Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 1859: One enemy three

"how is this possible……"

The Stoneman warrior looked at his right fist, and there was a violent wave of divine consciousness. On his right fist, it was densely packed and covered with hair-like cracks.

The extremely powerful stone body was shattered, and the opponent is just a semi-holy, which makes this stone man warrior difficult to understand, how can a semi-holy have such a combat power,

The stone man warlord is different from the general stone man. The stone man warlord has its own independent thinking, can judge the situation and make corresponding responses. This is not comparable to the average stone man.

"Your fist is so hard that it was not broken by me."

Gu Fei looked at the stone man warrior, with a smile on the corner of his mouth. This is a good opponent. Such an opponent is going to be his own whetstone.


The stone man warrior was frightened and angry, and the opponent didn't seem to put himself in his eyes, which is really hateful.

A cold murderous aura spread from the Stoneman warlord. The Stoneman warlord’s killing intent on Gu Fei was unprecedentedly strong. He wanted to kill the human race in front of him.


At this time, another Stoneman warlord who was holding a stone sword came and killed him. A thousand zhang swordlight burst out from the stone sword, tearing the void of the heaven and the earth, and strangling towards Gu Fei.


Gu Fei’s heart was beating, and what this stone man showed was Jian Xiu’s grand attack, the sword aura was mighty, and the temperature of the surrounding void was dropping rapidly.

"This is the case again, I punched it."

Gu Fei is incomparable. He is full of black hair and no wind. He flutters behind his head. He punches it, which looks like an ordinary punch, but it feels different.


Void shook, and the terrifying sword light strangling was all blasted away by a fist. This fist showed a desperately powerful force.


Just as the **** of fire came to the world, the third stone man warlord was killed. On the body of the stone man warrior, fire patterns appeared, and the monstrous divine fire erupted from the stone man warrior's body. Gu Fei burned,


Gu Fei directly punched the water movement fist among the five elements fist, and immediately in the void, there was a shocking sound like waves of anger and sea.

The water-blue fist strength rushed out from his fist, as if it really attracted a river of heaven, rushing towards the sweeping fire.

The overwhelming fire, when it encountered Gu Fei’s water fist, was all blasted away by Gu Fei’s water fist. Water and fire were incompatible. Gu Fei’s fist was just enough to restrain the sacred fire of this firewalker warrior.


The Firewalking Stoneman warlord was shocked. Is this human race really a semi-holy? Such combat power is definitely not something that a semi-holy can possess.

The three stone men warriors had to fight with all their strength and joined forces to fight Gu Fei,

Although Gu Fei is extremely powerful and is known as invincible of the same level, he did not dare to be careless when he encountered these three stone generals. You must know that these three stone generals are war puppets refined by the ancient saint king.

These three stone warriors have their own unique skills. These three warriors are the fire warrior, the vigorous warrior, and the **** sword warrior.

The strong warlord’s pair of stone arms were covered with Dao patterns. These were simply two arms comparable to saint soldiers, possessing incomparable strength.

The attack of the vigorous general is very simple and direct. The void hit by a pair of fists is annihilated. This kind of peerless power, I am afraid that only Gu Fei's semi-saint martial arts can contend with it.

Gu Fei was extremely fierce, and he kept fighting against the vigorous warlord, and directly forced the warlord back with a powerful force.

When Gu Fei and Dali Warriors regret, they also used the strongest attacking technique against Gu Fei, and the terrifying power was immense.

The mysterious woman, Hei Tian and others had to retreat away from a distance,


Gu Fei's long hair danced wildly, his eyes bursting with light, he instantly appeared in front of the Dali warrior, and fisted vigorously with Dali warrior.

At the same time, a stone sword pierced his forehead, almost to the extreme, he could only tilt his head, avoiding the vital part of the eyebrow, the stone sword pierced his forehead, and the strand of hair on his forehead I cut it down,

The fierce war general also shot with all his strength, the fire burned the sky, and a fire dragon rushed out of the monstrous divine fire, swallowing it towards Gu Fei.


Gu Fei directly punched the fire dragon that had collided with a blow, but he was also shocked by the powerful force contained in the fire dragon hundreds of meters away.

Fighting the three infinitely close to the holy ranks, even if they are as strong as Gu Fei, they can’t take advantage

"Okay, let's use any other means."

The stronger the Stoneman warlord, the stronger Gu Fei’s fighting spirit was. His fighting spirit was like a rainbow. After stopping the retreat, he immediately rushed over.

The battle continued, and the three stone soldiers and Gu Fei were in the same place. For a while, it was difficult to tell the victory or defeat.

At this time, the stone men gathered from all directions finally surrounded Heitian and others. There were really too many stone men in the ancient city.

In the dim world, there are several people running for their lives. Behind them is a group of stone men. These stone men are combat tools. The ancient sage only gave these stone men the simplest order, that is, to kill everything. The creatures entering the ancient city,


A cloud of blood suddenly appeared, and a cultivating monk was chased by the stone man behind him, and his body was blown up. Even the primordial spirit failed to escape, and he fell to an end.

Powerful as a semi-sage, when facing a group of stone men whose combat power is comparable to that of a quasi-sage, they have to escape for their lives.

In other areas of the ancient city, there are monks fighting with stone men, and half-sages are constantly killed by stone men, and the most powerful stone men are attracted to the past by Gu Fei and Qiu Ruqing. Otherwise, These semi-sages who broke into the ancient city are about to get bad luck.

At this time, Hei Tian and the mysterious woman also fought with the stone men from all around.


Void shook, the mysterious woman pulled the divine bow in her hand and shot a divine rocket. This is the divine arrow of the power of the great road. Every divine arrow shot can penetrate a stone man.

The divine bow in the mysterious woman’s hand is a sacred weapon. The divine arrow shot with this divine bow is amazingly powerful, but within a short while, more than a dozen stone men were pierced by the divine arrow shot by the divine bow in the mysterious woman’s hand.

And Hei Tian directly sacrificed the killing formation and trapped a group of stone men in the killing formation.

The others did not have the cultivation and strength of Hei Tian and the mysterious woman, so they began to flee for their lives.

The old man Boundless was really unlucky. He had taken away his Huatian Seal. At this time, he was surrounded by four or five stone men again, and even the opportunity to escape was denied.

Without any suspense, Old Wuliang was killed by the four or five stone men.

At this time, half-sages were continuously beaten to death by stone men, and the number of half-sages in the ancient city was rapidly decreasing. After that, more and more stone men gathered towards Gu Fei's location.

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