Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 1908: Tiger Hunter

The starry sky is endless, and there are very few stars that really have life. You know, the birth of life is not so easy.

When Gu Fei came out of the void teleportation channel, a breath of life came to his face. This is a star with life.

He found that the place he was in was the sky above a primitive mountain forest. The long-lost fresh air made him feel refreshed.

When God’s mind was released, Gu Fei sensed that there were many powerful beasts in this primitive mountain forest. He even found a tribe of human races thousands of miles away.

That human tribe has opened up a place suitable for humans to live in the mountains and forests, where the humans have built a small city with large stones,

The outer city wall is made of huge stones, which is more than ten feet high. In the outer city wall, there is also a circle of inner city walls.

The inner city wall is not as high as the outer city wall, only seven or eight feet high. The two circles inside and outside the city wall protect this simple city well.

The outside is primitive mountains and forests, but inside the city are thousands of human races.

Compared with the human race on earth, the human race here is still living the most primitive life. Most of the people in the city are hunters who make a living by going out hunting.

Gu Fei came directly to the outside of the city, standing above the sky, overlooking the city,

This ancient road that started on the earth is actually a road of no return, because the ancient teleportation array is one-way teleportation. Once you leave the earth, you can’t go back.

It’s also true that the three Kunlun masters were shocked by Gu Fei’s return.

This is a city made of piles of stones, and there is a moat outside the city. At this time, it was noon, and the suspension bridge over the moat had been put down.

There are many hunters wearing animal skins, carrying bows and arrows, and holding spears in and out.

In this primitive mountain forest, some are prey, but there are still terrible beasts lurking in the forest. Once you encounter a beast, then even the most powerful hunter in the city will suffer.

At this time, in a valley ten miles away, there were roars. Gu Fei discovered that there were a dozen hunters hunting a tiger in that valley.


The tiger roared, and the sound spread for more than ten li, even in the stone city, you can hear it,

"The Meng family is finally going to hunt tigers."

Hearing the roar of tigers, some people in the city were discussing,

The Meng family is a family in the stone city. This Meng family has been in charge of everything in the stone city from the first ancestor to the present. The young man of the Meng family is performing the coming-of-age ceremony.

The young man in the stone city is considered an adult at sixteen. Therefore, when he is sixteen, the young man in the stone city will hunt a tiger.

Only the young man who successfully hunted the tiger back can be regarded as an adult.

The Meng family is just sixteen this year,

In this wild world, the reality is cruel. Only the strong can survive, and the weak can only be eliminated. There is no kindness to say.

Every year, there are always a few 16-year-olds who are killed by tigers.


The roaring sound of the tiger kept coming, and the dozens of hunters were all around watching. Among the rocks, one tiger was fighting each other.

"Meng Long, I'm working hard, this big worm is about to die."

An old man stood on a big rock three to four feet high, and shouted loudly to a young man in front of him in animal skins.

It was a young man with bare hands. The animal skins on this young man’s body were torn in several places, and blood oozes under the skin.

"The claws of this big worm are really sharp."

A boy with a bronze skin, with gleaming eyes, staring at a tiger in front of him, this tiger is two feet long and fierce.

There are also many scars on the tiger's body. This tiger is not a beast, and it has not given birth to intelligence, but instinctively hunts for food. It is not as terrible as a beast.

At this time, the tiger was obviously irritated. It roared again and again, its four claws gripped the ground, the muscles of its limbs were bulging, and it might pounce on the boy at any time.

Just as the young man confronted the Tiger, Gu Fei had already arrived nearby. He watched the scene below with interest.

"This young man seems to be more vigorous than ordinary people."

Soon, Gu Fei realized the strangeness of the young man facing the tiger with his bare hands below. This star is extremely large and strong in spirit. The human race living in this primitive mountain forest seems to be much stronger than the human race on earth.

After Gu Fei changed his mind, he understood the difference.

In this world, the wild land, to survive, you must fight with the surrounding beasts and hunt for enough food to make a living.

People living in danger are definitely much stronger than those living in a peaceful and prosperous age.

It’s not wrong to be born in sorrow and die in happiness. Human race will only grow stronger if there is a sense of crisis. Otherwise, it will be eliminated.

The muscles of the boy's whole body were tense, and bean-sized beads of sweat dripped from his forehead, rolled on his back, dripped on the soil on the ground, seeped into the soil,


The tiger roared, and its four paws slammed on the ground, splashing a cloud of smoke, and then turning into a yellow shadow, and rushed towards the boy.

This pounce was extremely ferocious. It was the most powerful blow of this tiger. Before it even pounced, a fishy wind blew over.


The young man also roared, his feet pressed on the ground, and the soil on the ground was collapsed by him for several inches. He rushed out and came under the tiger in an instant.


I saw that his right leg was like an arrow, kicking out from bottom to top, like a divine arrow piercing the sky, to the extreme.


The young man’s right toe kicked directly into the tiger’s heart. The strength of this foot was concentrated on the young man’s toe. The tiger’s sternum was kicked off and then plunged into the heart.

The silhouettes of the boy and the tiger crossed in an instant,


The young man half-kneeled on the ground and let out a long sigh of breath, then he relaxed.


The body of the tiger slammed heavily on the ground, and then a stream of blood flowed out from under the tiger, motionless.


Seeing this scene, the dozens of hunters around all cheered, especially the old man, very excited. You know, that is his grandson.

At the age of sixteen, he can fight tigers cleanly and without serious injuries. This is already rare.

"Not bad."

Gu Fei nodded when he saw the boy kicked the tiger to death.

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