Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 1898: Wanlong Dynasty

The aqua-blue star cannot be compared with the Tenglong ancestor star. This star is too small, but there are many human beings.

This is a star completely different from the ancestor of Tenglong. The ancestor of Tenglong is cultivation-oriented, pursuing immortality, and longevity is the goal pursued by all creatures.

And on this star called the earth, although there are many human beings, most of them are cultivating, and billions of them are mortals.

Moreover, Gu Fei discovered that there was not even a fairy on this star, even if there were some monks, the cultivation base of these monks was simply pitiful.


Gu Fei’s figure disappeared directly on this mountain called Mount Everest.

"Boss..., we...we met a god."

A tall young man came back to his senses and said in a trembling voice, everything he saw in front of him was beyond the scope of his cognition.

"The fairy in the legend."

A middle-aged man murmured to himself, this middle-aged man is the leader of the climbing team, a person with a lot of mountaineering experience, this is the world's highest peak, this is not the first time he has reached the summit.

All the members of the mountaineering team were shocked to the extreme. What happened today can no longer be explained by science. A person wearing a thin set of clothes can appear on the highest peak in the world. This has exceeded To everyone’s perception,

When these people recovered, they hurried down the mountain, and then sent the news to relatives and friends.

On this earth, there are things called the Internet and Weibo. The news spread quickly and outrageously. Soon, the appearance of a fairy on Mount Everest spread.

At this time, Gu Fei had already arrived on the earth, a place called Huaxia. Here, there was a place with good aura. This place was called Kunlun.

"How can there be a big mountain called Kunlun here."

Gu Fei was shocked, because on Tengkong Ancestor Star, there is also a legend of Kunlun. It was a sacred mountain in ancient times. According to legend, there lived a female supreme on that sacred mountain.

"this is……"

When Gu Fei came to Kunlun, he couldn't help being shocked. This Kunlun Mountain was actually blocked by formations. Someone hid the real Kunlun Mountain with great magic power. The so-called Kunlun Mountain from the outside world is just a corner of the real Kunlun Mountain.

In Gu Fei’s eyes, this large formation that blocked Kunlun Mountain was nothing, but it was definitely the handwriting of a saint. No one except the saint can hide a sacred mountain.

"The Land of Tamron."

When Gu Fei set foot on Kunlun Mountain, he couldn't help being shocked by the general situation of the world in front of him. It is surprising that there is a place of dragon on this small star of the earth.

However, as Gu Fei continued to observe, he became more and more shocked. The terrain in front of him seemed to be not as simple as the land of Tenglong. On the periphery of the Kunlun Mountain, there were mountains after the mountain.

"One, two, three, four, five..."


Gu Fei was really shocked this time. What kind of land is the dragon? This is simply a terrain against the sky. There has not been such a terrain in the ages.

"The Wanlong Dynasty..."

Gu Fei’s voice trembled, and the terrain was too sky-defying. Could this Kunlun sacred mountain really be the ancient sacred mountain in the legend?

Wanlong dynasty, inside this Kunlun sacred mountain, it’s not an ancestral dragon bred.

Thinking of this, Gu Fei was shocked. This is not impossible. The land of the Ten Thousand Dragon Dynasty Sect, which has never existed in the ages, has appeared on such a small star.

It’s no wonder that someone has blocked such a heaven-defying terrain with great magic power,

Gu Fei was standing on a mountain peak outside Kunlun. He was about to enter this place against the sky. At this moment, a divine light rushed from a distance.


The divine light fell directly on the top of the mountain where Gu Fei was. The light dissipated, and a young Taoist appeared in front of Gu Fei.

This is a very spiritual Taoist, with a face like a crown jade, a slender figure, and a long hair that is randomly tied with a cyan ribbon, hanging down behind his head.

"Who are you and how did you get in."

This Taoist has an icy tone and a lofty appearance. In his opinion, it is incredible that Gu Fei and a mortal can enter this Kunlun Wonderland.

However, those who can enter this place have some fairy destiny. If they have good muscles and bones, they may be accepted as disciples by the fairy gate in Kunlun Wonderland.

The fairy gate in Kunlun is the master of this Kunlun wonderland,


Gu Fei couldn’t help feeling a little uncomfortable when he heard this. Although this person can use Escape, his cultivation has not really broken through the shackles of acquired nature.

Such a monk, it can be said that he hasn't really gotten started in cultivation, only if he breaks through the shackles of acquired, he can be regarded as embarking on the road of cultivation.

There are so many such people in Tamron Continent,

"It seems that your mortal's muscles and bones are not very good, so I should kill you."

After the Taoist looked at Gu Fei up and down, he said such words, which made Gu Fei not a bit speechless. He was actually ignored by an ant.

People with roots and bones happened to enter Kunlun Wonderland, and only two ended up. One was sent out by people from Kunlun Wonderland, and the other was killed on the spot by people from Kunlun Wonderland.

The cultivator’s disposition was very straightforward, and he did what he thought of. This Taoist said he wanted to kill Gu Fei, so he was definitely not talking, but he really had a killing intent towards Gu Fei.

Gu Fei still had a calm face, this kind of calm made this Taoist somewhat surprised.

"Unexpectedly, you have a good heart, but it's a pity."

This Taoist shook his head, seeming a little regretful, but since he had a murderous intent on Gu Fei, then Gu Fei must die.

"Huh, it's a pity."

Gu Fei looked at this Taoist and said calmly,


The Taoist saw that Gu Fei was so calm, he couldn't help but feel a little uneasy. This is too abnormal. You know, he is the disciple responsible for guarding the entrance of Kunlun, and he has also encountered several mortals who strayed into Kunlun Wonderland.

In front of him, none of the mortals acted so calmly as the young man in front of him.


The young Taoist didn’t think much, he directly took out a talisman, then read a mantra, and threw the talisman at Gu Fei.


After that talisman was thrown out by the young Taoist, it immediately turned into a ball of flame and burned towards Gu Fei. This is an ordinary fireball talisman.

If ordinary mortals were hit by this fireball, they would inevitably be burned to ashes by the flames, and would not even leave their bones. However, in Gu Fei’s eyes, such a method is simply a child’s play.

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