Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 1841: Saints

The stone bridge is simple and unpretentious, and stretches across the river above the opposite side.

At this time, Hei Tian had already walked on the stone bridge. During this period, everyone was staring at him, but in the end nothing happened, nothing unusual.


Long overbearing immediately walked up, and then walked to the other side,

Some people wanted to fly into the air and fly over the river, but just as their feet were off the ground, they suddenly felt the entire sky above their heads pressed down.

"what happened."

Everyone was surprised to find that no matter what technique they used to fly into the air, they could only get about three feet off the ground, and then they could not fly up. There was a force that was too powerful to resist to stop them.

No one can fly over the big river from the sky, here is the township power under the cloth of ancient saints,

In the end, everyone had to walk on the stone bridge and cross the river on the stone bridge. Everyone was cautious. There might be something lurking under this big river.

The distance of tens of miles, if in normal times, these people can reach in an instant, but not now, they can only move forward step by step.

"This ancient sage is so powerful that it only allows others to walk into his cave, step by step, just like worshiping the supreme existence."

Heitian is talking to himself,

"As long as you have enough power, so can you."

Gu Fei said,

In the world of cultivation, everything is based on strength. Only with strong strength can you gain the respect of others and determine the life and death of others.

The big river roared under the stone bridge, and the waves splashed into the sky, without any surprises and dangers. The group of them had already walked more than ten miles.

And at this moment, a corpse suddenly floated from the upper reaches of the river. It was a Taoist man in a Taoist robe, floating up and down in the water on his back.

"There is no breath of life, no need to be surprised."

Long domineering said,

Soon, the corpse floated under the stone bridge, and then drifted downstream. Soon, the corpse disappeared from the sight of everyone.

"How come there are dead bodies here."

Everyone was amazed, everything was abnormal. The corpse that floated past just now seemed to have just died, as if it were asleep.

"Don't look at me, I don't know."

Seeing everyone staring at him, Long Badao quickly explained and explained that his knowledge of this cave is only the description of the ancestor from the mountain beyond the sky.

Everyone continued to move forward,


Suddenly a sound of water came out from the bottom of the bridge, and then, a black shadow rushed out from the bottom of the bridge and pounced towards Zhong Limeng, who was next to the bridge.

Fortunately, Zhong Limeng had already been wary of caution. The moment that shadow rushed out from the bottom of the stone bridge, she almost instinctively flashed behind Gu Fei.


Gu Fei punched out and hit the unknown monster's head fiercely, knocking the monster out horizontally, "Puff." He fell back into the river with a sound.


When everyone saw this scene, they were all shocked to the extreme. They took precautions even more carefully. Gu Fei’s punch could not break the monster’s head, which was really disturbing.

The body of this monster is too strong,

"There are really terrible creatures lurking at the bottom of the river."

Everyone can't help changing their color. You know, on this stone bridge, they can't get into the air, they can only move forward step by step. If there are a lot of evil things to attack, they will be very dangerous.

Gu Fei accelerated their pace,


A muffled sound rang under the stone bridge, and a huge figure poked out a huge head from the river, and swallowed it towards the front.

"court death."

Gu Fei did not retreat, he directly hit the Chaos Fist, and greeted the huge head that had been swallowed.


Two powerful and trembling forces suddenly joined together, and the extremely powerful destructive force swept out in all directions.

The river next to the stone bridge was affected, and the river washed up to the sky,

That huge head was smashed to pieces by Gu Fei's punch, but it was strange that the head that was blown by Gu Fei's punch did not spurt out much blood.

This is a creature resembling a dragon,

The huge body sank into this big river, and was washed away by the rushing river in the blink of an eye, and disappeared.

Gu Fei opened the way ahead. Heitian, Zhong Limeng, and Lao Jiao followed him behind him. But behind Lao Jiao, it was Long Domineering and the people he invited.

Soon, they came to the opposite bank. On the way, many powerful beings lurking at the bottom of the river shot to Gu Fei and the others. Some were bloodied and injured.

And Gu Fei has always been that strong, the powerful existence rushing out from under the bridge is not his opponent at all.

"this is……"

When everyone walked down from the stone bridge, what appeared in front of them was a world of Immortal Mansion. The mountains in front were towering, and between the mountains, there was clouds and clouds flowing, and aura lingered.

"This place is very nice."

When everyone saw the scenery in front of them, they all knew that the mountain in front was a spiritual place where spiritual energy gathered. A monk who cultivated in this spiritual land was faster than cultivating outside.

In the depths of this side of the world, there are halls looming, seemingly true and imaginary,

"That is the palace of ancient sages. The things we want should be stored there." Long Badao saw the palace in the depths of the mountains in front of him, and his eyes flickered.

"How to do."

Some people don’t know how to start, all fools know, if you continue to move forward, I’m afraid they will touch the killing array under the saint’s cloth and fall inside.

"It's all on you."

Gu Fei said to Heitian,

The large formation under the ancient sages’ cloth was extraordinary. No one dared to walk around. Even if the dragon was domineering, after crossing the bridge, he became much more honest.

"Very evil."

Qiu Ruqing, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly spoke at this time.


At this moment, a firelight shot out from the divine bow held by the mysterious woman, directly into the mountain in front of her.


Just after the mysterious woman shot that arrow, the mountain in front of him shook suddenly, and a huge shadow appeared above the mountain, and then looked down at everyone.

Everyone sensed an extremely dangerous aura on that phantom,

The arrow shot by the mysterious woman suddenly exploded in the air before it actually shot into the mountain ahead, turned into a little bit of aura, and dissipated into the void.

"This big formation..."

At this time, Heitian’s eyes lit up,

The great formation under the ancient saints’ cloth was absolutely terrifying, Hei Tian seemed to see something, his face became hard to look.

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