, I am afraid that this person is a powerful immortal emperor.

Without any suspense, the strength of the young monk completely shocked everyone present.

"Do you know who owns the little medicine king you robbed."

A middle-aged cultivator with a tall talent stood up. This man’s cultivation base was only weaker than Heng Xiong’s, and a powerful immortal aura exploded on him.

"Hmph, I care about who this little medicine king is. What I am fond of, Xiaoyao Xiaoxianhuang belongs to me."

The young monk seemed a little angry,

"Xiaoyao Xiaoxianhuang, the young master of Xiaoyaomen."

Everyone could not help being taken aback when they heard this. Xiaoyao Sect is not a small sect. This sect has been passed down in Nanhuang for a long time, and its background is very profound, similar to that of Zhongli's family.

And the most important thing is that Xiaoyao Gate and the four great ancient clans of the Southern Wilderness have good relations. The masters in the gate are like clouds. This Xiaoyao Little Immortal Emperor is an emperor in the Southern Wilderness.

"What shit, I haven't even heard of it."

At this moment, a voice suddenly came up from down the cliff,

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