Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 1825: No scruples

"How courageous, who are you, you don't even put my Xiaoyaomen in your eyes."

On the opposite mountain, the eighteen golden armored gods and men radiated bright golden light, reflecting the dim world into a piece of gold.

These eighteen people are all wearing the unique golden armor of Xiaoyaomen. This is not an ordinary armor, but the Immortal Dao armor that the ancestor Xiaoyao personally sacrificed in the Xiaoyaomen.

This kind of armor is only qualified to wear the real strong among Xiaoyaomen, even the Xiaoyao Xiaoxian emperor who was slapped to death by Gu Zhong is not qualified.

Because people who can wear this golden armor have the lowest cultivation base in the Nine Heavens of Immortal Emperor,

In the cultivation world, strength tells everything. Only powerful people can get more cultivation resources. Otherwise, if the best cultivation resources are used on a group of wastes, it can only be a waste.

"Gu Zhong, this is something you provoke, you should solve it."

On the top of the mountain, Gu Fei said,

His master is not very competent. He just passed down the cultivation technique, but he rarely pointed out his own disciple. Gu Zhong’s achievements today are actually the result of his own hard work.

Of course, if you want to get strong power, you can only use your own efforts, and others can’t help.


The ancient nodded, and then one step forward. This is an eight-horse step. You can cultivate to the realm of Dacheng. It is said that you can walk all directions in eight steps. The speed is unimaginable.

Just one step forward, Gu Zhong appeared on the opposite mountain.


The eighteen golden armored gods on the opposite mountain were taken aback. They never thought that the other side was so fast, too fast,


Even Heng Xiong and others' hearts were beating wildly. This master of his own is terrible. There is at least a distance of seven or eight miles between the two mountains, but the master is here when he talks about it.


Eighteen golden armored gods directly shot, eighteen golden lights rushed out, and went through the ancient cave. The powerful immortal power shook the void.

A golden light shone above the mountain,

"act recklessly."

Gu Zhong didn't say much, he swept over with a palm, and the powerful martial arts real power condensed into a big golden hand in the void and shot forward.


The eighteen golden lights were scattered by the big hand, and the big hand patted directly on the top of the mountain, shook all the eighteen golden armored gods into flight, vomiting blood,

The whole mountain was exploded,


Eighteen Golden Armored Gods were shocked to the point where they couldn't be furthermore. The combined blow of the eighteen people made it possible to retreat even if the opponent was the pinnacle.

However, the opponent directly defeated them with a stronger force,

"These people are not bad enough to take over my cover."

Gu Zhong was very confident. As soon as his hand covering the sky was released, he directly hit the eighteen golden armor gods vomiting blood, and even the golden armor they were wearing became dim.

This is the immortal battle armor made by the ancestors of Xiaoyao, and it is difficult to protect them. Could it be that the opponent is a half-sage?

Although Xiaoyao Gate cannot be compared with the four ancient tribes of the Southern Wilderness, there is also a golden armoured soldier formed in the gate. Although the number is small, each of them is the strongest in the gate.




The eighteen golden armoured soldiers have only one idea now, that is to escape. These people are not something they can contend with. Eighteen people joined forces, and they couldn’t even take a single move from the other side.

If you don’t run away, you have to confess your life here.

But can they escape?


Gu Zhong shot again, covering the sky with his big hands. All the 18 golden armored soldiers who fled separately were shrouded in big hands, making it difficult to rush out.


The big hand fell, and the powerful force shook the sky and the earth. Dark space cracks appeared in the void below the big hand. The golden armoured soldiers were swept by the black cracks, and the flesh immediately shattered.

The power of the space crack is too strong, even with the semi-sacred celestial armor in the body, it cannot protect them.

Without any suspense, the big hand fell, and the eighteen golden armoured soldiers were immediately wiped out. There was no scum left, and they were all destroyed.

"Master is too fierce."

Heng Xiong and others were dumbfounded. One person killed a group of Golden Armored soldiers. If such a record is passed out, it will cause a sensation in the entire Southern Wilderness.

"Huh, just some shrimp soldiers and crabs."

Hei Tian said disharmoniously, in this Xiaoyao Sect, there may not be any real powerhouses,

However, the death of the eighteen soldiers in the Golden Armor was a heavy loss to the Xiaoyaomen. The owner of the Xiaoyaomen looked at the eighteen broken jade plaques with a gloomy expression almost dripping with water.

"Who is it..."

The sect master of Xiaoyao Sect looked up to the sky and roared, his son is dead, and now there are eighteen golden armored soldiers dead, which makes him almost crazy. He can only judge who killed these people from the aura of the opponent.

However, he does not know who the other party is,

"Do you want me to take a trip myself."

The sect master of Xiaoyaomen went out, and then he arrived at the ancestral land of Xiaoyaomen

"whats the matter……"

An old voice came from the depths of the ancestral land,

"Old ancestor, the eighteen soldiers I sent are dead."

The sect master of the Xiaoyao Sect bowed his head and said carefully, the person who could make him sullen, there seemed to be only one person in the entire Xiaoyao Sect.


The old man’s voice was obviously taken aback.

"What is the origin of the other party? Have you found out."

"Back to our ancestors, the disciples are incompetent and don't even know who killed us."

The Xiaoyao Sect Master said in fear,


The old voice seemed angry,

The master of Xiaoyao sect did not dare to take a breath, the ancestors were angry, it was no small matter.

"Please call the ancestors."

The sect master of Xiaoyao Sect really had no choice. Even the Golden Armored soldiers in the gate were killed by eighteen people. The opponent was obviously very uncomfortable.

You know, if the 18 soldiers join forces, even if they meet the peak power, they can support them for a while, and they will be killed so easily.

Moreover, the most important thing is that over time, a certain breath of those people will completely dissipate, and it will be difficult to find the murderer at that time.

When Xiaoyao Xiaoxianhuang died, he did use a secret technique. This is the secret technique of the line of Xiaoyaomen. It can be judged who killed Xiaoyao Xiaoxianhuang within a certain period of time.

It is precisely this way that the 18 Golden Armored soldiers will find Gu Fei and them,

This kind of secret technique can only make the people of Xiaoyaomen sense who killed Xiaoyao Xiaoxianhuang, but the identity and appearance of the other party cannot be known.

"Could it be that someone secretly calculated my happiness."

In the depths of the ancestral home of Xiaoyao, an old man sitting on a piece of bluestone opened his eyes, and two divine lights shot out from his eyes, as if two electric lights flashed in the void.

"Retreat, I will take care of this matter."

The ancestor Xiaoyao rang for a while, and then dismissed the Xiaoyao sect master.

Xiaoyao Xiaoxianhuang is the most outstanding figure among the young generation of Xiaoyaomen. He has cultivated the Taoist Fruit of the Immortal Emperor at a young age. Over time, it may not be impossible for him to hit the realm of great power.

Such a good seedling was actually strangled by others. This incident is that the ancestor who has not been in the world for many years has been alarmed.

"I want to see who dares to oppose me."

The ancestor Xiaoyao stood up from the blue stone, and the next moment, the blue stone was empty, and then the faint mist around him hovered.

Below the ancestral land of Xiaoyaomen is a spiritual vein, which is shrouded in mist all year round. In fact, this mist is completely transformed by the aura of heaven and earth in the ancestral land.

This area has been laid down by the ancestor Xiaoyao to gather the spirits, gathering aura from all directions all the time.

In the entire Xiaoyao Gate, only the ancestor Xiaoyao had such a means to gather all the spiritual energy to cultivate. After ten thousand years, the aura of heaven and earth gathered in the ancestral land of Xiaoyao Gate is enough to turn into a mist, visible to the naked eye,

At this time, Gu Fei and the others also came out of the hundred thousand mountains.

During this trip to the 100,000 mountains, they have gained a lot, and their background has become more profound, especially Gu Zhong. He collected nine disciples in one breath.

And these disciples are immortal gods, and only the sloppy old man is a mortal,

However, at this time, the sloppy old man had already taken that little medicine king, and then Gu Fei took action to heal the dark wounds in his body.

With Gu Fei’s current cultivation base, the hidden injuries on the road are nothing.

Under the nourishment of Little Medicine King, the sloppy old man’s physique quickly transformed, his white hair turned black, his muscles and flesh regained vitality.

An old man who was hanging down, turned into a middle-aged man with vigorous vitality in half a day.

This kind of change of the old man made Hengxiong and others dumbfounded, and the sloppy old man turned into a sloppy man. This is definitely a miracle. No one believes it even if it says it.

The sloppy guy was grateful to Gu Fei's master and apprentice and swearing allegiance to his death.

Gu Fei and Gu Zhong’s anti-sky methods shocked everyone. Even the old Jiao was very thankful that he had worshiped a powerful master.

Heng Xiong and others are even more desperate to Gu Zhong. Where can I find such a powerful master?

And more importantly, they are the only members of their teachers. If this line becomes stronger in the future, they will be the brothers of all the people who follow.

Core disciple, this is something that Heng Xiong and others could not even think of before.

"Master, shall we return to the Dragon Imperial City."

Gu Zhong asked Gu Fei,

"Go, why not go."

Gu Fei has achieved a half-sacred path fruit, it's time to shock those guys. Until now, he can be considered proud of the crowd, and few people threaten him.

Even Qinglong is not his opponent, and the strong among other ancient tribes are not even his opponent.

However, existence like the ghost emperor Fengdu can still threaten Gu Fei. No one knows how many existences like the ghost emperor Fengdu in this human world.

However, one thing Gu Fei is certain is that the water in the human world is really too deep.

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