Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 1877: Kill the Ninth Sword Emperor

What the mysterious giant cultivates is the power of the most yin and cold. She has also cultivated her own inner world. She used the inner world to dissolve the arrow shot by the mysterious woman.

Although he only glanced at that inner world, Gu Fei knew that this inner world was very special, and there seemed to be no life in it.

It is a place with only cold,


The divine arrow that was collected in the inner world of the mysterious giant exploded in that side of the world, and the terrifying power fluctuations shook the entire world.


The sound is like ten thousand horses galloping, some snow-covered mountains, there are avalanches,

"Inner World."

The mysterious woman was talking to herself that the other party actually cultivated the inner world, which really surprised the mysterious woman. You know, the inner world is not so easy to cultivate.

Some people have practiced for a lifetime without even touching the edges of the inner world.


The mysterious woman shot another arrow. This arrow is stronger than the previous arrow. It is a divine arrow that is completely condensed from Nanming Lihuo.

Nanming Lihuo, one of the most powerful sacred fires in the world,

Legend has it that Nanming Lihuo is a kind of sacred fire created by the Suzaku clan during the rebirth of Nirvana. It is extremely powerful and can burn the Suzaku in Nirvana to ashes.

"Nanming Lihuo."

The mysterious giant was taken aback. The divine arrow condensed from the essence of this divine fire was terrifying. As long as we greet the divine arrow, the divine arrow will explode in an instant.

As long as he is touched by a trace of Nanming Lihuo, even if he is a half saint, the quasi saint may be burned alive.


Without any hesitation, the mysterious giant stepped back and avoided the Vulcan Arrow.

When the mysterious woman was fighting the mysterious giant, the three big stone warriors had already charged towards the Qinghuang, murderous, and even the world was discolored.

I have to say that these stone men are really powerful, worthy of being an invincible force in the hands of the ancient sage. These stone men are much stronger than the fierce beasts.


Qinghuang sneered, and then waved his sleeve robe, and a piece of divine light rushed out. In the divine light, avenues of fairy patterns were looming.

It seems to be a casual wave, but the inherent power is amazing.

Dao Wen rushed out, toward the seal of the three big stone warlords. The three big stone warlords seemed to know how powerful they were, and they evaded immediately.


With a loud shout, the Azure Emperor rushed directly into the encirclement of the three stone men warriors, and then shot at the three stone men warriors at the same time.

Fighting alone against the three stone-man warriors, the combat power displayed by the Qinghuang is shocking.


At this moment, there was a loud noise, and Gu Fei was colliding with the power of the seal of the hall in front of him. The entire hall was enveloped by a layer of invisible power.


Gu Fei made a full shot and smashed it with a punch.

In the transparent void, a layer of misty fairy light immediately appeared, and this layer of fairy light enveloped the hall inside. In the fairy light, besides the formation pattern, there was also the Dao pattern left by the ancient sage.

Everyone was shocked when they saw Gu Fei attacking the big formation.

"Sure enough."

Gu Fei’s eyes were filled with light. This was the great formation laid by the ancient sage himself, and the avenue of the ancient sage was imprinted in the void.

It is very difficult to break through this big formation, even if the real saint is taking action, it takes some effort to break through this big formation.

Gu Fei is not a saint. With his own cultivation and strength, it is absolutely impossible to break this big formation. All he can rely on is the ultimate saint soldier.

Soon, those formation patterns and Dao patterns that emerged in the void due to the collision of Gu Fei's power were again hidden in the void, as if they had never appeared before.

This big formation is very wonderful, worthy of being a big formation set up by ancient sages.

It is not easy to get the thing in the hall, but for Gu Fei, it is not absolutely impossible, but it takes a lot of time.

The ultimate sage soldiers cannot be used easily. If the ultimate sage soldiers can exert their ultimate power, they must make various preparations in advance.

However, under the current situation, it is difficult for Gu Fei to prepare calmly. It is not possible to do it in a day or two if the Supreme Saint Soldiers show their true power.

It is absolutely impossible for the stone men in the city of God to let Gu Fei do anything. These stone men must stop them.

At this time, the 100,000 beast soldiers were still fighting with the stone men in the city of God, and the 100,000 beast soldiers had already suffered more than half of the casualties. The blood in the city was full of blood, and the smell of blood was very strong.

In order to resist the 100,000 beasts and soldiers, the stone men who guarded the city also lost a lot.

As one of the three giants, the Black Dragon, at this time, fought against Qiu Ruxin. The dragon was mighty, and the dragon claws kept tearing up the void, trying to tear Qiu Ruxin into pieces.


The black big halberd in Qiu Wuqing's hand was shaking. He was a god-devil body with an extremely powerful physique. The physical power and the god-devil power were perfectly integrated.


The black dragon was shaken back,


Heilong was frightened and angry. He was a half-step saint, and the other party was only a half-holy. He, a half-step saint, was actually forced to retreat by a half-holy. No one would believe anything like this.

But the truth is so cruel,

Qiu Ruqing is too strong. He is simply the second Gu Fei. He is powerful enough to challenge the existence of higher cultivation level than himself.

Constantly making progress while fighting desperately, and constantly improving one's own cultivation and strength, the road that Qiu has taken this ruthlessly is somewhat similar to that of Gu Fei.

The black dragon was ruthlessly suppressed by Qiu and was at a disadvantage.

But the relationship between the mysterious giant and the mysterious woman is definitely not so intense, but the level of danger is worse than that.

And the first to decide the victory or defeat is the Black Sky and the Ninth Sword Emperor.

Without any suspense, the Ninth Sword Emperor finally couldn't hold it under Heitian's overwhelming offensive. The invisible divine sword released by Heitian pierced through the flesh.

The murderous aura on the invisible divine sword was amazing. At the moment of the middle sword, that murderous aura cut off all the vitality of the Ninth Sword Emperor, and even the Ninth Sword Emperor’s soul was severely injured.


The town's Huatian Seal on the top of the big formation fell, and the power of the Tianhua was mighty, and the ninth sword emperor in the killing formation was transformed into a clean, form and spirit.

In the killing formation, only one golden sword was floating,

It was the Golden Dragon Sword of the Holy King, a divine sword refined by a saint king. It was an infallible divine sword. Hei Tian was overjoyed. He stretched out his hand and grabbed the divine sword.

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