Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 1875: Beat the saint to death with one punch

Qinghuang, one of the four giants in the world of sages, like Hongjun Taoist, Qinghuang is also a general of the ancient sage, commanding one hundred thousand beasts and soldiers,

Moreover, the cultivation base and strength of the Qinghuang were not lower than that of Taoist Hongjun. These two people had fought openly and secretly for many years when the ancient sage was there.

After the ancient sage disappeared, the entire sage world was divided into two powers, the Qinghuang and Hongjun Taoists each accounted for half of the world.

In the tens of thousands of years after the disappearance of the ancient sage, although the Qinghuang and the Taoist Hongjun have fought, they have not yet reached the point of fighting with each other.

However, the contradiction between the two has a long history, and there will always be a big outbreak.

The two powers compete, and the winner is the king. In the final absolute, Hong Jun won, Qinghuang died, Hong Jun ruled the world of sages and became the actual controller of this world.

Even the other two giants have to look at Hong Jun’s face and act.

And when Taoist Hong Jun's vitality was severely injured, the Azure Emperor, who had been dead for tens of thousands of years, jumped out, which made Taoist Hong Jun shocked.

"I obviously killed him, how could it be..."

Taoist Hong Jun was shocked and angry. Qinghuang was beheaded by himself in a duel with him tens of thousands of years ago. How did he escape his death?

He didn't understand it. You know, in order to defeat Qinghuang, he used a lot of methods, some of which are even shameful.

At that time, Hong Jun Taoist believed that Qinghuang was dead and could not survive, and the body of Qinghuang was buried deep in the mountain by his own hands.

"Hong Jun, your death date has come."

The Azure Emperor came powerfully, with a demon energy soaring into the sky, and a huge beast shadow loomed in the demon energy. It was a blue sky wolf, as huge as a mountain, exuding a tragic to the extreme aura.

"It's really him..."

Heilong's heart trembled when he saw this scene, and his voice trembled.

Qinghuang, that is the emperor of the monster race, his cultivation and strength have touched the holy step tens of thousands of years ago, he is a half-step demon saint, and tens of thousands of years have passed, his cultivation has finally reached To what extent,

"You four-legged snake, after I kill Hong Jun, I will use you to get an operation."

The Azure Emperor rushed over from a distance, and his whole body was enveloped in a layer of cyan demon light. Within the demon light, there are demon clan Dao patterns looming.

He glanced at the black dragon coldly,

"Boss Qinghuang..."

Heilong was shocked. He knew the strength of the other party, and he was ashamed. He participated in the affairs of Taoist Hongjun and caused the death of Qing Emperor.

But, who knows, Qinghuang did not die under that situation.


At this time, Gu Fei displayed twenty times his power to ascend to heaven. A pair of chaotic gods fisted the world and the earth was collapsing, and the power of nine stars and beads could not contain him.

"this is……"

Qinghuang noticed Jiuxing Lianzhu and Gu Fei as well. He was shocked when he saw this scene. This human race was so powerful that he could compete with Nine Stars Lianzhu.

You know, the young emperor was planted under the nine-star Lianzhu.

The reason why Taoist Hongjun was able to defeat the Qinghuang was because he had obtained a holy artifact from the ancient sage. This holy artifact is the Nine Stars Lianzhu.


A chaotic **** fist broke through the chaotic void and punched out of the nine-star renzhu. The power that burst out from the fist shook the sky and the earth, and it was so powerful that it made the heart tremble.

Twenty times the power to ascend to heaven is too strong, this shock surpasses the quasi-sage, surpasses the half-step saint, this is the strongest power under the saint,

Even the power of Jiuxing Lianzhu could hardly suppress Gu Fei.

Without any suspense, Gu Fei broke through the strength of the nine-star chain of pearls and rushed out. Chaos Qi surged for 30,000 li, and the heavens and the earth were eclipsed.

"too strong……"

Even Qinghuang couldn't help changing his color, the human race in front of him was too strong, and even the void around him seemed to be unable to tolerate his true body.

The void around Gu Fei's body was shaking, and black space cracks kept appearing.

"Hong Jun, die."

Gu Fei stepped forward and came directly in front of Taoist Hongjun, punched out, and the strongest power exploded on his fist.


The white-haired Taoist Hong Jun did not evade, he was directly punched by Gu Fei and turned into a cloud of blood. Even the soul did not escape, and his body and spirit were destroyed.


When everyone saw this scene, they were all stunned. Taoist Hong Jun, one of the three great sages, was beaten to death by Gu Fei.


The Qinghuang was also taken aback when he saw Gu Fei hit Taoist Hong Jun with a punch. All this happened so quickly. When he recovered, Taoist Hong Jun had already been killed.

After Taoist Hong Jun died, the nine red stars in the sky dimmed immediately, the gods were introverted, and the waves of that earth-shaking powerful force retreated like tides.


The Qinghuang returned to his senses and roared, he rose directly into the sky and rushed towards the nine red stars in the sky. He wanted to take away the nine red stars.

"Hmph, you are good at picking up the bargain."

A figure suddenly appeared in front of the Qinghuang and intercepted the Qinghuang. The chaotic energy on this person was 30,000 li. This person is Gu Fei.

The Qinghuang stopped, he had to stop, because he already felt an extremely dangerous aura spreading from the opponent,

As long as he continues to rush forward, he will immediately take action against the convenience. The nine-star renju is the opponent’s spoils and is absolutely forbidden for others.

Dao Hong Jun was beaten to death with a single punch. This man's combat power was so powerful that he was unparalleled in the world. This made Qinghuang feel a great pressure. The opponent definitely has the strength to kill himself.

Qinghuang is not stupid, knows to advance and retreat,

"Do not get me wrong..."

Qinglong said, and then he backed away.

At this time, Gu Fei’s extremely powerful power fluctuations were gradually weakening, and it was time to cast the Ascension Secret Art. It was difficult for him to maintain his combat power in this invincible state.

However, apart from the black sky present, no one knew that Gu Fei was at the weakest time. After the borrowed power was exhausted, he would feel a sense of collapse and pain all over his body.

It's as if all the muscles, bones and flesh of the whole body were cut by a sharp knife,

Gu Fei directly collected the nine red stars in the sky into the inner world, and then used the mountain and river tripod to completely suppress them, and he obtained an indispensable holy artifact.

In the city of God, everyone was watching Gu Fei collect the nine-star renju, no one dared to stand up, because no one asked himself to compete with Gu Fei, go up and fight for the nine-star renju, this is simply going up to die.

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