Three vague figures walked out from the depths of the world of killing thoughts from this side. These are three phantoms transformed into three very long divine thoughts.

These three phantoms are very powerful, even more terrifying than the thousands of horses that were broken up by Gu Fei just now, like three supreme sages descending on this world.

"this is……"

Gu Fei was shocked. These three figures were extraordinary, with the breath of sages permeating out. If you guess correctly, this is the spiritual thought left by the three sages.

Even the spirit of the saint is trapped here. The saint at the beginning is probably very strong. Even the average saint is far from being an opponent. Is it the legendary king of saints?

Saints are also divided into three, six or nine classes. The king of saints is far stronger than ordinary saints. This is like the difference between adults and children. How can children be the opponents of adults?

The divine consciousness of the saint is extraordinary. Even after endless years, these three divine consciousness are still terrifying, making Gu Fei feel a powerful threat.


The person among the three figures flashed, and instantly came to Gu Fei's body, and then pressed it out with one hand, and the powerful force rushed out from that palm.


Gu Fei put his hands on his chest, trying to resist this palm, but the opponent's strength was too strong, and he was hit back and flew out with one palm.

"The saint's mind..."

Gu Fei’s spiritual thoughts dissipated directly into the void, and was broken up by the palm of the opponent.

In front of the stone stele, a drop of blood dripped from Gu Fei's eyebrows, and a strand of spiritual thought was broken up, which caused a lot of shock to his soul.


Hei Tian was shocked. He knew that Gu Fei had suffered a big loss. The word "death" was so weird that even Gu Fei was shocked.


Seeing a drop of blood dripping from Gu Fei's eyebrows, Gu Zhong and Lao Jiao couldn't help feeling shocked, and Zhong Limeng was even more shocked.

"Then Gu Fei was injured."

When Long Badao and others saw this, they couldn't help but wonder. Gu Fei was extremely powerful, overpowering Qinglong, and defeated Qiu Ruqing. It can be said that he was the first person among the younger generation. Even if he is the strongest of the older generation, there may not be much. Man is his opponent,

"That dead word..."

Everyone was shocked, and became even more jealous of the word on the stele.


Gu Fei gave a cold snort, and then the whole person's aura became stronger, his brows burst into a much stronger divine consciousness fluctuation,

He shot with all his strength, and a figure sat close to the center of his eyebrows, and the strongest spirit wave came out, this is the soul, and he used the soul,


Gu Fei’s primordial spirit turned into a Taoist sword, shot into the void, and directly entered the hazy world. The Taoist sword shook and strangled the three figures at the same time.

This is a struggle on the level of divine consciousness. This kind of struggle is extremely dangerous. If you are not careful, Gu Fei’s soul will never come out.

The three figures seemed to sense the danger, they actually avoided at the same time, and then all stretched out their big hands and grabbed them towards Gu Fei’s Yuanshen Taoist sword.

The divine consciousness of the holy level fluctuates violently in the whole killing thought world,

However, this time, the Yuanshen Dao Sword has shown unpredictable power. This Dao Sword, which specializes in killing the Yuanshen, is the nemesis of all divine consciousness.

Even the spirit of ancient sages is no exception,


The big hands extended by the three phantoms were all smashed, and even the three figures were almost twisted apart, receiving a great impact, and the power of divine mind was cut off a lot.


The three figures looked up to the sky and roared. They were the divine will of saints, and they could still retain a trace of spiritual wisdom. The sage's great principles were exploding.


The whole world was completely shrouded by the three saint laws in an instant, turning into a terrifying cage, sealing the Daojian town transformed by Gu Fei’s soul.

The saints are unfolding, although they are not complete, they are also terrifying. Numerous saints are looming in the void, and the power of destruction is constantly being wiped out by the Yuanshen Dao sword.


The Yuanshen Dao Sword shook again and again, and Gu Fei was shocked. He never expected that after the endless years, these three saints could still maintain a trace of their sage. They were not the puppets in this killing world.


The three avenues of sages are trembling, and the sword formed by Gu Fei’s primordial spirit is shaking, and it has become unstable, sometimes turning into a human shape, and sometimes turning into a sword shape.


Gu Fei’s body can’t help changing color. Even though the Saint’s Avenue is not a complete avenue, the rotten ship still has three catties of nails. This is still almost invincible to the power of the divine mind that is not a sage.

The three holy steps are unfolding. Even if Gu Fei used the Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao, he felt danger at this time.

However, Gu Fei’s primordial spirit is equally powerful, nine ancient characters of immortality looming above his primordial spirit, nine ancient characters, the immortal way of immortality is supreme, and temporarily blocking the obliterated holy step road. Drive,

"Very well, I will use your hands to hone the soul."

Gu Fei’s primordial spirit simply retreated from the state of the primordial dao sword, and then directly sat among the three saints, using these three saints to hone the primordial spirit.

Nine ancient immortal characters loomed above Gu Fei’s soul,

I have to say that Gu Fei is taking risks. If the nine ancient immortals cannot resist the three saints, his soul will be cut off.

Of course, Gu Fei is not a cultivator of immortality, even if his soul is killed, it will hardly hurt his vitality.

Gradually, the nine ancient immortal characters on Gu Fei’s Yuanshen slowly became brighter, the rhyme of the immortal Dao was lingering, and there seemed to be chanting in the void, just as the Supreme Dao ancestor was explaining the profound meaning of the Supreme Immortal Dao.


The three sage spirits were shocked. This person is too defying, and even under this situation, he is still cultivating the soul.


One figure stretched out his hand and pointed, and a little divine light shot out, breaking through the seal of the nine ancient immortals, and a sound of "poof." penetrated through Gu Fei's shoulder.

Gu Fei’s primordial spirit was motionless, and the pierced place instantly recovered.


A blade of light flashed, and it smashed directly into the nine ancient immortal characters, splitting Gu Fei’s primordial spirit into two pieces. However, the primal spirit of the immortal Dao flashed, and Gu Fei’s primordial spirit was still intact.

He has cultivated the Secret Art of Eclosion, no matter the physical body or the soul is injured, he will heal in an instant.

Although Gu Fei’s primordial spirit was hit by the Dao Ze played by the three figures one after another, such injuries could hardly cause him to be truly impacted.

The three figures used various methods to kill the soul of Gu Fei among the nine characters of Immortal Dao, but they were surprised to find that, under their attack, the soul of Gu Fei, instead of weakening, gradually became Become stronger,

"Good guy..."

At this time, the three saints also saw the spirit of mind. The soul who broke into this world of killing mind was actually borrowing their hands to cultivate.

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