Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 1879: Three changes to kill the black dragon

Qiu ruthlessly demonstrated the great skills of the gods and demons, and performed the secret skills of the clan.


The void was shaking, and Qiu's ruthless body was surrounded by black qi, and his top was broken, revealing the body covered with black scales under his clothes.

This is the physical body of the Demon Race, extremely powerful, especially the scale armor on his body, and it is invulnerable to swords and spears, and ordinary magic soldiers cannot break the defense of the scale armor.

The power of this demon is beyond doubt. What’s especially frightening is that Qiu Ruqing did not fall into a frantic killing because of the existence of the power of the demon.

His sane is extremely clear, his eyes burst out with divine light, he has the soul of the gods, this is a mysterious state,


Without any words, Qiu ruthlessly greeted the black dragon who was rushing forward.

The power of the Gods and Demons in a single change is too amazing. Qiu Ruxin’s combat power has increased by at least three or four times. The spear in his hand shattered a large area of ​​void and blasted out the chaotic energy with a simple wave. ,

The big halberd in Qiu Ruqing's hand and the dragon claw he grabbed slammed together.


A mouthful of blood spurted out of Qiu's ruthless mouth, and just as soon as he touched it, he received a great shock. The power of the nine-layered true dragon was too strong.

The superposition of the power of the nine-fold true dragon, such power, has far exceeded the limit of the black dragon. This is a desperate technique. If this can't defeat Qiu Ruqing, the black dragon will have to wait to die.


The shadow of the Nine Dragons loomed around the black dragon, and the mighty wave of dragon energy appeared. It was the Great Dragon of the Nine Dragons. He raised his power to the limit. If this attack was not successful, he would become a benevolent.

The power of this blow was revealed, and Qiu ruthlessly flew out, with a trace of blood hanging on the corner of his mouth, and a little blood was splashed on the scales of his body.

His hands were severely painful, and the arm bones of both arms were cracked, and the palm of his hand holding the Euphorbia was already bloody, with bones even exposed in some places.

However, he still clung to the Euphorbia,


Qiu ruthlessly looked up to the sky and roared. The injuries on his arms were quickly healed, the cracks on the arm bones were disappearing quickly, and new flesh and blood was growing rapidly on his **** palms.

Qiu's ruthless monster is very powerful, and its repair ability is even more amazing, but within a few breaths, his heavily damaged arms have completely recovered.

"The magic body is really strong."

When everyone saw this scene, they couldn't help but marvel,


The black dragon rushed over. He wanted to slay Qiu mercilessly in one go. He knew very well that if he let the other party ease his anger, it would be him who would be unlucky.


Qiu Ruqing was roaring, his divine body changed again, and a burst of noise came out of his body, his entire divine shape was raised by about a foot, and the two large bulges on his forehead finally turned into Two magic horns, which pierced the skin and grew out,

"The Dual Change of Gods and Demons..."

Qiu ruthlessly tried his best. He performed the dual transformation of gods and demons. With this transformation, the magic horns on his head finally grew, but the two magic horns only grew for half a foot and then stopped growing.

Those are two small black horns,

The demon aura on Qiu Wuqing's body has become stronger, and his physical body is getting closer and closer to the physical signs of the demon, but this is still not a complete demon.


Qiu's ruthless combat power soared again,

This time, it was Gu Fei who sensed a dangerous aura in Qiu Ruqing. When Qiu Ruqing fought him last time, he did not use the secret technique of the Nine Transformations of the Gods and Demons.


Qiu mercilessly shook the halberd in his hand. Numerous Dao patterns emerged on the halberd. A holy step's power burst out from above. He was not a saint, but he had already condensed his own way.

Of course, Qiu Ruqing did not, like Gu Fei, whose Dao patterns changed from complex to simple, condensed into the rudiment of Nine Dao patterns.


Qiu Ruqing is like a round of black magic sun, rushing towards the nine great dragons. This is a vision that makes everyone's mind shake.

This was a great destruction. Even the city below was shocked. The city shook, and the Dao pattern imprinted on it by the ancient sages appeared. Dao pattern gathered the power and protected the city.

This time, Qiu Ruoqing was not shaken away. He fought the black dragon equally, the vast void was annihilated, and the power of destruction was majestic.

Many stone men in the vicinity were affected, and they were instantly shattered into countless stones by that destructive force.

Everyone was shocked and hurriedly retreated to the distance, not daring to get too close to the place where the two powerhouses were fighting. Such power is not something they can contend.

"Hmph, these guys only show their true strength when they are desperate. None of them are simple characters."

Hei Tian also retreated. There was a real fire between Qiu Ruqing and Heilong. He could see that these two guys were really fighting each other with their lives without any scruples.

Qiu Ruqing is the descendant of the gods and demons in the depths of the sea of ​​gods. No one knows what the secrets of this mysterious and ancient inheritance are.

At this time, the Qinghuang side had already decided the winner, and the three stone warlords were all broken into pieces by the Qinghuang.

These stone warriors are war tools refined by the ancient sage. They once attacked the city for him and smashed a territory in the ancient prehistoric world.

However, after today, these stone soldiers who were once the killing tools in the hands of ancient sages will become history.


At this moment, the mysterious giant suddenly cast a secret technique, tore the void directly, appeared at the gate of the city, and then rushed out without looking back.


This surprised the mysterious woman who was confronting the mysterious giant. The mysterious giant did not lose, but retreated. Why?

Could it be that the mysterious giant is afraid that Qinghuang will ask her to settle accounts,

The Azure Emperor was extremely powerful, and directly blasted the three stone-man warriors. This kind of combat power absolutely shocked the world. You know, the three stone-man warriors have combat power that surpasses the quasi-sages.

The mysterious giant disappeared at the city gate. The Qinghuang did not make a move. He stared at the black dragon who was ruthlessly fighting Qiu.

When the Qing Emperor was competing with Hong Jun Taoist for the dominance of this world, the Black Dragon stood on Hong Jun's side. It was precisely because of the black dragon that Qing Emperor was defeated by Hong Jun Taoist.

The Qinghuang was born at this time, just to avenge his previous revenge.

However, the Qinghuang was destined to be disappointed, because the black dragon could no longer survive a battle with Qiu Ruqing.


The halberd shook, and Qiu Ruqing directly showed the triple transformation of the gods and demons. A three-headed and six-armed shadow of the gods and demons emerged from him, and his combat power soared again.


Qiu ruthlessly had infinite combat power, and directly nailed the black dragon to death with the big halberd in his hand.

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